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tim·bre 英ˈtæmbə, ˈtɪm-美ˈtæmbɚ, ˈtɪm-AHDtămʹbər, tĭmʹ- ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA²⁹⁶³⁷BNC³⁶²⁵²iWeb²⁰¹⁴⁷ 基本英英词源记法近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 n.音色⁷⁴;音质²⁶复数timbres 流行乐与民谣艺术音乐
Noun: music the distinctive property of a complex sound a voice or noise or musical sound;the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet 来自法语timbre,音质,音色。来自古法语timbre,小鼓,没有铃舌的钟,用手拍打发声的钟。来自拉丁语tympanum,鼓。来自typtein,敲打,拍打,词源同type, timpani, tympanum。 timbre来自法语timbre,音质,音色。来自古法语timbre,小鼓,没有铃舌的钟,用手拍打发声的钟。来自拉丁语tympanum,鼓。来自typtein,敲打,拍打,词源同type, timpani, tympanum。 timbre来自法语timbre,音质,音色。来自古法语timbre,小鼓,没有铃舌的钟,用手拍打发声的钟。来自拉丁语tympanum,鼓。来自typtein,敲打,拍打,词源同type, timpani, tympanum。 tympanum来自拉丁语tympanum,鼓。来自希腊语typtein,敲击,敲打,词源同type。引申词义鼓膜,耳膜等。 type来自拉丁typus,符号,标记,类型,种类。来自希腊语typos,击打,敲打,刻痕。来自typtein,敲击,敲打。来自原始印欧语*steu,敲,击,推进,词源同steep, study。引申诸相关词义。 timpani来自意大利语timpani,鼓,定音鼓。来自拉丁语tympanum,鼓。来自typtein,敲打,拍打,词源同type, timbre, tympanum。 tympanum来自拉丁语tympanum,鼓。来自希腊语typtein,敲击,敲打,词源同type。引申词义鼓膜,耳膜等。GRE红宝书farmer用hammer 敲timber听听音质就知道木材质量好坏,然后再砍联想记忆做音色timbre好的乐器必须用好木材timberGRE难词记忆timbre=timber n.木材→音质近义词 tone语气music音乐pitch球场sound声音tenor大意lowness低timber木材quality品质resonance共鸣highnesshighness:地位…
名词100% 用作名词I fell in love with the subtly plaintivetimbreof the Qiang flute.我喜欢上了羌笛那略带哀怨的音色。 Timbre can be regarded as the ultimate carrier of musical opuses.音色可以说是诠释和表现作品的最终载体。 The willow whistle he made himself has a pleasanttimbre.他自制的柳笛,音质非常好。noun.tone 同义词 accent,inflection,intonation,overtone,resonance,tonalitybeat 反义词 pitch,volumenoun.sound 同义词 intonation,tonecharacter,miter,mood,pitch,quality 反义词 volume accentnoun stress or pitch in pronunciation accentuation,articulation,beat,cadence,emphasis,enunciation,force,inflection,intonation,meter,modulation,pronunciation,rhythm,stroke,tonality,tone inflectionnoun accent, intonation articulation,change,emphasis,enunciation,modulation,pitch,pronunciation,sound,timbre,tonality,tone,tone of voice,variation moodnoun state of mind affection,air,atmosphere,attitude,aura,bent,blues,caprice,character,color,condition,crotchet,cue,depression,desire,disposition,doldrums,dumps,emotion,fancy,feel,feeling,frame of mind,high spirits,humor,inclination,individuality,low spirits,melancholy,mind,personality,pleasure,propensity,response,scene,semblance,soul,spirit,strain,temper,temperament,tendency,tenor,timbre,vagary,vein,whim,wish moodsnoun state of mind affections,airs,atmospheres,attitudes,auras,bents,blues,caprices,characters,colors,conditions,crotchets,cues,depressions,desires,dispositions,doldrums,dumps,emotions,fancies,feelings,feels,frame of minds,high spirits,humors,inclinations,individualities,low spirits,melancholies,minds,personalities,pleasures,propensities,responses,scenes,semblances,souls,spirits,strains,temperaments,tempers,tendencies,tenors,timbres,vagaries,veins,whims,wishes pitchnoun tone of sound frequency,harmonic,modulation,rate,sound,timbre spiritnoun atmosphere, essence feeling,genius,gist,humor,intent,intention,meaning,purport,purpose,quality,sense,substance,temper,tenor,timbre,tone The exponential wants to play the euphonic timbre, not only depending on the good piano technique, but also needing to improve the psychological technique. 演奏者要弹奏出优美动听的音色,不仅要把握好一定的钢琴技能,而且还要努力提高自己的心理技能。 cnki The harmonic of timbre and the equilibrium of volume is the basic principle of chorus and the basic method in the creation of art works. 合唱最基本的技术原则是音色谐和、音量均衡,这两者都是集体艺术创作过程中的一种基本手段。 cnki The selection of tempo, timbre, chords, and note velocity blends art and science in a way that is far beyond the scope of this article. 节拍、音色、和音以及通知速率的选择综合了艺术与科学两个方面,而这种综合的方式已经远远超出本文讨论范围。 ibm The study and inquiry of timbre is the most vital and abstruse aspect in piano performance. 