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tinge 英tɪndʒ美tɪndʒAHDtĭnj ★☆☆☆☆高四GI宝八COCA²³¹⁶³BNC²⁰⁶⁷⁸iWeb²¹¹³³Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺⁵ 基本双解英英词源记法近义反义句型例句Thesaurus例句 n.淡色⁴⁶;些微气味常与with连用;一丝痕迹¹⁸v.微染³⁶复数tinges过去分词tinged现在分词tingeing/tinging三单tinges 上色与褪色味道颜色
n.名词 S细微的色彩a slight amount of color S一丝痕迹a hint of sth v.动词 vt. 给…染色add a little color;tint Noun: a slight but appreciable amount;this dish could use a touch of garlic a pale or subdued color Verb: affect as in thought or feeling;My personal feelings color my judgment in this case The sadness tinged his life color lightly;her greying hair was tinged blond the leaves were tinged red in November 来自拉丁语 tingere,染色,着色,词源同 taint,tincture.GRE红宝书源于: tintn 色泽; v 给...淡淡地着色 contingent touch;音:舔指,手做蛋糕,指头上染有奶油渍与气息,舔一舔来自 tintn.色泽近义词 dye染料hue色调mix混合bit少量jot少量pinch捏tone语气hint暗示dash猛冲drop落下mite小虫color颜色tint 色彩stain污点shade阴影touch触摸trace痕迹speck斑点tinct颜色colour颜色combine联合element要素soupcon轻微distort歪曲discolor变色mingle使混合suspicion猜疑undertone低音suggestion建议nuance细微差别 用作名词n.The material has a tinge of pink.这块料子带点粉色。 There was a tinge of sadness in her voice.她声音中流露出一丝忧伤。用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+ ~+n./pron.The sunset tinged the lake with pink.落日把湖水染上淡淡的粉红色。 名词90%,动词10% 用作名词There is atingeof red in her cheeks.她双颊红润。 There was a faint pinktingeto the sky.天空略带一点淡淡的粉红色。 There was atingeof sadness in her voice.她的声音中有几分伤感。 I feel touching my face atingeof warmth from an unseen light.我感觉迎面拂来一丝不知发自什么光体的暖意。用作动词Her hair istingedwith Grey.她的头发有些花白。 A drop of ink willtingea glass of water.一滴墨水就能使一杯清水染上一点儿颜色。noun.color 同义词 coloration,hue,tint,tonecast,coloring,dye,dyestuff,nib,pigment,shade,stain,tincture,washcolorant 反义词 information,whitenoun.hint 同义词 bit,dash,drop,intimation,nib,pinch,shade,smack,smattering,sprinkling,strain,streak,suggestion,tincture,touch,tracesoupçon 反义词 lotinformation,whiteverb.color 同义词 imbue,suffusecomplexion,dye,impregnate,infiltrate,saturate,shade,stain,streak,tincture,tint 反义词 whitenpale castnoun appearance;shade of color air,complexion,countenance,demeanor,embodiment,expression,face,hue,look,manner,mien,semblance,stamp,style,tint,tone,turn,visage characteristicnoun typical feature, trait affection,aspect,attribute,badge,bag,bearing,bent,caliber,cast,complexion,component,differentia,disposition,distinction,earmark,endowment,essence,essential,faculty,flavor,frame,idiosyncrasy,inclination,individuality,lineament,mannerism,mark,mood,nature,originality,particularity,peculiarity,personality,point,property,quality,singularity,specialty,streak,stripe,style,symptom,temperament,tendency,thing,thumbprint,tinge,tone,trademark,turn,virtue characteristicsnoun typical feature, trait affections,aspects,attributes,badges,bags,bearings,bents,calibers,casts,complexions,components,differentiums,dispositions,distinctions,earmarks,endowments,essences,essentials,faculties,flavors,frames,idiosyncrasies,inclinations,individualities,lineaments,mannerisms,marks,moods,natures,originality,particularities,peculiarities,personalities,points,properties,qualities,singularities,specialties,streaks,stripes,styles,symptoms,temperaments,tendencies,things,thumbprints,tinges,tones,trademarks,turns,virtues coatnoun covering bark,coating,crust,finish,glaze,gloss,lacquer,lamination,layer,overlay,painting,plaster,priming,roughcast,set,tinge,varnish,wash,whitewashing colornoun pigment, shade blush,cast,chroma,chromaticity,chromatism,chromism,colorant,coloration,coloring,complexion,dye,glow,hue,intensity,iridescence,luminosity,paint,pigmentation,polychromasia,saturation,stain,tinct,tincture,tinge,tint,undertone,value,wash colorverb make pigmented;shade adorn,blacken,bloom,blush,burn,chalk,crayon,crimson,darken,daub,dye,embellish,emblazon,enamel,enliven,flush,fresco,gild,glaze,gloss,illuminate,imbue,infuse,lacquer,paint,pigment,pinken,redden,rouge,stain,stipple,suffuse,tinge,tint,tone,variegate,wash And the sand was burning hot under his feet and the air, although breathable, had a tinge of formaldehyde that hurt his lungs. 