

单词 tickler
释义 tick·ler 英ˈtɪklə美ˈtɪklɚAHDtĭkʹlər 高四G宝COCA⁹⁴¹³²BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰iWeb⁴⁵⁷¹⁵

a file of memoranda or notices that remind of things to be donecarburetor tickler汽化器打油泵…tickler coil反馈线圈tickler-coil oscillator反馈线圈式振荡器,电…reversed tickler负反馈线圈tickler file method按期排列法tickler guide弹性推针导管…tickler spring推针弹簧
GRE红宝书来自tickle呵痒+er →让人感到痒的问题 →难题
tickle 拿着ticket一张票,小纸 抠你的痒痒
GRE难词记忆tickler 音“忒扣了”→难题就是他这个人忒扣了谐音记忆tickler音“忒扣了”⇒难题就是他这个人忒扣了来自ticklev.呵痒近义词 riddle谜poser难题chaser猎人puzzle难题problem问题prompt迅速的conundrum谜语reminder提醒物follow-up后续工作enigma难以理解的事物…tickler file列入事项日程备忘录…

用作名词You can also use aticklerfile to supplement this.你也可以使用一个备忘录文件作为增补。as in.knife
同义词 bayonet,blade,cutter,dagger,machete,scalpel,sickle,skewer,swordbolo,cutlass,edge,lance,lancet,point,ripper,sabre,scimitar,scythe,shank,shiv,steel,stiletto,switchbladecutting edge,skiveras in.memorandum
同义词 announcement,diary,directive,letter,memo,message,noticechit,dispatch,epistle,jotting,minute,missive,notation,record,reminderas in.memorandum/memo
同义词 announcement,chit,diary,directive,dispatch,epistle,jotting,letter,message,minute,missive,notation,notice,record,reminder
knifenoun cutting tool
bayonet,blade,bolo,cutlass,cutter,cutting edge,dagger,edge,lance,lancet,machete,point,ripper,sabre,scalpel,scimitar,scythe,shank,shiv,sickle,skewer,skiver,steel,stiletto,switchblade,sword
memorandumnoun note
memorandum/memonoun written note
memosnoun written note
agendas,annotations,calendars,commentaries,comments,data,definitions,diaries,dispatches,entries,epistles,glosses,inscriptions,jottings,journals,letters,lines,marginalia,marks,memorandums,messages,minutes,missives,notations,obiter dictums,observations,records,remarks,reminders,scratches,scrawls,scribbles,summaries,thank-yous,words The dressing of oxidized ore of zinc and lead in Lanping has been a tickler for a long time.
兰坪氧化铅锌矿的选矿长久以来是选矿界的难题。 suxuewang.com

The good mail is filed or put into a tickler system immediately.
好邮件会被立即归档或者放入备忘录系统。 yeeyan

The tickler pricked a tick on the nickname Nickel.
挠痒者在绰号“镍币”上刺了个勾号。 hjenglish

And the one or two time the Annona species, in addition to face cards outside of as many as twenty-two, if we can grasp, by these little piece eight times winning hand should not be a tickler.

If it takes more than two minutes to do, but it in your Action or Tickler file.
如果需要超过两分钟处理,除去那些在您的行动或备忘录文件。 yeeyan

Industrial structural imbalance and elementary state have always been a tickler in our economic growth, the only solution will be rationalization and upgrade simultaneously.
产业结构失衡状况和低级状态一直是困扰我国经济增长的难题,解决办法只能是合理化和高级化同时并举。 cnki

Simplify your commitments, and you don’t need a tickler system.
简化你的任务,你就不需要这个时间提系统了。 yeeyan

So called, because the clitoral tickler attachment is often shaped like a rabbit.
之所以这么叫,是因为它的阴蒂挠痒附件的形状常常像一只兔子。 yeeyan

Using a recursive algorithm of DFT, this thesis can locate fault time exactly, thus solved a tickler which had existed many years.
本文采用了 DFT递推算法,能准确确定故障时刻,解决了存在多年的难题。 cnki

Whether you use a calendar, a tickler file, or an assistantin person or computerized to rattle your cage at a designated time is simply up to what works best and is easiest for you.
不管你采用什么方式,日程表,能提醒的笔记本,或者是助手,只要它能在设定的时间把这些事情推送给你,并且你能够信任这个过程,目的就达到了。 yeeyan

You can also use a tickler file to supplement this.
你也可以使用一个备忘录文件作为增补。 yeeyan

Tickler files, also known as the“43 folders” method, are a unique system that's used by many people for organizing files.
记事本文件,也就是所谓的“43文件夹”方案,是很多人用的一种独特的文件整理方式。 blog.sina.com.cn




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