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词汇 ticks
释义 tick·s 英tɪk美tɪk COCA¹⁹¹⁸²BNC²¹⁵⁶²Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
vi. 作滴答声

of a clock, watch, etc. make light, regularly repeated sounds; click

vt. 标出; 打钩于

mark; check

a metallic tapping sound;

he counted the ticks of the clock

any of two families of small parasitic arachnids with barbed proboscis; feed on blood of warm-blooded animalsa mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc.;

as he called the role he put a check mark by each student's name

a light mattress
make a clicking or ticking sound;

The clock ticked away

make a sound like a clock or a timer;

the clocks were ticking

the grandfather clock beat midnight


tick a mattress

put a check mark on or near or next to;

Please check each name on the list

tick off the items

mark off the units

用作动词 v.
~+副词tick away minutes滴滴答答地送走时间tick by过了几秒钟tick off用记号标出tick sb off谴责某人tick out messages滴答滴答地打出电报tick over接近停滞; 进行得极缓慢
tick away v.+adv.

过去 (hours, minutes, seconds, etc. to pass)

tick awayThe clock ticks away on the shelf.时钟在搁板上滴答滴答地响着。
It was so quiet I could hear my wristwatch ticking away.周围静悄悄的,我能听到自己的手表滴答滴答地响着。tick awayMeantime life in the ward ticked away as usual.在此期间,病房生活跟平时一样,按部就班地进行下去。
As the minutes ticked away they began to lose patience.随着时间一分钟一分钟地过去,他们开始变得不耐烦了。tick sth ⇔ awayThe clock ticked away the time.时钟滴答滴答地响着,时间在一点一点过去。
The railway station clock ticked away the hours of waiting.火车站的时钟滴答不止,在等候之中几小时过去了。
tick off v.+adv.

激怒 make angry or indignant

tick sth ⇔ offHe ticked off the items one by one.他把这些项目逐一标出。
He ticked off each item on the list.他核对了清单上的每一个项目。
She ticked off some of the names on her list.她把名单上的一些名字勾出来。
Please tick off the titles of the books you wish to buy.请勾出你要购买的书籍的名字。tick sth ⇔ offEach taxi is fitted with a meter ticking off the fare due.每辆出租汽车都装有一个计算车费的计程表。
They ticked off a few specific causes for the price spiral in their country.他们列举了他们国内物价螺旋上升的几个具体原因。tick sb ⇔ offHe ticked me off because I was late.由于我迟到,他责备我。
Why did you tick little Peter off in such a way?你为什么这样训斥小彼得?
The boy was ticked off for staying out so late.男孩因回家太晚而受到责备。
The young man was ticked off for his impudence.这青年由于无礼而受到责备。tick offThat was a period which it would be so difficult to tick off in a phrase.那是个很难用一句话来概括的一个时代。tick sb ⇔ offThe cancellation of the football match really ticked him off.足球赛的取消真把他给气坏了。
tick out v.+adv.

滴答滴答地发出 give forth by repeated ticking beats

tick sth ⇔ outThe telegraph ticked out a message.发报机滴答滴答地发出一份电报。
tick over v.+adv.

吞吞吐吐,支支吾吾 falter

近义词 beat打drum鼓line线bit少量tap龙头rap轻敲dot少量thrust刺mark记号nick刻痕pulse脉搏nerve神经trice瞬间check检查scratch抓notch刻痕blaze火焰sound声音signal信号MO卫生官员moment片刻minute分钟stroke中风strike罢工retick缝纫impulse冲动click咔嗒声tapping开孔second第二的mark off划出pulsation脉博check off核对pounding重击声check mark勾号ticktack滴答声twinkling闪烁的tick off给 … 标rat-a-tat敲门的声音SEC香槟酒等无甜味的…ticktock钟表滴答滴答…ticking指钟等发出滴答声…
S+~+AYour watch ticks very loudly.你的表滴答声真响。
The clock ticked louder and louder in a quiet room.钟的滴答声在静静的房间里越来越响。
S+~+ n./pron.The clock ticked the minutes.时钟滴答滴答地报出时间。
He ticked the items that were delivered one by one.他把业已交付的物品逐项作了登记。



tick后接副词away表示“滴答滴答地响”; 后接副词off表示“核对; 列举”; 后接副词out表示“滴答滴答地发出”; 后接副词over表示“空转; 接近停滞; 进行得极缓慢”。

用作动词The clockticksvery loudly.这只钟发出很响的滴答声。
My watch doesn'ttickbecause it's electronic.我的表不滴答作响,因为它是电子表。
The teacherticksoff a name on a list.老师在名单上的一个名字旁打勾。
Listen carefully andtickthe sentences which are correct.认真听,并标记正确的句子。
That's what makes the worldtick.使世界持续活动的动力,就在于此。
Buses and taxistickover rather noisily.公共汽车和出租车空档慢转时噪音很大。
I stopped the car but left the motortickingover.我停住汽车,让发动机空转。用作名词They could hear the regulartickof the clock.他们能听见时钟有规律的滴答声。
Just wait atick!等一下儿!
There was a nice redtickin the margin.边上打了一个漂亮的红勾。
Opposite his own name was a smalltick.紧接在他名字后面的是一个小对号。
Thetickstops draining you and drops off after you're dead.你死了以后壁虱才会停止吸你的血,掉下来。 A rise in the number of ticks this year has infectious disease experts focused on the best way to treat the Lyme disease that the little buggers can spread.
今年,随着硬蜱数量大量上升,传染病专家开始关注控制由这种小虫传染的莱姆病的最佳应对方法。 hjenglish

As a result of overcrowding and inadequate personal hygiene, lice, fleas, mites, ticks, and other arthropods may also cause health problems.
由于过度拥挤和个人卫生的不足,虱子,跳蚤,螨,蜱和其他节肢动物也可能引起健康问题。 yeeyan

On the face of it, this seems like a rather neat idea, which ticks every box for a mass action.
表面看来,“地球一小时”是一个相当不错的主意,它符合一个大型活动的所有标准。 yeeyan

Rickettsia, commonly known as tick fever is a bacterium which can cause many diseases that are transmitted by blood- sucking parasitic arthropods such as fleas, lice and ticks.
立克次氏体通常被称为蜱热是一种细菌,这种细菌可引起多种疾病,并通过吸血节肢寄生动物如跳蚤、虱子和蜱等传播。 who

As the clock ticks and those around you scribble hard with their pencils, you stare at the test and your mind goes blank. You're choking.
时钟滴答作响,周围的人似乎都在奋笔疾书,而你盯着考卷大脑一片空白,甚至感到呼吸困难。 yeeyan

As the number of souls on the planet ticks ever higher, the Malthusians lament, misery will flourish.
随着数量的灵魂在这个星球上的更高,蜱马尔萨斯主义者哀叹,痛苦必兴盛。 yeeyan

Because in some of the events, once the stopwatch ticks off, the competition must go on without any human guidance or control.
因为在一些比赛中,一旦秒表开始计时,比赛就必须在无人类引导和控制下进行。 hxen

Debate remains as to why this happened, but the most plausible explanation is that when modern humans began to live in larger groups, our hair filled with more and more ticks and lice.
关于为什么人类的毛发消失,还有很大的争议,但是目前最可信的解释就是当现代人开始在大集体中生活,我们的毛发会滋生大量的虱子。 yeeyan

Every day you delay, the quality- of- hire ticks down.
你每推迟一天,招聘的质量就会有所下降。 fortunechina

He listens to the awakening of the new day: the clock on the dresser ticks hurriedly and the letter box snaps awake.
他听到了新的一天开始的声音:梳妆台上的时钟匆匆的滴答声,信箱啪地打开。 yeeyan