他脚下的沙子被晒得滚烫,空气尽管还可供呼吸,却有一股甲醛的味道,在侵害亨德瑞克斯的肺部。 yeeyan Shocked's song has a romantic tinge to it, but actually there is no mystique to this modest town. 夏克的歌给安克雷奇抹上一层浪漫的色调,但事实上这个简朴的城市毫无神秘可言。 yeeyan The Enfield occupation acquired a revolutionary tinge: “ Don't Need Politicians, Don't Need Bosses, Workers Take Control, ” read one placard prominent in the TV and web coverage. 恩菲尔德占领事件染上了一抹革命的色彩——“不需要政客,不需要老板,工人当家作主,” 占据着电视和网络新闻最显眼的地方。 yeeyan The sandy shores have a unique rose tinge to them as they are partly made up of pulverised corals and mollusc shells. 因为沙滩部分由珊瑚碎屑以及软体动物贝壳组成,所以百慕大的沙滩拥有着独一无二的玫瑰色。 iciba The standard treatment is to use bright light with a blue tinge to reset the body clock. 标准的治疗方法是使用明亮的蓝色光线重置患者的生物钟。 yeeyan What I felt was total disorientation along with, I have to admit, no small tinge of excitement. 我承认我感到完全没了方向,没有一丁点旅行带来的兴奋感觉。 yeeyan A productive employee is one whose personality has been bleached out to a yellow tinge. 一个有成效的员工应该是很一个性格上磨的很圆滑的人。 yeeyan Business is pitching in with seminars and sustainability reports. Even job ads bear a green tinge. 商业公司正在召开研讨会,制作可持续性报告;就连工作广告也富含绿色气息。 ecocn But now that one in ten Americans is without work, economic policy has taken on a protectionist tinge. 但如今十个美国人就有一个没有工作,经济政策已经初现贸易保护主义端倪。 yeeyan But we perhaps exaggerate the grey or sable tinge, which undoubtedly characterised the mood and manners of the age. 不过,我们也许过于夸张了这种灰黑的色调,尽管那确实是当年的心情和举止的特色。 hjenglish His unusual personal piety, his guru-like attraction to the young men of the city, suddenly seemed to have a sinister tinge. 这时他受到的不寻常的个人崇拜,对于年轻人神似的吸引力,突然都成了不祥的征兆。 yeeyan It still has a green tinge. One in five new cars added to club fleets is electric; such cars are good for short-range, urban use. 并赋有环保色彩,每五部俱乐部车队新进赛车就有一部电动力汽车,这些清洁能源车非常实用短途和农村使用。 ecocn Most of the landscape within the blast zone has at least a tinge of red, meaning vegetation has recolonized the ground. 原喷发区内绝大多数的地表已经多少有一点红色的影子,表明植物已经开始重新回来了。 yeeyan Products as diverse as the shoes we wear, the soap we wash with and the decaf we drink are starting to be manufactured in processes with a green tinge. 诸多不同的产品像我们穿的鞋、我们清洗用的肥皂、还有我们喝的咖啡因饮料,都已经开始采用绿色环保的工艺过程加工制造。 yeeyan Since you left we moved further east where the earth here has a reddish tinge and so does the food. 你走之后,我们搬到了更远的东部。这里的泥土带点红色,食物也一样的。 yeeyan Ski lifts idled above aspens, their leaves just beginning to show a tinge of yellow. 滑雪索道悬吊在白杨树上空,白杨树的叶子刚刚开始染上一丝黄色。 yeeyan Sometimes the color, known as cyanosis, is most apparent in the nail beds; some people develop an overall grayish- blue tinge to the skin. 有时这种称作黄萎病的颜色在甲床上表现的最明显;一些人会逐渐发展成全部皮肤灰—黄色调。 yeeyan Soon we had left behind the hills above Picton, and were running down to Blenheim, through a flatter landscape of orchards and then past rows of vines smudged by an early tinge of autumn. 开车后不久,我们就把皮克图的群山抛在后面,在布兰尼姆到处是果园的平原上行驶,成排的葡萄园已经染上了秋色。 yeeyan The purple tinge is due to the combination of filters. The surround is black because I was letting so little light into the lens. 紫边是因为组合使用滤光镜的缘故,黑色背景是因为我把进光量调的非常小。 yeeyan This beauty gave a tinge of nobility and glamour to even the most pedestrian kind of homesickness. 哪怕是最平庸的思乡病也会为了这种美丽平添一种高贵和魅力。 yeeyan This week, however, as they feasted to the deafening rattle of the firecrackers lit to greet the Year of the Ox, their celebrations had an anxious tingesee article. 然而,这一周,庆祝牛年到来的盛宴和震耳欲聋的鞭炮声都没能驱散他们心中焦虑的隐痛。 yeeyan We instinctively feel a tinge of pain when we observe another in pain at least most of us do. 当看到他人痛苦,我们本能地就会感到一丝疼痛至少大部分人如此。 yeeyan Well before a volcano wreaked havoc with Europe’s air transport, travellers across the continent were coping with the effects of labour disputes that had an old-fashioned tinge. 早在火山喷发对欧洲航空业造成破坏之前,整个欧洲大陆的游客就在忍受着有着老式色彩的劳动纠纷带来的恶劣后果。 ecocn When all these visible wavelengths are strongly reflected, the surface looks white; when the reddest light is absorbed, the reflection takes on a cyan tinge. 当所有颜色可见光波达到反射强度时,物体表面就呈现白色;当最红的光线被吸收时,反射的影像就带有青色的色调。 yeeyan |