

单词 tickles
释义 tick·le·s 英'tɪkl美'tɪkl COCA⁵⁰⁰¹⁷BNC⁶⁴⁴⁸⁵
vt. & vi. 使人感觉刺痒; 搔痒

cause sb to feel a sensation of nervous excitement in part of the body; feel an itching or tingling sensation

vt. 使高兴; 使感到有趣

make delight; amuse; be tickled pink, be very pleased

a cutaneous sensation often resulting from light strokingthe act of tickling
touch a body part lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movementsfeel sudden intense sensation or emotion;

he was thrilled by the speed and the roar of the engine

touch or stroke lightly;

The grass tickled her calves

用作动词 v.
~+副词tickle humorously幽默地逗乐tickle playfully不认真地逗乐tickle roughly粗俗地开玩笑tickle rudely粗鲁地开玩笑tickle teasingly故意逗乐~+介词tickle sb at sth因…使某人高兴tickle by doing sth以做某事满足tickle sb into saying yes向某人灌迷魂汤使其答应所求tickle sb with jokes以笑话引某人发笑
tickle by v.+prep.

以做某事满足 cause sb to satisfy by doing sth

tickle sth by v-ingThey tickle his vanity by praising his work.他们称赞他的功过,以满足他的虚荣心。
tickle to death v.+prep.+n.

〈非正〉使…笑破肚皮 amuse sb very much

tickle sb to deathI was tickled to death to hear how Mary had at last won a victory over her rude neighbour.听说玛丽如何最终制服了她那粗野无礼的邻居时,我的肚皮都笑破了。
tickle with v.+prep.

因…高兴 be delighted with sth

tickle sb with sthThe comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes.滑稽演员讲笑话引人发笑。
The child was tickled with his new toys.那孩子有了这些新玩具快乐极了。近义词 itch痒amuse娱乐charm魅力scratch抓thrill激动divert转移delight高兴excite使兴奋irritate激怒tickling反馈vellicate 捏entertain娱乐vibrate使振动titillation搔痒please请=plztitillate使…觉得痒prickle动物或植物上的刺…
S+~+APepper tickles if it gets into the nose.胡椒进入鼻孔会使人发痒。
I don't like these rough sheets.They tickle.我不喜欢这些粗糙的床单,它们使人发痒。
My foot tickles.我脚痒。
My jaw still tickles from the dentist's injection.牙科医生给我打的那一针使我颚部仍感到痒痒的。
S+~+ n./pron.The tough blanket tickles me.这条粗毯子刺得我痒痒的。
He tickled the baby's feet and made her laugh.他搔婴孩的脚,把她逗笑。
I was tickled by his good stories.我听他的故事真来劲。
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.The story tickled her fancy.她觉得这故事很有趣。
We were tickled pink to see our friends on television.看到我们的朋友出现在屏幕上,我们高兴极了。
He is tickled pink with his new stereo system.他的新立体声响设备简直把他乐坏了。

tickle的基本意思是“使人感觉刺痒; 搔痒”。引申可作“使高兴”“使感到有趣”解,指激动或刺激之类愉快的感觉。


用作及物动词Babies like to betickledand hugged.婴儿喜欢轻轻呵痒和紧紧拥抱。
The comediantickledthe crowd with his jokes.那个喜剧演员讲的笑话把人们都逗笑了。
I'mtickledpink that my essay won the prize.我的文章获奖了,我高兴得要命。用作不及物动词My eartickles.我耳朵痒。
Pepperticklesif it gets into the nose.胡椒弄到鼻孔里会使人发痒。用作名词The little girl laughed when her uncle gave her atickle.叔叔呵那个小姑娘的痒时,小姑娘笑起来。 A tap tickles him and double taps changes his expressions.
自来水逗他,他的表情变化双重水龙头。 infiniteland

That's because consuming food stimulates the release of dopamine, a chemical that tickles the pleasure centers of the brain.
因为消化食物会刺激多巴胺一种刺激大脑愉悦中枢的化学物质的释放。 hjenglish

The back of my throat is itchy and tickles.
嗓子里面觉得又痒又毛。 dj.client.iciba.com

Under weaves of moonlight, blue tit's dream tickles.
月光波来,蓝山雀之梦为之颤然。 blog.sina.com.cn

“Noooooooo!” she shrieks when her father holds her upside down and tickles her, but as soon as he stops she cries, “ Again, again!”
“不——”每次她爸爸把她倒着举起,挠她痒痒的时候,她都会这么叫,但爸爸一停,她又会喊,“再来一次,再来一次!” yeeyan

A curious Lilliputian, inspecting his comatose form, puts the sharp end of his half- pike a good way up his nostril. It tickles. Gulliver sneezes violently.
一个好奇的小人要研究他昏睡时的结构,把半截长枪的尖端伸向他的鼻孔时把他弄痒了,他狠狠地打了个喷嚏。 yeeyan

Do you think it tickles?
你说它会痒吗? blog.sina.com.cn

Her nose tickles and she feels as if something's tickling inside.
陶瓷的鼻子很痒,好像有东西在鼻子里绕痒痒。 mmchinese

Jazz tickles your muscles, symphonies stretch your soul.
爵士乐使你肌肉发痒,交响乐能舒展你的灵魂。 weibo

Licks my face and tickles my ear.
还舔我的脸,挠我耳朵。 douban

My foot nose tickles.

She tickles and tickles his nose.
她不停地挠他的鼻子。 blog.sina.com.cn

Slight tickles from insects can cause us to bend in panic, sending a chill through our body.
虫子带来的轻微痒感可以令我们惊慌失措,浑身发抖。 feilaifeiqu

Spring tickles your nose.
让鼻子发痒的是春天。 douban

The ler then aims focus on her feet and tickles her with her long nails before reverting back to her ribs for a good tickling.
挠痒的人接着用长长的指甲挠女孩的脚,然后又对她的肋骨处挠了一阵。 shyifan

TV tickles us with sight and sound.
电视通过影像和声音吸引我们。 hjenglish

When it comes to romance, women prefer someone who tickles their funny bone while men opt for those who catch their eye, according to an international survey.
一项国际调查显示:在恋爱问题上,女性更喜欢对方风趣、幽默,而男性则选择能吸引住他的异性。 ebigear

You don't have to penetrate your partner 100% of the time. You can do just about anything that tickles your fancy.
并不是百分百的时间里都要在她的身体里进出,任何让你开心逗你乐的事都可以做。 yeeyan




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