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词汇 Tingzhou
释义 Tingzhou
Because of the difference of their sources, the Hakka dialects in the Northeast of Jiangxi Province is divided into two: one isTingzhouaccent, and another is Guangdong accent.由于来源的不同,赣东北客语分为两支:一为汀州腔,一为广东腔。
Longyan city, developing from the ancientTingzhouand Longyan, has an all-round relationship with Taiwan in blood, geography, culture, commerce and law.摘要古汀州府和龙岩州衍化发展的龙岩市,与台湾有全方位的血缘、地缘、文缘、商缘、法缘关系。
Tingzhouout of the rice wine, but wine is not known for its skill, not wine-aroma, not in the mass of alcohol, but the Hakkas to liquor A good friendThe Friends.汀州的米酒出了名,但出名的不在酿酒的技艺,不在酒的色香味,也不在喝酒的海量,而是客家人以酒交友的好客之谊。
In the middle of Ming Dynasty, a new city as the Changting county official place, set up outside the wall of theTingzhouCity firstly, which united with the Jun City as one, with the wall break down.明中期,先于汀州府城郭南坦外另筑新城,作为长汀县城,复拆除二城间城坦,将府、县城合而为一。
Author Liang Xingbin;Chen Qifu;Zhong Yongmao;Yuan Yuehua Dept of Orthopaedics;TingzhouHospital;Changting;Fujian 366300;作者梁兴斌;陈启富;钟永茂;袁跃华;
23.Fujian Province: Ancient located in Fuzhou, statehood, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou andTingzhoufive states, taking the first two states is the first word of Fujian.23.福建省:古代设福州、建州、泉州、漳州、汀州五个州,取前两个州的头一个字就是福建。




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