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time duration taimdjuəˈreiʃən 短语⁴⁸⁸⁴⁰ 基本例句 持续时间,时间延续 Column is used extensively in construction projects in coastal areas. The design and construction quality of column directly decides the safety, cost, and construction time duration of a building. 在沿海地区的建筑工程中,桩基的应用较多,其设计与施工质量直接关系到建筑物的安全使用、工程造价及工期。 cnki The effects of the saponification conditions such as the amount of added sodium hydroxide, time duration and temperature on the degree of saponification are studied in detail. 详细考察了皂化试剂氢氧化钾的用量,皂化时间和温度等皂化条件对皂化程度的影响; cnki The different cold stratification time duration has different effect on breaking dormancy and improving germination. 不同时间的低温层积对打破油松种子休眠,促进发芽的效果不同。 cnki The time duration in seconds. 以秒为单位的持续时间。 kuenglish The time duration is measured in seconds. 持续时间的测量单位是秒。 cocoachina Each view provides an area graph that charts the progress of completed work against the total estimated work for the specified time duration. 每个视图都提供一个区域图,该图按指定持续时间内估计的总工作量,绘制已完成的工作进度。 microsoft Gets or sets the time duration during which the page or control is cached. 获取或设置缓存页或缓存控件过程的持续时间。 kuenglish If needed, create another new database to store holiday information for an entire year or for a specified time duration. 如果需要,创建另一个新的数据库以存储整个一年或者特定时间段内的假期信息。 ibm In one example, calls are divided into segments that are given a very short time duration and reassembled at the receiving end. 在一个例子中,把呼叫分成一些段,然后给这些段很短的持续时间,并在接收端重新装配。 ibm Plastic deformation independent of the time duration of the applied load is known as slip. Creep is plastic deformation that continues to increase under a constant stress. 与加载持续时间无关的塑性变形,称为滑移。蠕变徐变是在恒定应力下继续增长的塑性变形。 http://jpkc.svtcc.net Points are given to the team that can let the other team guess correctly with a time duration. 让其他队伍正确地在限时内猜测到题目的团队将获得分数。 caehiew Temporal planning handle this special kind of actions which bring in time duration, and it must consider the start time and duration of actions. 时态规划在求解规划问题时引入了动作的执行时间这一因素,在规划求解时考虑动作的开始时间和执行时间长度。 fabiao Test results show that time duration and current operating value precision are less than 2%, and the functions of the protection device are reliable. 实验结果表明,动作时间及电流动作值精度在2%以内,保护装置运行稳定可靠。 cnki The distribution of foam diameters and the change of diameters with respect to time duration were observed and measured by means of microscopy. 用显微摄影图片分析了浆液的泡沫直径分布及泡沫直径随时间变化的情况。 cnki The graph depicts the number of items based on the time duration and filters that you specify, as the following illustration shows. 此图表会根据您指定的持续时间和筛选条件描绘项目数目,如下图所示。 microsoft These types of autonomic service routines increase your product's reliability, endurance, and run- time duration, even if the conditions for reproduction of a bug are unknown. 自治服务例行程序的这些类型增加了你的产品的可靠性,耐久性,和运行持续时间,甚至如果程序缺陷复制品的条件是未知的。 ibm Type II transient faults include those whose probabilities of leading to system failures are not associated with their time duration, but their occur- rrance moments. 第二类瞬时故障导致系统故障的概率与其出现时刻有关而与其持续时间无关。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn Type I transient faults include those which lead immediately to system failures once their time duration exceeds some specified limit. 第一类瞬时故障具有这样的性质,其持续时间一旦超过某一界限即引起系统故障。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn |