释义 |
Tibetan women 基本例句 藏族妇女 Asang and Ms.Floy are grateful for the opportunity to help youngTibetan women.阿桑每周五教一堂冥想课,所有收入捐给学校。 Tibetan woman education is momentous component of Tibetan education.藏族妇女教育是藏族教育的重要组成部分。 The Heights of Holy Land PiousTibetan women, following the footsteps of Buddha, worship the “sacred city” in the distance, letting their souls escape.净土的高处虔诚的藏族妇女,踏着佛的脚印,向遥远的“圣城”膜拜,让灵魂超脱。 MostTibetan womenplait their hair into numerous small pigtails, and their headwear is usually a natural gemstone, such as amber, coral, agate, etc.藏族妇女大多数将头发分编成无数根小辫,头饰大多是琥珀、珊瑚、玛瑙、绿松耳石等各种天然宝石。 |