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词汇 tick
释义 tick 英tɪk美tɪkAHDtĭk ★★☆☆☆高四六研IT46八COCA¹⁰⁴⁵⁰BNC²⁰³⁰⁶iWeb⁶³⁶¹Economist¹⁵⁹⁶¹

vi. 作滴答声

of a clock, watch, etc. make light, regularly repeated sounds; click

vt. 标出; 打钩于

mark; check

a metallic tapping sound;

he counted the ticks of the clock

any of two families of small parasitic arachnids with barbed proboscis; feed on blood of warm-blooded animalsa mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc.;

as he called the role he put a check mark by each student's name

a light mattress
make a clicking or ticking sound;

The clock ticked away

make a sound like a clock or a timer;

the clocks were ticking

the grandfather clock beat midnight


tick a mattress

put a check mark on or near or next to;

Please check each name on the list

tick off the items

mark off the units

用作动词 v.
~+副词tick away minutes滴滴答答地送走时间tick by过了几秒钟tick off用记号标出tick sb off谴责某人tick out messages滴答滴答地打出电报tick over接近停滞; 进行得极缓慢
tick away v.+adv.

过去 (hours, minutes, seconds, etc. to pass)

tick awayThe clock ticks away on the shelf.时钟在搁板上滴答滴答地响着。
It was so quiet I could hear my wristwatch ticking away.周围静悄悄的,我能听到自己的手表滴答滴答地响着。tick awayMeantime life in the ward ticked away as usual.在此期间,病房生活跟平时一样,按部就班地进行下去。
As the minutes ticked away they began to lose patience.随着时间一分钟一分钟地过去,他们开始变得不耐烦了。tick sth ⇔ awayThe clock ticked away the time.时钟滴答滴答地响着,时间在一点一点过去。
The railway station clock ticked away the hours of waiting.火车站的时钟滴答不止,在等候之中几小时过去了。
tick off v.+adv.

激怒 make angry or indignant

tick sth ⇔ offHe ticked off the items one by one.他把这些项目逐一标出。
He ticked off each item on the list.他核对了清单上的每一个项目。
She ticked off some of the names on her list.她把名单上的一些名字勾出来。
Please tick off the titles of the books you wish to buy.请勾出你要购买的书籍的名字。tick sth ⇔ offEach taxi is fitted with a meter ticking off the fare due.每辆出租汽车都装有一个计算车费的计程表。
They ticked off a few specific causes for the price spiral in their country.他们列举了他们国内物价螺旋上升的几个具体原因。tick sb ⇔ offHe ticked me off because I was late.由于我迟到,他责备我。
Why did you tick little Peter off in such a way?你为什么这样训斥小彼得?
The boy was ticked off for staying out so late.男孩因回家太晚而受到责备。
The young man was ticked off for his impudence.这青年由于无礼而受到责备。tick offThat was a period which it would be so difficult to tick off in a phrase.那是个很难用一句话来概括的一个时代。tick sb ⇔ offThe cancellation of the football match really ticked him off.足球赛的取消真把他给气坏了。
tick out v.+adv.

滴答滴答地发出 give forth by repeated ticking beats

tick sth ⇔ outThe telegraph ticked out a message.发报机滴答滴答地发出一份电报。
tick over v.+adv.

吞吞吐吐,支支吾吾 falter

非常记忆ti踢〖拼音〗+ck蛋糕〖熟词cake〗⇒踢掉一个蛋糕,就打上钩联想记忆验票员在票ticket上做记号tick近义词 beat打drum鼓line线bit少量tap龙头rap轻敲dot少量thrust刺mark记号nick刻痕pulse脉搏nerve神经trice瞬间check检查scratch抓notch刻痕blaze火焰sound声音signal信号MO卫生官员moment片刻minute分钟stroke中风strike罢工retick缝纫impulse冲动click咔嗒声tapping开孔second第二的mark off划出pulsation脉博check off核对pounding重击声check mark勾号ticktack滴答声twinkling闪烁的tick off给 … 标rat-a-tat敲门的声音SEC香槟酒等无甜味的…ticktock钟表滴答滴答…ticking指钟等发出滴答声…
S+~+AYour watch ticks very loudly.你的表滴答声真响。
The clock ticked louder and louder in a quiet room.钟的滴答声在静静的房间里越来越响。
S+~+ n./pron.The clock ticked the minutes.时钟滴答滴答地报出时间。
He ticked the items that were delivered one by one.他把业已交付的物品逐项作了登记。Pbedtickn.褥套Ptickern.滴答响的东西断续器




tick后接副词away表示“滴答滴答地响”; 后接副词off表示“核对; 列举”; 后接副词out表示“滴答滴答地发出”; 后接副词over表示“空转; 接近停滞; 进行得极缓慢”。

