

单词 being on
释义 being on短语⁶⁶⁵³
Effectively being on your own for so long would make anyone garrulous and dim their social skills.
在这么长的时间里独自一人,任何人会变得饶舌,而且社会交往的技能也会退化。 yeeyan

The major exception is being on a switched network segment.
主要例外情况发生在交换网段上。 ibm

At that time I had to decide between being on the handball and math teams since they met during the same time period.
那时我不得不在手球和数学小组之间抉择,因为他们在同一时期相遇了。 yeeyan

He has expressed his unhappiness with being on this new project.
他也曾表达了在这个新项目中并不开心。 yeeyan

He remembers being on a plane on his way to a conference and having an epiphany.
他记得有一次在前往参加一个会议的飞机上,曾经有过一个顿悟。 yeeyan

It seems that TNK, being on its home turf, has the power within Russia to gain ever more control over TNK-BP.
看来,在本土经营业务的秋明石油公司可以依靠其在俄罗斯的权势,获得秋明英国石油公司公司更多的掌控权。 fortunechina

It marked the first time he has been outside the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad without being on a military base.
这标志着,第一次他没有在军事基地而是前往一个位于巴格达戒备森严的绿区之外的地方。 yeeyan

The Icelandic couple whom I had envisioned as being on/span> one last blowout have packed and gone home.
我已经目睹的正在做最后一次井喷的爱尔兰夫妇已经收拾好回家了。 yeeyan

When she got to heaven, God asked her how she liked being on earth.
她到了天堂,上帝就问她在地球上生活的怎么样。 yeeyan

Being a trendsetter. From fashion to electronics, being on the leading edge is both expensive and unnecessary.
勿做潮流达人:从时尚到电子产品,可谓站在了昂贵和不实用的前沿。 yeeyan




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