

单词 ticketed
释义 tick·et·ed 英'tɪkɪt美'tɪkɪt 高COCA⁵⁸⁰⁵²BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb²⁷⁰¹¹

written or printed piece of card or paper that gives the holder a certain right


label attached to sth, giving details of its price, size, etc.


official notice of an offence against traffic regulations


list of the candidates put forward by one party in an election


the correct or desirable thing

vt. 加标签于,给…贴标签

put a tag or label on

vt. 对…发出违章通知单

give a ticket to sb

vt. 规定…用于

… intend sth for a certain use or purpose

a commercial document showing that the holder is entitled to something as to ride on public transportation or to enter a public entertainmenta label written or printed on paper, cardboard, or plastic that is attached to something to indicate its owner, nature, price, etc.a summons issued to an offender especially to someone who violates a traffic regulationa list of candidates nominated by a political party to run for election to public officesthe appropriate or desirable thing;

this car could be just the ticket for a small family

issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty;

I was fined for parking on the wrong side of the street

Move your car or else you will be ticketed!

provide with a ticket for passage or admission;

Ticketed passengers can board now

ticket, label, mark

这组词都可表示“加上供识别用的标记”。它们的区别是:mark指在某物上加上记号、标记或痕迹; label指贴上或系上标明名称、性质、来源或地址等之类的标签; ticket指加上说明情况或价格等之类的小卡片。例如:

He labelled the parcel before posting it.在邮寄前他在包裹上贴了标签。
All the articles in the store are ticketed with the price.这个商店的所有物品都用标签明码标价。直接源自中古法语的etiquet,意为纸币;最初源自古法语的estiquette,意为小的纸币
用作名词 n.
动词+~accept a ticket接受票据book a ticket预订票buy a ticket买票check a ticket验票collect a ticket收票examine a ticket查票get a ticket得到票get one's ticket被罚款give a ticket to给…票hold a ticket持有票issue a ticket开发票present a ticket出示票return a ticket退票sell ticket out卖完票show a ticket出示票split ticket投异党候选人的票vote a ticket投票形容词+~five tickets五张票full-fare ticket全票half-fare ticket半票monthly ticket月票one-way ticket〈美〉单程票round-trip ticket〈美〉往返票single ticket〈英〉单程车票straight ticket只投同一政党所有候选人的选票thorough ticket联票valid ticket有效票名词+~admission ticket入场券airplane ticket飞机票communication ticket〈美〉月票library ticket借书证meal ticket餐券,饭票movie ticket电影票platform ticket月台票railway ticket火车票return ticket〈英〉往返票season ticket〈英〉季票,月票,长期票split ticket分裂票指投给不同党派候选人的票theatre ticket戏票train ticket火车票winning ticket得奖彩票~+介词ticket for concert音乐会票ticket to game体育比赛入场券ticket to the baseball game棒球比赛入场券用作动词 v.~+名词ticket all articles给所有货物都贴上价格标签ticket the parked car给停放的车辆贴上违章传票~+介词ticket as把…指定为…ticket for因…而收到通知单,指定为…ticket with用…贴标签
用作名词n.just〔that's〕 the ticket

〈口〉正好合适,理想的东西,需要的东西 that is the correct thing

work one's ticket

获准在合同期满前解除工作 obtain one's release from a job before the contract of service has expired

ticket for v.+prep.

因…而收到通知单; 指定为… receive a ticket for sth or doing sth; intend sth for a certain use or purpose

ticket sb/sth for sth/v-ingShe was ticketed for illegal parking.她因违章停车收到罚款通知单。
These cars have been ticketed for sale abroad .这些车辆是出口的。
His car was ticketed for being a little over a white line.他的汽车因稍稍超过白线而被贴上违章通知。
ticket with v.+prep.

用…贴标签 put a tag or label on sth with sth

ticket sth with sthAll articles in the store are ticketed with the price.商店里的所有货物都贴上了价格标签。近义词 tabtagpasssliplabelmarkern. cardcertificate
用作名词n.How much is a second-class return ticket?一张二等往返票要多少钱?
It's late, but it is still possible to get tickets nevertheless.虽然晚了,但仍然有可能弄到票。
We shall reserve three tickets for you, and you can pick them up a few minutes before the show.我们为你们留三张票,你们可以在开演前几分钟取到。
He has secured us three tickets for Beijing.他已经为我们弄到了三张去北京的票。
Could you get me some tickets for tonight's show?请给我弄几张今晚演出的票好吗?
You must present your ticket when picking up your laundry.你在领取洗好的衣服时,须出示洗衣票。
Where're the tickets?票在哪里?
Those film fans were waiting at the ticket window.那些影迷们正在售票处门口等着。
The sales ticket says the coat is $500.这件外套售价标签上标明是500美元。
The driver got a ticket for speeding.司机超速行驶,接到违规传票。
If you leave your car there you might get a parking ticket.如果你在那里停车,很可能会收到一张违章停车通知单。
He ran as Vice-president on the Republican ticket.他作为共和党的候选人竞选副总统。
She's very handsome and she's very finely dressed, only somehow she's not the ticket, you see.她长得很漂亮,穿得很雅致,只是总有点不大对劲。
At home, we feel frustrated.But, if you go to Africa you have a ticket to opportunity when you return home.在国内我们感到失望,不过,你到非洲一趟,回来后你就有了资本,机会就来了。
Enrollment in business and engineering classes is seen as ticket to high starting salaries.参加商业和工程学习班被认为是走向高薪阶层的阶梯。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The policeman ticketed the parked car.警察给停放的车辆贴上了违章传票。
Children under twelve cannot be ticketed unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.12岁以下没有父母或监护人陪同的孩子不能购票。
The passenger is ticketed to San Francisco.旅客凭票可到旧金山。
S+~+ n./pron. +as n.He is ticketed as a zealous reformer.他被描述成一个热心的改革家。




