

单词 tiles
释义 tiles 英taɪlz美taɪlz 高ICOCA¹¹⁰⁶⁷BNC⁵⁶⁹³Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
名词 tile:
a flat thin rectangular slab as of fired clay or rubber or linoleum used to cover surfacesa thin flat slab of fired clay used for roofinggame equipment consisting of a flat thin piece marked with characters and used in board games like Mah-Jong, Scrabble, etc.
动词 tile:
cover with tilescovering in scale tiles瓦片屋面glazed tiles釉面瓦on the tiles放荡go on the tiles花天酒地be on the tiles寻欢作乐
近义词 tiling盖瓦thatch茅草slating石板瓦roofing屋顶材料shingles带状疱疹guttering用于建排水系统的材料…
用作名词The order for ceramictileshas been booked in.要买瓷砖的订货已登记下来了。
We have puttileson the wall behind the bath.我们在浴缸后的墙上贴了瓷砖。as in.ceramic
同义词 brick,earthenware,porcelain,stoneware,tileclay
ceramicnoun pottery
brick,clay,earthenware,porcelain,stoneware,tile A smooth and polished surface on a marble tile is also a texture, and smooth quality finishes can enhance the visual appeal of natural material finishes like marble tiles on a wall.
大理石瓷砖光亮的表面也是一种纹理,而且高质量的抛光可以提高自然材质的视觉吸引力,像墙上的大理石瓷砖。 yeeyan

And visitors are welcomed by a big, silver American flag that appears to be waving. The effect is created by more than nine hundred reflective tiles.
迎接游客的是展放在大厅的一面巨大的、飘舞着的银色美国国旗,这一效果是通过九百多块能够反射太阳光的瓷砖形成的。 yeeyan

Picking your way down a spiral staircase at Brompton Road, your hand runs over art- nouveau wall tiles in green, cream and brown.
当你沿着布朗普顿路地铁站螺旋状的楼梯拾阶而下,你的手轻轻拂过的是绿色、雪白、棕褐色的新艺术风格的墙砖。 ecocn

The contract specifies red tiles, not slates, for the roof.

The glinting gold glass tiles embedded with precious and semi- precious gems must have seemed like a preview of heaven's glory to the parishioners.
金光闪亮的黄金瓦板,里面镶嵌着一些非常珍贵与半珍贵宝石,这看起来简直就是上苍对其朝拜者一种荣耀的先兆。 ecocn

The shuttle’s engines and the tiles that protect it from the heat of re- entry proved expensive to maintain, and divvying up work among different contractors added to the costs.
航天飞机的发动机和耐热瓷砖防止其再重返大气层时被烧坏,但是维护成本也很昂贵,而分配不同承包人的任务时又增加了开销。 yeeyan

The walls were of white alabaster, set here and there with blue and green tiles.
白色雪花石膏的墙壁,到处贴着蓝色绿色的瓷砖。 yeeyan

We did a total remodel of the second bath, with black and white marble hex tiles on the floor and a white tile wainscot.
第二个浴室也是完全改建,用了黑色和白色的六角形大理石地砖和白色的壁砖。 yeeyan

A group of men pull wiring from the walls, others remove tiles from the roof. A security guard walks through debris.
一群人从墙上拉掉线,其他人从屋顶掀掉瓦,一个保安从碎片前走过。 yeeyan

And, with time, all of the rooftop tiles will fade to the same color.
而且,随着时间的流逝,所有屋顶的瓦片又将慢慢变成同样的颜色。 yeeyan

Archaeologists have found Chinese- style tiles and turret decorations that probably adorned the roofs of buildings.
考古学家还发现了可能是作为建筑物顶部装饰用的中国风格的瓦片和角楼。 yeeyan

But its main focus now is the clever stuff: specialty chemicals that are used for everything from water- purification systems to solar roof tiles.
但是它现在关注的焦点是智能材料:能应用于从净化水系统到太阳房顶的瓦片的各种用途的专用化学品。 ecocn

For bathroom tiles, spray vodka and let sit for5-10 minutes; then wash clean.
如果是清洁厕所瓷砖,喷上伏特加,5-10分钟以后洗净即可。 yeeyan

High moulded ceilings were stripped of Sixties acoustic tiles, but not of the same era's fluorescent tube lights. Simultaneously, the place felt grand and drab.
高耸的屋顶上六十年代的隔音瓦被拆除了,但是相同年代的荧光管还保留着,站厅显得空旷而无趣。 yeeyan

Image above: I’ve resisted permanently sticking these tiles to the wall as I love them so much and want to take them with me when we leave this flat one day.
上图:我不想不这些瓷砖永久的贴在墙上,我太喜欢它们了,未来我们离开这个公寓的时候也想把它们带走。 yeeyan

In the redecorated Oval Office, two plump mustard corduroy sofas take pride of place, facing a boxy, modern coffee table covered with marble-looking tiles.
在重新装潢后的办公室中,芥末色灯芯绒沙发取代了旧沙发,实木咖啡桌被大理石瓷砖的桌子所取代。 kekenet

Nanotechnologists could link DNA“ tiles” into a sheet, or fold a long strand of DNA back on itself again and again until it formed a flat surface.
纳米技术学家们能够将 DNA“砖块”连成一大片,或者将一条长链的 DNA反复折叠以形成一个平整的表面。 yeeyan

Running outside is potentially dangerous, because roof tiles and glass may fall on you.
跑到外面可能很危险,因为屋顶上掉落的砖瓦和玻璃有可能砸到你。 hxen

Surfaces with same or similar textures like fireplace marble tiles and drywall usually look more visually appealing.
表面相同或相似的纹理像大理石瓷砖的壁炉和干砌墙通常看起来更俱视觉吸引力。 yeeyan

The bricklayer on the roof was calling for more tiles.

Tiles and glass lay smashed in the streets and concrete balconies dangled.
因为混凝土建筑摇摆而碎落的瓦片和玻璃撒满街道。 yeeyan




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