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词汇 TIA
释义 TIA AHDˌtē₍ˌ₎īˈā 
abbr.Thanks In Advance;先谢了¹⁰⁰

brief episode in which the brain gets insufficient blood supply; symptoms depend on the site of the blockage近义词 transient ischemic attack短暂性缺血发作, 一过性…
TIAis associated with endothelial injury and the ascension of ET and CGRP.TIA的发病与内皮细胞损伤和血浆ET及CGRP水平增高有关。 But the arrival of Gracie wasn't easy as Tia was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia, seven weeks before her due date.
诞下格雷西对于蒂娅来说却不是件容易的事。 蒂娅在预产期的七周前被诊断出患有子痫前症。 huanqiu

Once mother and daughter have been released from hospital they will be staying with grandmother Kelly so that Tia can finish school.
蒂娅和她的女儿一出院就会和祖母凯莉一起生活,这样蒂娅可以顺利完成学业。 huanqiu

Sixty-seven percent of TIA patients and74 percent of minor stroke patients sought medical attention within24 hours.
短暂性脑缺血发作 TIA患者和74%轻度中风患者在24小时内寻求医疗帮助。 dxy

The delay in TIA patients being assessed by a stroke specialist is due to a number of reasons, including the patients themselves not realising the potential serious nature of the attack.
导致 TIA患者找卒中专家就诊时间延迟的原因有很多,其中包括患者本身未意识到它潜在的严重性。 dxy

A week after Gracie was born Tia celebrated her15th birthday in the ward surrounded by friends and family.
Gracie出生一周后, Tia与亲朋好友一起在病房中庆祝了她15岁的生日。 yeeyan

A scoring system ABCD2, which has been used to assess stroke risk very early after TIA, was also able to detect risk of stroke despite the delays in presentation to specialist assessment.
有一个用于 TIA后卒中风险极早期预测的评分系统 ABCD2也可以用来测定卒中风险,尽管接受专科评估的时间已被拖延。 dxy

Ah, this is Africa! TIA!
这就是非洲啊! yeeyan

But each TIA increases the risk of stroke and warns that one could occur if nothing is done to prevent it.
但是每次小中风出现都会增加中风的风险,如果不进行防治的话就很容易变成中风。 fortunechina

Conclusion TCD is valuable in the diagnosis of TIA and judgement of the prognosis, it has important value to advice the early treatment and to prevent cerebral infarct.
结论 TCD对 TIA的诊断、判断预后提供客观依据,对指导早期治疗,预防脑梗死发生具有重要价值。 cnki

Conclusions Ozagral Sodium can improve the prognosis and nerves function of TIA and PCI patients.
结论奥扎格雷钠能显著改善 TIA与 PCI的病情及预后。 cnki

Despite her young age, mother Tia says that she would not be happy if newborn Gracie became pregnant at14 but that she would do as her mum did, which is respect her choice to have a child.
尽管蒂娅早早的就做了妈妈,但她说,自己并不愿意看到格雷西也像她一样在14岁时就怀孕,但她还会尽到母亲的责任,尊重她成为母亲的选择。 huanqiu

Grandad Shem, who has a young son of his own, said he is keen to get stuck in and help Tia and Jordan settle into life.
刚成为祖父的塞姆,自己也有个小儿子,他说,他希望帮助蒂娅和约旦来习惯目前的生活。 huanqiu

Greg King powders up Tia Coles during their performance Saturday.
格雷格在表演期间为提亚·考勒斯扑粉。 cri

I'm incredibly proud of Tia. She'll be a brilliant mum.
我为蒂娅感到无比自豪,她一定会是个很棒的母亲。 huanqiu

If the speed with which TIA patients can be evaluated is improved many strokes in the UK each year could be prevented.
如果能加快 TIA患者接受评估的速度,英国每年有很多卒中事件都是可以预防的。 dxy

If you have had a TIA, you should contact your GP, local hospital or out-of- hours service immediately, to arrange for a specialist assessment.
如果你有一个电信行业协会,你应该联系你的家庭医生,当地医院或超出小时即时服务,安排了专家评估。 canjiren

If you have a TIA, the treatment that you receive will depend on what caused it, but you will typically be given one of the medicines outlined above, or a combination of them.
如果你有一个电信行业协会的治疗,您收到将取决于我们所造成的,但你通常会得到上述的药物,或二者的组合之一。 canjiren

In Tia's apartment, T-Bag and Self collect“ evidence” as they plot to take down Lincoln.
在蒂亚的公寓,西奥多和赛尔夫收集“证据”时谋划将林肯架空。 rayzen

Searching for answers, a woman named Tia shows Lincoln who Erica is.

Shem Davies and his former girlfriend Kelly John,30, were overjoyed when their daughter Tia, who was born when her parents were15, gave birth to little Gracie earlier this month.
塞姆•戴维斯在15岁时与其现年30岁的前女友凯莉•约翰生下了女儿蒂娅。 huanqiu

Some people have a higher risk of stroke after a TIA.
有些人经过电信行业协会有中风的风险较高。 canjiren

The symptoms of a transient ischemic attack TIA are the same as for a stroke, but they only last from between a few minutes to a few hours, then completely disappear.
一个短暂性脑缺血发作 TIA的症状是,作为一个中风相同,但它们之间只有几分钟的最后几个小时,然后完全消失。 canjiren

This can also be helpful in determining the risk of a transient ischemic attack TIA.
这也可以有助于确定一个短暂性脑缺血发作 TIA的风险。 canjiren

TIA, sometimes known as a “mini stroke, ” occurs when a blood clot temporarily clogs an artery and blocks blood flow to the brain.
短暂性脑缺血发作 TIA 是一种由于血栓阻塞脑动脉导致大脑短暂性供血中断所引起的疾病,有时也被称为“小卒中”。 dxy

Tia said the contrast between the carefree fun of the school playground and then the fear of death for her and the baby was something she would never forget.
蒂娅说,以前在学校操场上玩耍时无忧无虑,现在却要为自己和孩子的安全而担心,这种反差让人难以忘怀。 huanqiu

Tia tried cutting because a couple of the girls at her school were doing it.
提亚试图切割,因为在她的学校的一对夫妇的女孩那么做。 yeeyan




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