

单词 Belarusian
释义 Be·la·rus·ian 英ˌbeləˈruːsiːən, -ˈrʌʃən, ˌbjel-美ˌbɛləˈrusiən, -ˈrʌʃən, ˌbjɛl-AHDbĕl'ə-r›“sē-ən, -rŭshʹən, byĕl'- iWeb³⁶²⁸⁸Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

the Slavic language spoken in Belarus
of or pertaining to Belarus or to the people or culture of Belarus近义词 Byelorussian白俄罗斯人White Russian白俄罗斯人

用作形容词The Russians also threatened duties on allBelarusiangoods, many of which would struggle to find markets elsewhere.俄罗斯人还威胁要对所有白俄罗斯的商品征收关税,这很可能会断了许多白俄罗斯商品的销路。 A sharp devaluation of the Belarusian rouble in May and a large current- account deficit have left the economy tottering.
五月份白俄罗斯卢布的猛烈贬值以及大额的经常项目赤字,使得该国经济摇摇欲坠。 ecocn

MINSK, Belarus— The Belarusian health ministry says the death toll from a subway bombing in Minsk two weeks ago has risen to14.
白俄罗斯卫生部称,两星期前明斯克地铁爆炸案中,死亡人数已上升至14人。 newmediachina

The blow to the Belarusian opposition is devastating.
白俄罗斯的敌对方正在瓦解。 ecocn

The blushes are spreading about the betrayal of the Belarusian human- rights activists, chiefly Ales Bialatski, whose foreign bank- account details were leaked to the authorities in Minsk.
白俄罗斯人权激进分子主要成员 Ales Bialatski,其外国账户信息被泄漏到明斯克当局,这个丑闻正在蔓延。 ecocn

The first Olympic medal for the Soviet Union was won by Belarusian Mikhail Krivonosov at the1956 Summer Games held in Melbourne, Australia.
苏联队的第一块奖牌是由白俄罗斯运动员 Mikhail Krivonosov在1956年澳大利亚墨尔本举行的夏季奥运会上获得的。 ebigear

The Belarusian ruble currency code BYR is the official currency of Belarus. The short sign used for the Belarusian ruble is Br.
白俄罗斯卢布货币代码 BYR是白俄罗斯的通用货币, Br是白俄罗斯卢布的缩写。 ebigear

What purposes do you have in mind during your travel to fulfill agreements made with Belarusian organisations, enterprises?
在白俄罗斯期间,在于白俄罗斯企业和单位签订的合同范围内有和工作计划? visa189

According to Spanish media sources, AC Milan are planning to sign Belarusian attacking midfielder Aleksander Hleb on loan from Barcelona.
据西班牙媒体消息指, AC米兰正计划从巴塞罗那以租借的形式签下白俄罗斯攻击中场球运亚历山大赫莱布。 scacm.com

And though fear and an inured tolerance of hardship tend to stifle protests, there are reports of strikes at some Belarusian plants.
尽管恐惧和吃苦耐劳的习惯往往会扼杀抗议之心,但在白俄罗斯的工厂还是出现了一些罢工事件。 ecocn

Every Wednesday a few hundred people come out on the streets of Belarusian cities and wordlessly clap their hands.
每个星期三都有数百人走上白俄罗斯城市的街头,一声不吭地拍着他们的手。 ecocn

From what outsiders can gather, the performance of Russian forces was patchy. A joint Belarusian- Russian headquarters worked poorly.
据外界推断,俄罗斯军队的表现并不完美,白俄罗斯-俄罗斯联合指挥部运作得很好。 ecocn

Given his own dictatorial tendencies, the Belarusian leader, Alyaksandr Lukashenka, may require similar favours in years to come.
考虑到他自己的独裁倾向,白俄罗斯领导人亚历山大•卢卡申科( Alyaksandr Lukashenka或者在接下的几年里要求类似的待遇。) ecocn

Hleb was officially unveiled as a Barcelona player but Gunners boss Wenger has taken time out to thank the Belarusian for the contribution he has made during his time at the North London club.
尽管赫莱布正式的加入巴塞罗纳已经不再属于阿森纳,阿森纳的主教练温格仍然专门腾出时间来感谢赫莱布在阿森纳效力期间所作出的贡献。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn

Knowledge is something Belarusian’s treasure.
知识是白俄罗斯的财富。 kekenet

Last year the Belarusian president refused to recognise the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, the two breakaway Georgian territories over which Russia had warred with Georgia.
去年,白俄罗斯总统拒绝承认南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹独立,他俩想从格鲁吉亚分离出来,为此俄罗斯与格鲁吉亚进行了战争。 yeeyan

Mr Lukashenka would not sell Belarusian refineries to Russian firms.
卢卡申科先生不会将白俄罗斯炼油厂卖给俄罗斯企业; ecocn

People are queuing for weeks to change Belarusian roubles.
人们要排队数周来兑换白俄罗斯的卢布。 ecocn

The Czech midfielder and the Ivorian defender have slight injuries, while the Belarusian and the Spaniard are rested.
捷克中场和科特迪瓦后卫受了轻伤,而白俄罗斯人和西班牙人则是轮休。 bbs1.arsenal.com.cn

Traditional Belarusian dress originated from the time of Kievian Rus continues to be worn today at special functions.
传统白俄罗斯服装起源于基辅罗斯,今天在特殊场合仍然有人穿着。 ebigear

Belarusian officials say the loosening of the reins reflect economics, not a sudden realisation that democracy is a good thing.
白俄罗斯的官员们表示放松管制是由于经济因素,并非突然之间认识到民主是一个好东西。 ecocn

Belarusian opposition activists have many flaws: too fond of conferences in the West, too inactive when it comes to campaigning at home.
白俄罗斯反对活动有许多缺陷:过于偏爱于在西方会议时活跃,而在国内竞选时却又显过于得沉默。 ecocn




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