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timestampsCOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺⁶ 基本例句 un.工时戳记;🌏时间戳数;时间戳消息;时间印花 It can also be of great use for debugging performance problems, thanks to the presence of microsecond precision in the trace timestamps. 由于跟踪时间戳具有毫秒级的精度,方法跟踪还可以用来调试性能问题。 ibm The logging should be switchable to multiple levels of detail and should enable correlation of tracing information across systems, such as via the logging of accurate timestamps or header identifiers. 日志记录应当可转换为多种详细程度,而且应当使跨系统的跟踪信息具有相关性,例如通过记录准确时间戳或者报头标识符。 ibm The start and stop observation points are marked to show when the timestamps are recorded. 开始和停止观察点已标记出来,以显示记录时间戳的时间。 ibm As a smaller matter, repeating timestamps in four files is space inefficient. 有一个小问题,那就是四个文件中重复的时间戳浪费了空间。 ibm Because the developer is capturing data for both of the network interfaces on the same server, the timestamps for each transaction will be accurate and easier to compare. 因为开发人员要捕获同一台服务器两个网络接口的数据,每次事务的时间戳是精确的,因此很容易进行比较。 ibm By default, Streamlined excludes special Rails fields such as foreign keys, primary keys, and timestamps, and includes the rest. 默认情况下, Streamlined排除了特殊的 Rails字段,例如外键、主键、时间戳,而包含了其余字段。 ibm Comparing timestamps is fine and dandy, but why not compare file sizes as well? 比较时间戳的方法的确很好,但是为什么不同时比较一下文件的大小? infoq Comparing timestamps with Ruby is really easy. 使用 Ruby比较时间戳想当容易。 infoq Correlation is computed using timestamps of two events. 关联使用两个事件的发生的时间来计算。 ibm For example, one cannot use identity columns or timestamps for the partitioning column, but the partitioning column has to be part of the primary key. 例如,我们无法针对分区的列使用标识列或者时间戳,而分区列需要是主键的组成部分。 infoq From these timestamps, you can also calculate the percent of time that the system spends in garbage collection, which you can use to compare various JVM settings. 根据这些时间戳,还可以计算出系统在垃圾收集方面花费的时间百分比,可以用这个指标比较各种 JVM设置。 ibm If your application performs poorly in general, activate logging to try to identify problem areas through log message timestamps. 如果应用程序的性能从整体上来看比较差,那么应激活日志记录功能来通过日志消息时间戳识别发生问题的位置。 ibm If it is necessary to determine a complete timeline of events server- wide, the logs can be merged based on the timestamps associated with each entry in each log. 如果有必要确定服务器范围内事件的完整时间线,则可以根据每个日志中与各项关联的时间戳将日志合并在一起。 ibm Imagine reading through trace information, not realizing that the timestamps on your client machine are all20 seconds earlier than the equivalent timestamps on the server! 设想这样的情况,您读取整个跟踪信息,却没有意识到客户端机器上的时间戳整整要比服务器上的对应时间戳早20秒! ibm It is also a great tool for finding issues that are clone- specific or when you want to measure performance times of components based on log timestamps. 当您查找特定于副本的问题,或者希望基于日志时间戳测量组件发生的性能问题次数时,它也是个理想的工具。 ibm Listing1 is an example of trace information coming from a single program being run using a simple output using timestamps and messages. 清单1是单个程序产生的跟踪信息的一个例子,该程序使用简单的输出来运行,输出中使用了时间戳和消息。 ibm Look at the timestamps of the defect files. 看缺陷文件的时间戳。 ibm Notes7 allows you to set preferences for alerts and preferences for saving chat transcripts, and to set timestamps during a chat conversation. Notes7允许设置提示和保存交谈记录的首选项,以及设置交谈过程中的时间戳。 ibm Switching quickly back and forth between Java code and nativesas indicated by timestamps can indicate the wrong boundary between Java code and natives, leading to poor performance. 在 Java代码与本机代码之前来回快速切换由时间戳指示有时表示 Java代码与本机代码之间的界限有误,从而造成性能较差。 ibm Technically, Magnus is interested in location latitude and longitude, the user account ID, timestamps, and the relationships between these particular data. 从技术上讲, Magnus关注位置经纬度、用户帐户 ID、时间戳和这些特定数据之间的关系。 ibm The improvements help data managers track connections and authorizations, statement text, application IDs, and the originating request's IP, along with timestamps for important events. 这些改进有助于数据管理员跟踪连接和授权、语句文本、应用程序 ID、发出请求的 IP 地址以及重要事件的时间戳。 ibm These include comparing timestamps, running a stored procedure, and ignoring conflicts. 这些规则包括比较时间戳、返回一个存储过程和忽略冲突。 ibm This provider now supports host variables, modules, the ARRAY data type, compound statements, and variable length timestamps. 目前这个提供程序支持主机变量、模块、 ARRAY数据类型、复合语句和可变长度时间戳。 ibm Tn represents timestamps. Tn代表时间戳。 ibm Versions and timestamps are useful for synchronization purposes. 版本和时间戳对于同步目的很有用。 ibm When timestamps are subtracted from one another, the result is a timestamp duration. 当一个时间戳与另外一个相减时,结果是两个时间戳的持续时间。 ibm With the timestamps and familiarity of the application, the developer can also determine the time spend transferring information“over the wire”. 根据这些时间戳,再加上对应用程序非常了解,开发人员可以确定信息“在线路上”进行传输所花费的时间。 ibm Timestamps can be set on or off. 时间戳可以设定开启或关闭。 bbs.wda.com.cn |