

单词 Thurgood
释义 Thurgood ˈθɝːɡʊd COCA³¹²⁴¹BNC⁷⁵⁶⁵⁵
“ To do what, Mr. Wolff?” Thurgood Stinson asked. “To rescue your friends, to be sure. But what then- continue on your campaign, or return to Tirol?”
“去做什么,沃尔夫先生?”瑟古德•斯廷森问道:“援救你的朋友,当然是了。但之后呢——继续你们的战役,还是返回泰洛?” rtucn

Among them was Mr. Justice, Thurgood Marshall.
其中包括正义先生和瑟古德·马歇尔。 hjenglish

I think Obama is a very rich legacy of the civil rights work of Thurgood Marshall.
我认为,奥巴马总统本身就是马歇尔民权工作留下的宝贵财富。 tingvoa

Legal experts say that Thurgood Marshall's most important case was the one known as “ Brown versus Board of Education.”
法律专家说,瑟古德。马歇尔所处理的最重要的案件是著名的“布朗诉教育委员会案”。 blog.sina.com.cn

Linthicum, a small census- designated place, is home of the Baltimore- Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport.
普查规定的小居民点林西克姆是巴尔的摩-华盛顿国际瑟古德·马歇尔机场所在地。 yeeyan

She clerked for Justice Thurgood Marshall, a liberal hero.
瑟古•马歇尔法官是一位开明的英雄,她曾做过他的书记员。 ecocn

The writer was Justice Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court justice, who came of age during the time of DuBois.
当时写下这个词的是美国历史上第一位黑人大法官瑟古德·马歇尔,他经历了杜波依斯活跃时的那些岁月。 yeeyan

The last justice named by a Democratic president before her was Justice Thurgood Marshall, appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1967.
在她之前最近一次由民主党总统任命的大法官是1967年林登·约翰逊总统任命的瑟古德·马歇尔大法官。 yeeyan

Thurgood Marshall agreed to argue the case before the Supreme Court.
瑟古德。马歇尔同意为这个案件到最高法院进行辩护。 blog.sina.com.cn

Thurgood Marshall becomes the first black justice on the Supreme Court as Muhammad Ali is stripped of his heavyweight title for refusing to join the US Army.
Thurgood Marshall成为了美国高等法院中的第一个黑人法官,拳王阿里 Muhammad Ali因为拒绝参军被剥夺了重量级冠军。 blog.sina.com.cn

Thurgood Marshall did not listen to the threats against his life. And he did not listen to those who said he should move more slowly.
瑟古德。马歇尔没有听那些对他发出生命威胁的人的话,他也没有听那些让他慢点走的人的话。 blog.sina.com.cn

Thurgood Marshall graduated first in his class.
瑟古德。马歇尔在他的班第一个毕业。 blog.sina.com.cn

Thurgood Marshall was a very good lawyer.
瑟古德。马歇尔是一位非常优秀的律师。 blog.sina.com.cn




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