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词汇 tilling
释义 till·ing 英tɪlɪŋ美tɪlɪŋ COCA⁵¹¹⁵⁶BNC⁵⁴⁰⁸⁸iWeb⁵⁵⁵⁸⁰

cultivation of the land in order to raise cropsright tilling blade右弯旋耕刀

用作名词Spring is coming and the villagers are busytilling.春天来了,村民们忙着耕作。
Behold yonder peasanttillinghis field in peace and contentment!看那边田里的农夫,多么宁静满足地耕耘着! At the same time, irrigators have tried tilling marginal land in an attempt for quick yields and in all cases the projects have been abandoned.
同时,为了得到快速的收益而去灌溉贫瘠的土地的做法现在也被抛弃了。 yeeyan

He is part of Japan’s 2,400-strong Rural Labor Squad, urban trainees dispatched to the countryside under a pilot program to put Japan’s underemployed youth to work tilling its farms.
辰小林是由2400人组成的农村劳动力队的一员。 该劳动队是日本的一项试点项目,旨在将城市中的无业年轻人分配到农村从事农活。 yeeyan

There are his apprentices, who paid for the honour of working for him, diligently tilling the fields.
莱特的学徒们以为他工作为荣,正在辛勤地整地。 ecocn

Village women who used to grow, sell, and profit off its produce are now trucked in and out daily, tilling their grandparents' soil like migrant workers.It earns them two to four dollars a day.
曾经耕种、出售和赚取利润都亲自操刀的村妇,现在成天坐在卡车上在他们祖辈留下的土地上来回忙碌,就像一个农业工人,每天赚得2-4美元的工资。 yeeyan

Wheat growers in hot places such as India and Australia can conserve water by minimising tilling, leaving a layer of mulch on the fields’ surface to absorb rainwater and limit evaporation.
生活像印度、澳大利亚这样炎热地区的麦农们减少耕作次数,使耕地表面留有的一层枯叶覆盖层,用来吸收雨水,减少蒸发,从而节约灌溉用水。 ecocn

A farmer in Malawi has said “ we spend more time in burying people that tilling the land”.
一位马拉维农民说:“我们将更多的时间用于埋葬死者,而不是种地。” worldbank

Behold yonder farmer tilling his field in peace and contentment!
看哪,那边的农民在他的地里平和而知足地耕种。 en400

Descendants of slaves settled here tilling the fertile land of these islands and the adjacent coastline.
奴隶后裔在此定居并耕种岛上和附近沿岸的肥沃土地。 iciba

Dispossessed farmers and artisans, they had occupied the land, proclaimed it the “ common treasure” of the people, and begun tilling it.
那些流离失所的农民和手工业者,宣布自己占据的土地为人民的“共有财产”,并且开始在其上耕作。 yeeyan

He says hand tools like tilling forks, shovels and thatching rakes require more work than a rotary tiller, but they work well and cost less.
他认为像耕作叉、铲子和茅草耙子一样的手动工具比耕作机需求更多的工作量,但工作的更好,花费的更少。 unsv

Not only was the horse used for transportation and the tilling of soil for planting crops, the horse also became a powerful force in warfare.
马不仅用于运输和耕地种庄稼,而且成为战争中一股强大的力量。 yeeyan

The test results show that the tilling energy consumption of the blade is significantly less than that of the conventional blade, and that both the tilling qualities are same.
试验结果表明,节能旋耕刀的切土功耗显著低于现有旋耕刀,二者耕作质量相同。 cnki

They are able to use fewer pesticides and to reduce the amount of tilling that leads to erosion.
他们可以用较少的杀虫剂并且减少对土地有伤害的耕种次数。 yeeyan

To man time is given like a piece of land, as it were, entrusted to him for faithful tilling; a space in which to strive incessantly, achieve self- realization, more onward and upward.
对于人类来说,时间就如赐予的一片土地,等待他去辛勤耕种;是一个让他不断奋斗进取,实现自我价值,不断前进向上的空间。 kekenet

Yesterday I just visited China's southwestern arid area in Yunnan and still saw the picture of“ a yoke of two cattle for tilling” there.

Tilling the soil involves an early start.
翻耕土壤需要及早动手。 ecocn

Tilling also releases carbon dioxide from the soil into the atmosphere. No-till keeps carbon in the soil and avoids the release of heat- trapping gases from motorized equipment.
耕作还会将土壤中的二氧化碳释放到大气中,而免耕能够保持住土壤中的碳,并且避免机械设备释放吸热气体。 tingvoa

Tilling also releases carbon dioxide from the soil into the atmosphere.
耕作也能从土壤中释放二氧化碳到空气中。 unsv

Tilling can remove weeds and the waste from last season's crops and help break down old plant material into fertilizer. But it can also increase the risk of soil erosion by rain or wind.
耕作可以清除杂草和上一季的农作物残茬,并且有助于将原来的农作物残茬分解成化肥,但它也会增加因风蚀、水蚀造成水土流失的风险。 tingvoa

Tilling can remove weeds and the waste from last season's crops and help break down old plant material into fertilizer.
耕作能够去除杂草和最后一季作物的残留物并且帮助将无用的植物原料粉碎成肥料。 unsv




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