在口语中, ticket还可作“恰好的事,所需之物”解,通常用作单数形式,并与定冠词the连用。





用作及物动词All articles in the store areticketedwith the price.店里的所有物品都有标签标明价格。
The policemanticketedthe parked car.警察给这辆停着的车发出违章处罚通知单。as in.quoted
同义词 announced,asked,given,marked,named,priced,published,stated,taggedprice-marked
quotedadjective offered or mentioned at a stated price
announced,asked,given,marked,named,price-marked,priced,published,stated,tagged Have they ticketed the merchandise?

Initially, Richardson was charged with reckless driving and ticketed for driving without insurance.
最后,理查德森将会被危险驾驶和驾车没有投保被起诉。 edu.sina.com.cn

It has to be ticketed this week.
这周就要出票了。 enfamily

The driver was ticketed for parking in front of a fire hydrant.
消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单。 iciba

The fare for your new transportation will be calculated and you will be given the option of accepting the new price or maintaining your original transportation as ticketed.
运输一经改变,票价将重新计算。您可自行选择接受新票价还是维持您客票上原来的运输。 www.tj.xinhuanet.com

The new itinerary must meet all rule provisions of the newly ticketed fare.
新的行程应满足新价格的所有限制条件。 chayunjia

Because it means that Mr. Jobs did not drive his car very much, which significantly lowered his odds of getting ticketed.
因为这意味着乔布斯先生不常驾驶他的汽车,所以有效降低了他得到罚单的几率。 yeeyan

Drivers who are ticketed for exceeding the speed limit are more likely to exceed the speed limit regularly than are drivers who are not ticketed.
因超速而被开罚单的司机比超速而未被开罚单的司机更可能经常超速。 lkbbs.mba.org.cn

Drivers who equip their vehicles with radar detectors are less likely to be ticketed for exceeding the speed limit than are drivers who do not.
在车上装备了雷达探查器的司机比没有这么做的司机因超速而被开罚单的可能性更小。 lkbbs.mba.org.cn

Due to the reasons for the airline passenger's class change, ticketed through the difference between less and more do not back up.
因航空公司的原因,旅客的舱位等级变更时,票款的差额多退少不补。 chinaw3

Event Services relates to the planning and management of the various services for ticketed spectators and accredited people.
赛事服务是指为持票观众和注册人员提供的各项服务的计划和管理。 xinhuanet

He is ticketed as a zealous reformer.
他被描述成一个热心的改革家。 iciba

Her sister Barbara, a student at Yale University in New Haven, Conn. who was visiting Austin at the time, was ticketed after police found her with a margarita and a tequila shot.
而她的孪生姐妹,在耶鲁大学读书的芭芭拉当时也在现场,警察赶到时发现她正在“享用”一杯玛格丽塔和一杯塔其拉酒。 hotdic

It might be Grant Park in Chicago, where Barack Obama addressed thousands of people ticketed and otherwise on the November night he won the presidential election.
例如芝加哥的格兰特公园,奥巴马在他赢得总统选举后十一月份的晚上,那里聚集了上千人有的购票而来也有其他方式。 yeeyan

It seems Mr. Baptiste has outmaneuvered the Crime Watch by finding a way to avoid getting ticketed.
看来巴普蒂斯特找到了一种避免罚单的方法,让居民联防队无可奈何。 iciba

Managers control both by personal observation and by analyzing records of work activity for example, tours booked or flights ticketed.
管理者即亲自观察又分析工作记录如预定的旅行数或订购的机票数。 wtokj.com

Only ticketed passengers are allowed past security checkpoints.
只有持机票的乘客才能通过安检口。 ycwb

She was ticketed for misdemeanor driving with a suspended license.
她因明知吊销执照而继续驾车出行而再次被检方起诉。 tianya

She is ticketed as a heroine.

She was ticketed for a job as Minister of Education.

That driver is getting ticketed.
该骑手肯定是得到超速罚单。 arms-cool

The children are too young to be ticketed.

They ticketed my baggage at the airport.

Tickets have been sold, such as fare adjustment, ticketed through no changes.
客票出售后,如票价调整,票款不作变动。 chinaw3




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