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词汇 Beirut
释义 Beirut 英beɪˈruːt美beˈrutAHDbā-r›tʹ 高Economist⁸⁶⁷⁹

capital and largest city of Lebanon; located in western Lebanon on the Mediterranean近义词 Bayrut贝鲁特
用作名词A newsflash from Beirut says they've been shot.来自贝鲁特的电讯说他们已被处决。
The killing has set off anti-Syrian demonstrations in Beirut.哈里里被暗杀在贝鲁特引发了反叙利亚的示威行动。 For the second day, demonstrators in Beirut tried to break through barbed wire to reach the U. S. Embassy, but were turned back by riot police.
示威者在贝鲁特连续第二天试图冲破铁丝网的路障,进入美国大使馆,但是被防暴警察驱散。 ebigear

Of those interviewed, 67 percent started working between7 and 15 years and came from the outskirts of Beirut or from the northern district of Tripoli50.7% or from shacks or camps49.3%.
这些被访谈者中,67%介于7到15岁开始做事,来自贝鲁特郊区或的黎波里北部地区占50.7%或来自棚户区或难民营占49.3%。 yeeyan

Paul Salem, who heads the Beirut-based Carnegie Middle East Center, thinks that President Obama's trip to Cairo is likely to have positive reverberations across the Arab world.
设在贝鲁特的卡内基中东中心的领导人萨利姆认为,奥巴马总统的开罗之行很可能在整个阿拉伯世界引起积极的回响。 iciba

The mood across Lebanon is bleak, as people recall Israel's siege of Beirut24 years ago.
黎巴嫩上空阴云密布,人们重又回想起了24年前以色列对贝鲁特的围困。 ecocn

The winery, however, is the other side of the mountain near Beirut.
然而,酿酒厂却位于靠近贝鲁特的山的另一边。 yeeyan

“ It’s truly like Dubai,” says a Libyan businessman who has recently come back after living in Beirut, with perhaps a touch of hyperbole.
一位最近回到这里的利比亚商人说:“这是真像是迪拜。”他之前在贝鲁特居住,其说法可能有点夸张。 ecocn

After Israeli bombs destroyed his Beirut home and office in the2006 war, Hizbullah rebuilt them.
当2006年的战争中以色列炸毁了他在贝鲁特的家和办公室后,真主党重建了他们。 ecocn

Children like Omar wander the streets of Beirut all day long.
象奥马尔这样的孩子整天游荡在贝鲁特的街上。 yeeyan

Drivers on the roads into Lebanon talk of clients going from their bank in Damascus straight to one in Beirut, carrying large bags.
在进入黎巴嫩的道路上,司机们谈论着从大马士革银行取出钱后提着大包直奔贝鲁特银行的客户。 ecocn

He tried living in Moscow, then Cairo, then Beirut, where Yasser Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organisation had been allowed to build a proto- state in exile.
他尝试居住在莫斯科、开罗、贝鲁特等这些亚西尔.阿拉法特的巴勒斯坦自由组织能够建立流放政权的地区。 ecocn

In 1982 an Israeli government sent tanks into the heart of Beirut to crush the “ state within a state” of Yasser Arafat and his Palestine Liberation Organisation.
1982年,以色列政府派坦克侵入贝鲁特腹地,摧毁阿拉法特和他的巴勒斯坦解放组织驻扎在那里的“国中国”。 ecocn

In this film, Mia, a woman with intellectual impairment from Beirut, Lebanon, talks about the discrimination she has faced in education, and the need for self- advocacy.
在本片中,米娅这位来自黎巴嫩贝鲁特的智障妇女,谈论了她在教育方面所受到的歧视情况和自我宣传的需要。 who

More recently, it has reasserted its influence in Beirut, partly by backing a Shia party- cum- militia, Hizbullah, which in turn is sponsored by Iran, Syria’s biggest friend in the region.
最近,叙利亚在贝鲁特重获影响力,部分原因是该国支持什叶派政党兼民兵组织真主党——叙利亚在中东地区最好的朋友伊朗也支持真主党。 ecocn

Most of the attacks have concentrated on Hizbullah's strongholds in the Shia suburbs of Beirut and in the south.
大多数的进攻集中在真主党位于什叶派聚居的贝鲁特郊区和南黎巴嫩的根据地。 ecocn

Oil money pays for the bombs going off from Baghdad to Beirut, and the bombast of dictators from Caracas to Tehran.
石油财源换来了从巴格达到贝鲁特爆炸的炸弹以及从加拉加斯到德黑兰的独裁者们的夸夸其谈。 cri

She relentlessly tracks them down to their abodes of exile in Abu Dhabi, Amman, Beirut, Damascus and London.
不屈不挠的她循着他们的踪迹,找到了他们流放至迪拜、安曼、贝鲁特、大马士革以及伦敦后的住所。 ecocn

That means destroying Hizbullah's rocket stores even if they are concealed in villages and bombing its command bunkers even if they are located under the crowded residential suburbs of south Beirut.
这就意味着要炸掉真主党的火箭弹贮存库,即便它隐藏在小村落中,同时将其防空指挥部摧毁,无论其是否位于贝鲁特南部多人聚居居民区地下。 ecocn

There is also a small Israelite population, traditionally centered in Beirut.
还有一小部分犹太人,传统上聚集在贝鲁特。 ebigear

While most bars and restaurants have addresses, Beirut is a maze of twisting side streets, many of them unmarked.
尽管大多数酒吧和餐馆都有地址,但贝鲁特曲折的小路像一个迷宫,很多都没有路标。 yeeyan

WHO is assisting in the management of the central warehouse in Beirut and has helped to identify pharmacists to better respond to the needs and manage the donations.
世卫组织正对贝鲁特中心仓库的管理提供援助并帮助确定药剂师,已对需求作出最佳反应并对捐赠物进行管理。 who

Yet as the news from Baghdad, Beirut, Karachi and Annapolis often reminds voters, the next president will have no time to learn on the job.




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