在钢琴演奏技术中,音色的研究和探讨是最为深奥和重要的。 cnki This results in a slightly less than bright timbre and a more controlled even compressed sounding projection. 导致了细腻的声音而不是辉煌的音质和更受约束的发音(被压缩的声音。 blog.sina.com.cn As we struggle to find our individual voices, I believe we must look beyond the voice we've been assigned, and find our place among the tones and timbre of human expression. 当我们奋力去找到我们个人的声音时,我相信我们一定会超越我们已被安排的声音,并找到我们表达音调和音色的地方。 yeeyan For accuracy it is necessary to reproduce sound at near realistic SPL so that the ear generates the correct timbre due to its own distortion. 为了精确起见,有必要产生接近于真实的声压,以使得人耳能够因为其自身的失真产生正确的音色。 hifidiy His voice was described as bass and stately, though it was often light and fast, gaining authority from the clipped fall of the sentences rather than the timbre. 他的声音被形容为庄重而低沉,尽管常常也会很轻快,而对他声音的认可来自于他每句话都十分清晰的发音,而并非他的音色。 yeeyan Human auditory perceive not only includes the level, tone and timbre of sound, but also the sound location, which is called the spatial hearing ability. 在人的听觉感受中,除了声强、音调和音色外,还包括对声音空间特性的感觉,这就是人耳的空间听觉能力。 cnki Individual animals also have different timbre and use different patterns of emphasis. 动物个体也有着不同的音色,轻重缓急的方式也有所不同。 yeeyan It’s a criticism he answers with obvious frustration, but without breaking his stride, his voice never losing the monotone timbre that suggests he may already have begun merging with his software. 这样的批评让库兹韦尔的沮丧之情溢于言表,但他并没有就此停下探索的脚步,他甚至以一如既往的平静语调暗示自己已经开始了与软件的融合之路。 yeeyan Music is an aural language which uses three basic components: pitch, rhythm, and timbre or the quality of a sound. 音乐是一种听觉语言,它运用到了音调、节奏、音色等三个基本要素。 yeeyan My favorites were“ Cinderella” and“ Little Red Riding Hood, ” which she read with beautiful expression in her mezzo timbre, a singsong much too cheerful for those awful fables. 我最喜欢的是《灰姑娘》和《小红帽》,她朗读时,音色适中,娓娓动听,对那些令人难过的童话来说,是过于欢快了。 ebigear Nor was it the timbre of his voice, deep and yet not particularly resonant, its Australian inflection so slight as to be almost British. 当然这种认同感也不只是源于他的音质——一种深沉但不浑厚的声音,其中澳洲口音的抑扬顿挫很不明显,几乎快变成英国口音了。 yeeyan Overtones are what give a sound its timbre, and enable us to distinguish an oboe from a trumpet from its sound alone. 泛音确定一个声音音品,能让我们仅听声音就能把双簧管和小号区分开。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn Resonance give volume and timbre to voice and strengthen its sonority. 共鸣赋予嗓音的音量和音质,并加强其响亮度。 cnki Some music elements such as tempo and timbre, as well as the personal variables such as gender, personality, and experience of musical education also play important roles in preference to music. 某些音乐特征如速度、音色和某些个体差异变量如性别、人格、音乐学习经验都会对音乐喜好产生影响。 cnki The syllables in common use of which396 phonetics samples are analyzed in four phonetic factors: timbre, intensity, tenth, and pitch. 本文从语音的四要素:音质、音强、音长和音高等方面对普通话396个常用音节的语音样本进行分析。 cnki The willow whistle he made himself has a pleasant timbre. 自制的柳笛,音质非常好。 nciku Then, in her20s, she set about acquiring the tragic worldliness that the timbre of her voice conveyed. 而后来,二十多岁时,她的声音音色又开始表达出一种悲哀的世俗。 ecocn They say a giggle's pitch and timbre establish a hyena's identity, and that pitch indicates age. 研究人员称,“笑声”的音高和音质决定了该鬣狗的身份,从音高还能判断出鬣狗的年龄。 hjenglish This piece is revised from the Italian song of the same name. The rich timbre of the string and wind instruments makes the music very pleasant. 根据同名意大利歌曲编配而成。乐曲成功地运用了弹拨跃起、弓弦乐器及吹管乐器的丰富音色,使乐曲更加优美感人。 iciba When you turn on Queen’s Greatest Hits, the auditory cortex analyzes the many components of the music: volume, pitch, timbre, melody and rhythm. 当你播放 Queen's 乐队的 Greatest Hits时,大脑的听觉皮层会分析音乐中的许多元素:音量、音调、音质、旋律和节奏。 yeeyan You see, last night I ran some tests to determine exactly what frequency Shade would have to be using to receive the tree's responses in that particular timbre. 你瞧,昨晚我进行了几项测试,以便确定薛德会使用怎样的频率来接收大树的响应。 yeeyan Timbre is one of the four musical elements. 音色是音乐构成的四大要素之一。 cnki |