

单词 tingly
释义 tin·gly 英'tɪŋɡl美'tɪŋɡl ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵⁶⁶²⁵BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
vi. 有刺痛感

have a prickly feeling

an almost pleasurable sensation of fright;

a frisson of surprise shot through him

a somatic sensation as from many tiny prickles
cause a stinging or tingling sensationspine-tingling令人又惊又喜的…make the ears tingle刺耳
近义词 itch痒prick刺burn燃烧glow光辉sting刺痛thrill激动quiver颤抖shiver颤动shudder战栗tickle使发痒sensation感觉chill使变冷prickling刺痛irritation刺激tingling发出叮当声pins and needles发麻prickle动物或植物上的刺…frisson因激动或恐惧等产生的…
S+~+AMy cheeks tingled with the cold.我的脸颊冻得有点刺痛。
用作名词The cold caused a tingle in my ears.严寒使我的耳朵有刺痛之感。
She feels a tingle of excitement.她激动不已。用作动词I tingle where I sat in the nettles.我坐过在荨麻上的那个部位觉得刺痛。
XiaoLi's promise to marry him made his spine tingle.小李答应与他结婚使他大为激动。as in.atingle
同义词 excited,stimulated,tingling
atingleadjective thrilled
excited,stimulated,tingling A tingly feeling came to me as my hair was being dyed.
当我的头发被染色的时候,我感到了一阵刺痛。 yeeyan

But I think if it's that little tingly feeling that makes you want to see the person all the time, and that's love.
不过我想,如果有种痒痒的感觉让你觉得老是想到那个人,那就是爱吧。 cri

Even if the girl only half-hear tingly responded to the first routine, just launch into the next one.
即使这个女孩对你的第一个惯例有点心不在焉,还是进入下一个惯例。 ipaoxue

Feel the tingly vibration of your hum as it flows from your stomach to your head. Feel it clear away tight and tense energy.
你可以感觉到那震动从你的胃流向头部,感觉到它把你的紧张和压力清除出去。 yeeyan

I don't find it to be too tingly though I do love tingly balms. The best part about this balm is that it is SPF18, which is great for the daytime, whether you use it alone or under lipstick.
我一点都不觉得它很清凉虽然我很喜欢清凉的润唇膏,这个唇膏最好的地方就是有 spf18的防晒,白天用很合适,你可以单独用或者用在唇膏底下。 liuxinghui

I was already tingly down there form the excitement of finding such a naughty secret box.
我在那里是已经铃的响声下形成发现的刺激一个如此顽皮的秘密盒子。 xici

It gives you this cool tingly feeling when you put it on. Almost all of the ingredients are natural, which is a plus.
它擦在嘴上凉凉的,并且几乎所有的成分都是天然的。 iyaya

It's the emotion that gives your warm, tingly feeling and makes you want to be a better person.
这让你感觉温暖甚至飘飘然,让你想要做一个更好的人。 blog.sina.com.cn

You hop out of the moon well, fresh and tingly, strapping on your Hit gear as you mount up.
你从月亮井里跳出来,清新爽洁,在上马的同事你困好了装备。 d9city




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