

单词 tinges
释义 tinge·s 英tɪndʒ美tɪndʒ COCA¹¹³⁵⁰⁸BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰

a slight amount of color


a hint of sth

vt. 给…染色

add a little color;tint

a slight but appreciable amount;

this dish could use a touch of garlic

a pale or subdued color
affect as in thought or feeling;

My personal feelings color my judgment in this case

The sadness tinged his life

color lightly;

her greying hair was tinged blond

the leaves were tinged red in November

近义词 dye染料hue色调mix混合bit少量jot少量pinch捏tone语气hint暗示dash猛冲drop落下mite小虫color颜色tint 色彩stain污点shade阴影touch触摸trace痕迹speck斑点tinct颜色colour颜色combine联合element要素soupcon轻微distort歪曲discolor变色mingle使混合suspicion猜疑undertone低音suggestion建议nuance细微差别
用作名词n.The material has a tinge of pink.这块料子带点粉色。
There was a tinge of sadness in her voice.她声音中流露出一丝忧伤。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.The sunset tinged the lake with pink.落日把湖水染上淡淡的粉红色。
用作名词There is atingeof red in her cheeks.她双颊红润。
There was a faint pinktingeto the sky.天空略带一点淡淡的粉红色。
There was atingeof sadness in her voice.她的声音中有几分伤感。
I feel touching my face atingeof warmth from an unseen light.我感觉迎面拂来一丝不知发自什么光体的暖意。用作动词Her hair istingedwith Grey.她的头发有些花白。
A drop of ink willtingea glass of water.一滴墨水就能使一杯清水染上一点儿颜色。 A medium straw colour with green tinges.
中度的麦草色泽并带着绿色的光晕。 supremeluxury.cn

And in excerpts released early, one sees tinges of regret nestled between more forceful expressions of American pride.
早期的部分摘录中,我们可以看出后悔的气息在以美国人所赞赏的有力的表达中散发。 blog.sina.com.cn

The colour is light straw with slightly green tinges.
颜色是明亮的稻草色且带有些许绿色。 cnjiuku

The elegance of the maturity and the light tinges of its varieties dominate on the nose.

This wine is clear gold in colour with green tinges.
清澈的金黄色中透出点绿。 drinke-ws

A deep ruby red color with tinges of violet.

Deep ruby with brick red tinges. Slightly gamey nose with fresh ripe berry fruits and spice with well integrated.
呈深红宝石色,泛着砖红色色调,散发出稍浓郁的新鲜成熟浆果果香,与香料芳香完美结合。 kekenet

Deep ruby red color, with purple tinges on the rim.
深宝石红色泽,边缘带紫色调。 www.pkwine.com.cn

Displaying lifted citrus and tropical notes to the nose, the2005 Woodbridge Chardonnay is bright lemon with green tinges in appearance.

Light straw color with youthful green tinges.
明亮的稻黄色酒体掩映出青绿色光泽。 http://www.ttwines.com

Look over Wuhan Tourism, let your senses of smelling and seeing, along with your mood, savor the tinges of spring to have a complete enjoyment and joy.
翻阅本期的《武汉旅游》,让嗅觉、视觉跟随你的心情,和我们一起品赏武汉春天的气息,彻底享乐,彻底欢愉。 www.gotowuhan.com.cn

Ruby red with purple tinges.
红宝石色并伴随着紫色光晕。 pgou.citying.com.cn

Ruby-red color with pale garnet tinges.
红宝石色泽带有陈年的深色边晕。 gourmeta4.com

Some of the sunlight penetrates the water and is scattered by ripples and particles in the water this tinges the appearance of the ocean with the color of the particles.
阳光穿透了一些水,由水波纹和颗粒分散在这色调了与海洋的粒子颜色外观。 damaforum

The dark red tinges on a leaf of red leaf lettuce are the plant kingdom's equivalent of suntan lotion.
红色叶莴苣上的一点点的深红色相当于植物王国中的防晒乳。 dxy

You are a green leaf filled with the tinges of spring;
你是一片绿叶,盈满着春天的气息; blog.sina.com.cn

Tinges of green on pale straw.
麦秆般的淡绿色。 umega88




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