

单词 belatedly
释义 be·lat·ed·ly 英bɪ'leɪtɪd美bɪ'leɪtɪd 高COCA²⁶⁵⁵²BNC¹⁸⁰⁸⁷iWeb³⁰⁶⁵⁴Economist⁷²⁷³
after the expected or usual time; delayed;

a belated birthday card

I'm late for the plane

the train is late

tardy children are sent to the principal

always tardy in making dental appointments

belated claim经 迟索的赔款…
近义词 late迟的tardy迟到的overdue过期的delayed延时的deferred延期的

用作形容词It's late, but Belated Happy Birthday Han Ji Hye!现在已经晚了,但迟来的生日快乐韩期金惠!
The award is being made in belated recognition of her services to the industry.这一奖项是对她为本行业所作贡献的迟来的表彰。adv.late
同义词 slowlytardilybehind,behind time,behindhand,dilatorily
behindhandadverb, adjective late;neglectful;belatedly, in arrears
behind,belated,derelict,dilatorily,dilatory,in arrears,in the red,late,neglectful,negligent,overdue,remiss,tardily,tardy
finallyadverb in the end;after period of time
after a while,after all,already,as a sequel,at last,at length,at long last,at the eleventh hour,at the end,at the last moment,belatedly,despite delay,eventually,in conclusion,in spite of all,in the eleventh hour,in the long run,lastly,someday,sometime,sooner or later,subsequently,tardily,ultimately
last minutephrase latest possible moment
belatedly,eleventh hour,high time
lateadverb at the last minute
backward,behind,behind time,behindhand,belatedly,dilatorily,slowly,tardily,unpunctual
tardilyadverb late
backward,behind,behind time,behindhand,belatedly,dilatorily,slowly,unpunctual And the Turks have responded well, if sometimes belatedly. They were early to call for change in Egypt.
虽然土耳其人民有时候反应得有些慢,但他们在呼吁埃及进行改革方面还是有先见之明的。 ecocn

And we’ll benefit as smart and talented women belatedly have the opportunity to deploy their skills on behalf of all of humanity— including those of us with Y chromosomes.
当聪慧的女性终于有机会施展自己的才能的时候,我们男性也将从中受益,而这将为全人类造福,包括我们这些带有 Y染色体的男性。 yeeyan

In the old days it was more often the opposite: the academy would belatedly gild the lily of commercial success with a shiny finish of ersatz class.
过去的情况却截然相反:虽然晚些,但学院派通常是商业成功之后的锦上添花,像百合花上镀了一层闪闪发光的假釉。 yeeyan

In1968, a bipartisan congressional vote also supported a surtax when President Lyndon Johnson belatedly asked for taxes to pay for the war in Vietnam.
1968年,林登·约翰逊总统姗姗来迟,请求征税以支付越南战争的开销,国会两党表决支持了一项附加税。 yeeyan

The African Union belatedly agreed to recognise the National Transitional Council as the country's ruling authority.
非洲联盟承认利比亚国家过渡委员会为国家的统治权威,尽管有些姗姗来迟。 ecocn

Above all, though, France has belatedly realised that, while it has gradually retreated, the Chinese, Indians and others have trampled straight into its backyard.
尤为重要的是——尽管法国迟迟才认识到——就在它渐渐退却的同时,中国、印度和其他国家却已长驱直入了其后花园。 ecocn

As Britain belatedly leaves recession behind, so the Treasury and the Bank of England will want to execute their own“ exit strategies”.
由于英国的经济衰退迟迟不走,财政部和英格兰银行将执行他们自己的“退出策略”。 yeeyan

At the end of“ Wild Strawberries” the hero, an aged professor, is belatedly reconciled with his family and his past.
在《野草莓》结尾,英雄,一位年老的教授,最终能够同他的家庭和过去和谐相处。 topsage

But the reform Labour said would accompany this investment materialised patchily and belatedly.
但是改革工党说,伴随着这次投资更片面和来的太迟。 ecocn

But, as the economics professor Gary Libecap has shown in a historical analysis, such agreements are often reached only belatedly, if ever.
然而,就像经济学教授盖里利比凯在历史分析里指出的那样,这种协议的达成如果有也往往是迟来的结局。 yeeyan

Friends of the Burmese regime— China itself, India, Bangladesh and Thailand—were belatedly allowed to send a limited number of aid workers.
中国、印度、孟加拉和泰国——这些国家作为缅甸政权的友国,很晚才被允许派遣数量有限的救援人员。 ecocn

Germany belatedly accepted the need for the rescue fund to be larger and more flexible.
德国迟迟地最终还是接受给予更多更灵活的救助基金的需求。 ecocn

He himself advocated the policies the Fed followed, and in fact, was critical of the Fed raising rates even when it belatedly did so in2004.
他本人是提倡美联储遵循的政策的,事实上,他批评美联储提升利率即便是其真的在2004年做了滞后的调整。 yeeyan

He belatedly passed a decree this year beefing up an anti-corruption body, but American diplomats complain of a distinct lack of commitment to the cause.
他迟迟得通过了一项加强反腐机构的法令,但美国外交官抱怨称改法令明显缺乏对反腐问题的承诺。 ecocn

Last week, they belatedly recognized the legitimacy of the rebels’ National Transitional Council.
上周他们才迟到地承认了反对派的国家过渡委员会的合法性。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, the Pentagon belatedly turns attention to planning for the aftermath of war.
与此同时,五角大楼很晚才将注意力转移到对这场战争后果的准备中。 yeeyan

Perhaps a fresh start will mean that Mr Sarkozy belatedly delivers the rupture that he once promised.
也许一个新的开始意味着萨科齐终于开始他曾经承诺的“决裂”。 ecocn

Portugal’s government has belatedly acted to cut a deficit of similar size.
葡萄牙政府采取削减财政赤字到相同的规模措施太迟。 ecocn

Romania’s government has not condemned the French treatment of its citizens though parliament, belatedly, did so on September22nd.
罗马尼亚政府没有公开谴责法国对罗马尼亚公民的驱逐虽然议会后来在9月22日表示谴责。 ecocn

Then, belatedly, an umbrella of governance would be added.
然后,才慢腾腾的添加治理这把保护伞。 ibm

They also need to learn from the well-documented mistakes of others France Telecom has belatedly hired Technologia, a consultancy which helped Renault with its suicide problem.
也要学习存档完好的他人的错误法国电信已经迟雇了 Technologia咨询公司,这家公司曾帮助雷诺解决自杀问题。 ecocn

We cannot say writing came into being belatedly with respect to speech in order to reproduce, imitate, or transcribe speech.

Belatedly, most Arab governments and commentators have come to accept the inevitability of South Sudan’s separation.
到后来,很多阿拉伯政府和评论员都渐渐接受了南苏丹必然分裂的事实。 ecocn

Belatedly the financial regulators in Britain, who like to think of London as Europe's most innovative financial capital, have taken notice.
那些一向自诩为欧洲最具创新意识的伦敦金融城监管人士终于也注意到了这一现象。 ecocn




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