用作动词The clockticksvery loudly.这只钟发出很响的滴答声。
My watch doesn'ttickbecause it's electronic.我的表不滴答作响,因为它是电子表。
The teacherticksoff a name on a list.老师在名单上的一个名字旁打勾。
Listen carefully andtickthe sentences which are correct.认真听,并标记正确的句子。
That's what makes the worldtick.使世界持续活动的动力,就在于此。
Buses and taxistickover rather noisily.公共汽车和出租车空档慢转时噪音很大。
I stopped the car but left the motortickingover.我停住汽车,让发动机空转。用作名词They could hear the regulartickof the clock.他们能听见时钟有规律的滴答声。
Just wait atick!等一下儿!
There was a nice redtickin the margin.边上打了一个漂亮的红勾。
Opposite his own name was a smalltick.紧接在他名字后面的是一个小对号。
Thetickstops draining you and drops off after you're dead.你死了以后壁虱才会停止吸你的血,掉下来。noun.clicking sound;one beat
同义词 beat,blow,clack,click,clicking,flash,instant,minute,moment,pulsation,pulse,rap,second,shake,tap,tapping,throb,ticktock,twinkling,winkmetallic soundnoun.checkmark
同义词 check,cross,dash,flick,indication,line,mark,stroke,
同义词 beat,clack,pulsate,tap,thump,ticktock
arachnidnoun spider
beatnoun a throb or pulsation
bitnoun short period of time
instant,jiffy,little while,minute,moment,second,space,spell,stretch,tick,while
bloodsuckernoun extortionist
chargenoun price asked for something
amount,bad news,bite,cost,damage,expenditure,expense,nick,outlay,payment,price,price tag,rate,squeeze,tab,tariff,tick
checknoun symbol for ticking off
X,cross,dot,line,mark,score,sign,stroke,tick Being genuinely interested in her. People love people whom are interested in them. If you genuinely want to know what makes her tick, this will be attractive.
真正的对她感兴趣。人们都喜欢那些对自己感兴趣的人。如果你真正想知道为什么她那样做,这其实就是在吸引她了。 yeeyan

The infection status and degree of engorgement of the tick, and therefore the risk of infection, are generally not known.
感染的状况以及蜱虫吸血的程度,以及因此造成的感染风险,通常还不为人知。 artintern

The tickler pricked a tick on the nickname Nickel.
挠痒者在绰号“镍币”上刺了个勾号。 hjenglish

All those things pale into insignificance when we face the splendour of what it is that makes us tick.
在伟大的爱面前,所有这些都微不足道,因为正是爱使我们的生活不断继续。 yeeyan

But at Psychologies, we want to find out what makes them tick as real women.
但在《心理学》中,我们想找到是什么原因让他们看起来如此真切。 yeeyan

Even with these caveats, some of my runs resulted in one missed tick and an extra copy of the starting tick because the script took slightly over60 seconds to run.
即使注意了这些事项,时钟运行时仍然丢失了一个滴答,并额外复制了一个起始的滴答,因为脚本的运行略微超过了60秒。 ibm

For fleet cars, the data can also be relayed to a control centre, so that Big Brother can tick off transgressing drivers.
对于车队而言,这些数据也能传送到控制中心,所以管理公司能勾出识别出违法行驶的司机。 ecocn

I have always been fascinated with what makes people tick and what makes them do what they do.
我一直着迷于是什么让人们一往如常,又是什么驱使他们做着这些事。 yeeyan

If the months tick by with Iran demonstrating to all the world just how easy it is to break the treaty's rules with impunity, the NPT will finally be done for.
如果过去的几个月是为着伊朗向全世界展示它如何能轻易地不受惩罚地违反条款,那么不扩散核武器条约将最终归于无用。 ecocn

If you genuinely want to know what makes her tick, this will be attractive.
如果你真正想知道为什么她那样做,这其实就是在吸引她了。 yeeyan

In theory, at least, the hands of your clock can tick in both directions.
至少从理论上讲,墙上时钟的指针可以向两个方向上转动。 yeeyan

It is, she read, the deadliest of all the tick- borne illnesses.
她读到,这是所有的壁虱传播的疾病中最致命的一种。 yeeyan

Reconnect with your family or friends and find out what makes them tick.
再次联系你的家人或者朋友找出是什么能激怒他们。 yeeyan

Spend some time figuring out what makes them tick and understand why this relationship is important to them and to you.
花些时间想想是什么让他们如此表现,理解这种关系对你和对他们为什么这么重要。 yeeyan

They had urged supporters to tick“No Vote” on the ballot, but amid an impressive 75% turnout of eligible voters, this had a barely discernible effect.
他们曾劝说支持泰党的人在选票的弃权栏上画勾,但是在合格选民投票率高达75%的情况下,这一举动几乎没有造成什么影响。 ecocn

This cash grant money, both for housing and livelihoods, should begin helping small local communities tick over in time and rebuild, bake and fish.
这一用于房屋和生计的现金赠款应可以开始帮助当地小型社区即时缓慢运转和重建、烤制面包和捕鱼。 worldbank

Well, Tick Tock Timer is that bully for me today.
嗯,那滴滴答答的定时器就是今天欺负我的人。 yeeyan

You are welcome to tick as many of these boxes as appropriate.
欢迎您勾选这些选项框中所有适合您的选项。 un

You can turn tick marks on and off at the minor and micro level.
可以在微观和宏观级别打开和关闭刻度标记。 ibm

You can tick all the boxes under the sun and still be a lousy teacher.
你可以使自己满足所有的标准却依然还是一位糟糕的老师。 yeeyan

You might want to tick days on a calendar, keep a diary, tell a friend, or create a document on your computer to track your progress.
你可以日历上打勾、写日记、告诉你的朋友,或你的电脑上创建一个文档来跟踪你的进展。 yeeyan




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