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And so will ache til you live.
只要你活着,它也会继续疼痛。 poemlife

It’s not long til the International Whaling Commission’s next meeting.
国际捕鲸委员会会议不久后就要召开。 yeeyan

The average Russian man only lives to the age of61, while women, whose drinking is on the upswing according to the report, live til74 on average.
俄罗斯男性平均寿命为61岁,而尽管有越来越多的女性在近年开始饮酒,女性的平均寿命还是达到了74岁。 yeeyan

To probe into curative effect of comprehensively treating hepatocellular carcinoma by interventional chemotherapy, locally injecting TIL and injecting absolute alcohol into tumor.
探索介入化疗、局部注射 TIL、瘤内无水酒精注射综合治疗晚期肝癌的疗效。 iciba

A strain of mutant mice groom compulsively til they seriously injure themselves.
一种新型的基因突变小鼠会不断整理仪容,直到将自己严重抓伤。 hjenglish

But til now, I am not successful and getting into lot of issues.
但直到现在,我都没有成功过,而且遇到了许多问题。 ibm

From the moment you get on, til you shove your way through the crowd to get off, you are packed in tight with strangers.
从你搭上去的那一刻开始到你最后千辛万苦从人群里挤出,你一直被陌生人紧紧包围。 yeeyan

His friend George had a going away party the night before and Christian didn't get back til the wee hours of the morning.
昨天晚上参加他朋友乔治的告别派对,克雷斯汀直到今天凌晨才回来。 kekenet

I said farewell to New Hampshire in Dover, where almost nine years earlier I had promised to be with them til the last dog dies.
我在多佛向新罕布什尔州道别。大约九年前,我在多佛许下诺言说,将永远和他们在一起,一直到最后。 yeeyan

In fact, up til now, there has been no shortage of channels for fighting corruption.
实际上,目前并不缺少打击贪污腐败的渠道。 yeeyan

Objective To investigate the distribution of tumor- infiltrating lymphocytes TIL in the epithelial ovarian carcinomaEOC and its clinical significance.
目的探讨卵巢癌组织中肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞 TIL的分布及临床意义。 iciba

Therefore much of this information has up til now gone unused.
因此许多其中的数据直至今日仍未得到使用。 yeeyan

They want them to earn more, and shop til they drop.
他们希望中国人挣得更多,然后消费掉。 yeeyan

To order her book, “ Til Sex Do Us Part, ” click here.
欲订购她的书《直到性爱将我们分开》,请点击。 yeeyan

Ultrastructural observation showed obvious disruption of cancer cells resulted from TIL.
超微结构变化显示出 TIL强烈的溶癌现象。 cnki

We think it’s because you’ve been on your computer til1AM every night.
我们认为这是因为您每天晚上电脑开到凌晨一点。 blog.sina.com.cn

Would you like to stay out un- til dark?
你想一直在外直到天黑吗? http://mysearch.100e.com

Til boredom overtook us, he began to speak.
当沉闷压制我们时,他开始讲话了。 douban

Til then, my sweet, think of me now and then.
直到那时,亲爱的,想想一直以来的我。 ebbinghaus

Til you can feel her in your blood.
直到能在自己的血脉中感觉她。 blog.sina.com.cn




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