He ticks off several possible areas of disagreement, such as climate change.
他列举了几个可能产生分歧的领域,例如气候变化。 ecocn

His book ticks off how each of the Apple innovations that we now take for granted first occurred to Mr. Jobs or his creative team.
他在书中列举了每一项我们如今视为当然的苹果创新产品背后,乔布斯及其创意团队的努力。 yeeyan

I walked downstairs and was disgusted by the teenagers drinking out of red plastic cups and groping each other as if they were checking for ticks.
我走下楼看到了那些令人恶心的青少年们,他们喝光了那些红色塑料瓶,还互相抚摸好像在检查对方身上有没有虱子。 yeeyan

It can even repel ticks as well as friends and family, if you eat enough.
它甚至能驱退虱子以及家人和朋友,如果你吃得够多的话。 yeeyan

It just lists the total amount of ticks received over the interval that it ran; it does not list at what points during the interval these ticks occurred.
它只是列出它运行的时间间隔内所获得的节拍数量总和;它不会列出这些节拍发生在时间间隔的哪一时刻。 ibm

Local infection rates in nymphal ticks may be low<20% with a low risk of infection<5% from a detected, attached tick most people who get Lyme disease do not notice the tick.
蜱虫若虫叮咬造成的局部感染率可能比较低低于20%,但是由被检测到附着在皮肤上的蜱虫叮咬造成的感染风险则更低小于5%,因为大多数患上莱姆病的人并没有注意到蜱虫。 yeeyan

More subtly, some design decisions, such as frequency of ticks on sliders, might reasonably be updated in response to window resize events.
更微妙的地方是,一些设计决策例如滑块上刻度的密度可能被适度地更新以响应窗口大小调整事件。 ibm

Scientists have had a hard time figuring out how it ticks, but now researchers think they may have found a way to conquer S. aureus by blocking its ability to perform a critical task: recycling.
一直以来科学家们都很难弄清这种运转机制,但是现在科学家们发现通过阻止它运行某种关键性任务的能力来战胜金黄色葡萄球菌:这种关键性任务就是循环。 yeeyan

The green ticks against the other pattern parameter sections indicate that the other pattern parameters all have valid default values.
其他模式参数中的绿色箭头表明这些模式参数都使用有效的默认值。 ibm

They all use the same basic mechanism: a32, 768Hz quartz- crystal oscillator, along with the electronic and mechanical parts that convert its oscillations to clock ticks.
他们都采用同样的基本原理:一个32,768Hz石英晶体摆动装置,同时还有电子和机械部件将振动转化成钟表的滴答声。 yeeyan

This call accepts as its only argument the number of ticks to run.
该调用接收要运行的时钟节拍数作为其惟一的参数。 ibm

This output shows the list of tasks numbered by task ID, their total execution timein ticks, the amount of time they waited to execute, and finally the number of times they were invoked.
此输出显示任务的列表根据任务 ID编号、其总执行时间时钟节拍内、等待执行的时间量以及调用的次数。 ibm

TOTAL TICKS is the number of times that the system- clock interrupt occurred during the trace interval.
TOTAL TICKS是追踪时间间隔过程中发生系统时钟中断的次数。 ibm

When a wife acts out that way, the danger ticks up as well, though only the equivalent of3%, which is not statistically significant in this study.
当妻子这样做的时候,离婚的危险也会上升,只是3%,虽然这个数字在这项研究中统计的数据并不显著。 yeeyan

When the number of ticks reaches zero for a timer, it calls the timeout handler routine to handle the corresponding timeout for that connection.
当计时器的计时单元数达到零时,它将调用超时处理程序例程为该连接处理相应的超时。 ibm

Ticks that spread Congo fever can infect, and are spread by, many wild and domestic animals, including cattle and some birds.
传播刚果热病毒的蜱能使许多野生动物及家畜感染并使它们成为传播者,包括牛和一些鸟类。 ecocn




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