

单词 ticket office
释义 ticket officeI短语⁷⁹⁵⁷⁴

the office where tickets of admission are sold近义词 box office票房ticket booth售票亭
用作名词There is a long line at theticket office.售票处排著长队。
Tickets are on sale from the booking office.售票处正在售票。 As I had no idea how much I should pay for such a long ride, I asked an attendant in the ticket office.
我不知道进行如此漫长的一段旅行究竟要花多少钱,于是来到售票处向一位工作人员打听。 yeeyan

A man hurried to the ticket office.
一个男人匆忙跑到售票处。 nce200

At Shanghai Railway Station, passengers lined up at the ticket office some 20 hours before it opened.
在上海火车站,一些乘客在售票窗口排队近20个小时。 hjenglish

Excuse me. Do you know where the ticket office is ?
对不起,请问您知道售票处在哪儿吗? zgkqw

I hurried to the ticket office.
我匆忙赶到售票处。 blog.sina.com.cn

I hurry to the ticket office.
我匆匆赶到售票处。 hxen

I went back to the ticket office at once.
我马上又回到售票处。 kekenet

Is this the ticket office?
这儿是售票处吗? iciba

Just then, a man hurried to the ticket office.
正在这时,一个男人匆匆奔向售票处。 kekenet

Our travel arrangements have been messed up by the ticket office.

Our travel arrangements have been buggered up by the ticket office.
我们的旅行安排被售票处弄糟了。 hotdic

Someone in the ticket office happened to notice her.
在售票处有人正好注意到她。 foxenglish

There is now a new ticket office, complete with a roof.
现在,他们有了一个新的售票站,带屋顶的。 yeeyan

We met at the cinema this afternoon. He waited for me near the ticket office.
我们今天下午在电影院见了面。他在售票处附近等我。 nceabc

You could go to the ticket office at the Opera House.
你可以去歌剧院的售票处买。 www.netfm.com.cn




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