

单词 Tibet
释义 Ti·bet 英təˈbet美təˈbɛtAHDtə-bĕtʹ 高Economist⁵¹⁷³

an autonomous region of the Peoples Republic of China; located in the Himalayas来自阿拉伯语 Bod 的读音讹误,即汉语蕃,吐蕃,古代藏族民族名。近义词 Thibet西藏Sitsang西藏Xizang西藏位于中国西南部…

A Buddhist monk ofTibetor Mongolia.喇嘛中国西藏或蒙古的喇嘛教僧侣
Before the democratic reform inTibet, the people there were laid heavy burden on.在民主改革以前,西藏人民肩负着沉重的负担。 China insists that this section of northeast India has historically been part of Tibet, and should be part of China.
中国坚持印度东北部的部分区域历来是西藏的一部分,当然也应该是中国的一部分。 yeeyan

He might have told no one, had not the book he wrote of his experiences, “ Seven Years in Tibet”, been made in1997 into a Hollywood epic, with Brad Pitt starring as himself.
他也许从没有对任何人说过,也没有在他那本叙述自己经历的《西藏七年》里提及。1997年,这本书被拍成好莱坞大片,由布赖德•皮特饰演哈勒。 ecocn

He pointed out that Tibet is an inseparable part of China.
他指出西藏是中国不可分割的一部分。 tingvoa

He went to Tibet in June.
他在六月份去了西藏。 kekenet

His flight from Tibet in 1959, via Tawang, fed into border tensions then and he backs India’s border claims today.
1959年,他经达旺逃离西藏,增加了当时边境的紧张局势,现在他支持印方关于边界的要求。 ecocn

Lake Namco in Tibet is the world's highest-lying saltwater lake, rising4718 metres above sea level and covering an area of1940 square kilometres.
中国西藏的纳木湖是世界最高的咸水湖,海拔 4718米,面积1940平方公里。《新英汉大辞典》

This is, in fact, right here is the valley of Lhasa, right here in Tibet.
这是,事实上,这正好是拉萨山谷,正好在西藏的这里。 yeeyan

This is Nepal and Tibet.
这是尼泊尔和西藏。 yeeyan

Water is already an object of contention, given that several of the big rivers of north India, including the Brahmaputra, on which millions depend, rise in Tibet.
水资源则已经是一个争论的焦点,几条印度北部的大河包括数百万人赖以生存的布拉马普特河都起源于西藏。 yeeyan

Tibet is an exception.
西藏是一个例外。 ecocn




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