

单词 tipper
释义 tip·per 英'tɪpə美'tɪpɚ 高四八COCA³¹⁸²⁵BNC⁶⁴⁴⁹⁰iWeb³⁴²²⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a person who leaves a tip;

a generous tipper

truck whose contents can be emptied without handling; the front end of the platform can be pneumatically raised so that the load is discharged by gravity来自 tip,告密,给小费。tipper lorry英翻斗卡车…tipper car翻斗车basket tipper篮式倾卸器bottom dump tipper底卸载自卸船…revolving tipper回转翻车机wagon tipper翻车机,矿车翻笼…end tipper尾卸式自动倾卸车…tipper vehicle倾卸式运输车…tipper test翻斗车试验front tipper向前倾卸手推车…car tipper矿车翻笼mobile car tipper活动式翻车机…automatic tipper自动倾侧槽
tipp-er名人|物⇒n.给小费的人⁴³;自卸车¹⁶;翻斗车²⁵;倾卸装置¹⁶近义词 litterbug垃圾虫dumper垃圾倾倒车tip truck翻斗卡车dump truck自动倾卸卡车…tipper lorry英翻斗卡车…tipper truck翻斗卡车,自卸货车…

用作名词The waiters liked him for being a bigtipper.他给小费出手慷慨,侍者都喜欢他。as in.extra
同义词 added,additional,ancillary,auxiliary,extraneous,extraordinary,fresh,further,leftover,new,other,special,supplemental,supplementary,unnecessary,unusedbutton,fuss,gingerbread,gravy,ice,inessential,lagniappe,more,needless,perk,plus,reserve,spare,supernumerary,surplus,tipanother,beyond,in addition,in reserve,in store,one more,optional,over and above,redundant,superfluous,unneeded
反义词 common,commonplace,main,necessary,needed,normal,old,ordinary,used,usual,wornbasic,elementary,essential,fundamental,integral Al and Tipper Gore may have gained reputations as stiffs, but there was one holiday they always enjoyed: Halloween.
戈尔夫妇虽说是出了名的刻板,他们也有玩得很尽兴的节日:万圣节。 yeeyan

And Al, Tipper, Hillary, and I had gotten to know one another in a way that would have been impossible without those long hours on the bus.
在某种程度上,艾尔、蒂珀、希拉里和我彼此也加深了了解,如果没有这次坐巴士长途旅行的经历,这样的了解是不可能达到的。 yeeyan

By using of tipper double stars system, experiment studies on land static positioning and marine dynamic position are conducted.
对北斗双星基本型用户机在某地区进行了海上动态、陆上静态定位试验及其短信发报功能测试。 dictall

The wagon tipper was a heavy machine dropping raw material, it was often triggered.
翻车机是启动频繁的大型卸车设备。 dictall

The draft- dust system in tipper room is described based on the conclusion of model experiment. The purpose of air environment pollution reduction is achieved.
在模化实验的基础上,叙述了通风除尘在翻车机室粉尘治理上的应用,达到减少空气污染的目的。 chemyq

The throw is initiated by the tipper arm.
投掷动作由手臂端发起。 kuenglish

The working flow of rotor type tipper in LAIGANG sintering plant and its control principle and method were presented detailedly in this paper.
详细介绍了莱钢原料场转子式翻车机的作业流程及其控制系统的设计原理、控制方法和实际应用情况。 chemyq

The tipper identified as Ms. Khan began cooperating with the government in November2007, according to the government.
据政府说,线人肯恩2007年11月开始与政府合作。 iciba

Then we all spent the next day—both Tipper’s and my birthday— building a house with members of Habitat for Humanity.
第二天也是我和蒂珀的生日,我们与“人类家园”组织的成员一起建起了一座住房。 yeeyan

Tipper and I feel a deep gratitude to Joe and Hadassah Lieberman who brought passion and high purpose to our partnership and opened new doors, not just for our campaign but for our country.
尤其要感谢我的夫人和利伯曼,感谢他们为我们的竞选不断注入活力和希望,不仅仅为了竞选,更是为了我们整个国家。 sznews

After our talk, I liked him and was convinced that he, and Tipper, would be a big addition to our campaign.
谈话之后,我对艾尔有了好感,确信他和蒂珀将给我们的竞选活动增加大量筹码。 yeeyan

All items, components, or parts replaced under this warranty shall become the property of Tipper Tie, Inc.
在此担保下,所有已被更换的产品,部件或零件都归。 kuenglish

Couples can be together for40 years, like Al and Tipper, and still decide to call it quits.
有些夫妇可以共同生活40年,就像戈尔夫妇那样,但最后还是决定离婚。 yeeyan

Hillary and Tipper also made brief appearances.
希拉里和蒂珀也短暂地露了一下脸。 yeeyan

I thanked Tipper for her mental- health advocacy and applauded Al’s selection of Joe Lieberman, and spoke of our thirty- year friendship and Joe’s work for civil rights in the South in the sixties.
我感谢蒂珀关于精神健康的倡议,并赞扬戈尔选择乔·利伯曼是明智之举。我还谈起了和乔的30年友情,以及60年代乔在南方为民权运动所做的工作。 yeeyan

If you have been in business and your business has turned you into a small tipper, we all know why.
如果你和你的生意已经使你变成一个小生意翻车,我们都知道为什么。 amazing-network-marketing

Nearly everyone hoped to carry Ray Brady’s clubs because he was the big tipper on the course, where tips were generally scarce.
几乎每个人都想做雷·布雷迪的球童。因为他是给小费最多的人,他的小费几乎都是很大面额的。 yeeyan

So for me this campaign ends as it began:with the love of Tipper and our family;
因此,对我而言,大选的结束和开始时一样:照样拥有蒂佩尔和家人的爱; iciba

So let us not feel shocked or sad about the end of Al and Tipper Gore’s marriage.
那么,我们也无需为戈尔夫妇婚姻的终结感到震惊或遗憾。 yeeyan

The article is concerned with the structural characteristics, and the test technique for the performance of an automatic self-locking, two fulcrum revolving tipper with rocker arm.
本文研究了二支座摇臂自动压车的旋转翻车机结构特点、设计计算和测试技术等。 cnki

The next day Hillary, Chelsea, and I flew to Monroe, Michigan, for a passing the torch rally with Al and Tipper Gore.
次日,我、希拉里、切尔西飞抵密歇根州的门罗,同戈尔夫妇一道参加一个火炬传递活动。 yeeyan

The next morning, July17, Al, Tipper, Hillary, and I drove over to New Jersey to begin the first of several bus tours across America.
第二天,7月17日的早晨,艾尔、蒂珀、希拉里和我坐车去新泽西州,开始了我们几次跨越全国的巴士巡回宣传中的第一次。 yeeyan

The dust raising characteristics during tipper working were theoretically analyzed, a dust particle moving model is established, and the dust size consist was calculated.
对翻车机卸煤时的扬尘特性进行了理论分析,建立了尘粒运动模型,计算了扬尘的粒径分布。 dictall

This paper presents the guidelines to the design of double car tipper, analyzes the structure of its main components and provides their parameters respectively.
提出了双车翻车机设计原则,对主要部件结构进行分析并给出其主要参数。 airiti.com

What kind of tipper are you?
你是什么样的支付小费者呢? edu.sina.com.cn




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