

单词 ticked off
释义 ticked off ˌtɪktˈɒf;ˌtɪktˈɔːf 短语²¹⁸³⁵
And then the final seconds ticked off: Five! Four! Three! Two! One!
然后,就是最终的几秒的滴答:五!四!三!二!一! bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Brian Flynn described himself as having been “ ticked off for22 years.”
布莱恩弗林自我描述到,“已经自责了22年”。 yeeyan

But being productive isn't about being able to point to items ticked off on a to-do list.
但是变得富有效力并不仅仅是能够将项目勾画在待办事项列表中。 artron

However, I believe the oven is ticked off because its owners, in typical New York fashion, use it for storage rather than for actual cooking.
然而,我则相信这个烤箱是因为它的主人,和主流的纽约风格一样,喜欢用烤箱装东西而不用来做饭。 yeeyan

She ticked off the items on the memo.

This time tomorrow, Tracy McGrady will either be really relieved or really ticked off.

We ticked off a few specific causes for the price spiral in our country.
我们列举了我们国内物价螺旋形上升的几个具体原因。 hotdic

With events and errors ticked off day by day, hour by hour and then minute by minute as the implacable oil rises from below, the report makes eerie reading.
事件和过失随着难以清除的浮油一天天逐渐的浮出水面,该报告也被怪诞的解读。 ecocn




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