

单词 thumped
释义 thump·ed 英θʌmp美θʌmp COCA²⁸⁸⁴³BNC²⁰⁸⁴⁵Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
vt. & vi. 重击,指心脏急速跳动

strike heavily,especially with the fists;of the heart beat fast


a thud

a heavy dull sound as made by impact of heavy objectsa heavy blow with the hand
move rhythmically;

Her heart was beating fast

make a dull sound;

the knocker thudded against the front door

hit hard with the hand, fist, or some heavy instrument;

the salesman pounded the door knocker

a bible-thumping Southern Baptist

thump wheel switch拇轮开关thump filter键击声滤除器…
近义词 jab刺beat打poke戳pound磅rap轻敲bat球棒clump丛blow打击bang巨响slap侮辱flap拍打clout猛击knock敲击whack敲击strike罢工wallop重击thwack重击pummel猛击thud重击声hit打击punch按键smack掌击声thumping庞大的clunk沉闷的金属声…throb心脏跳动,抽痛…
S+~+AThe excitement made her heart thump.她兴奋得心怦怦地跳。
S+ ~+n./pron.The villain thumped me on the head.那个恶棍在我头上重重一击。用作名词n.He hit the thief a thump on the head.他在窃贼头上重击一拳。
用作动词He wasthumpingthe keys of the piano.他重重地敲击钢琴琴键。
My heart wasthumpingwith happiness.我的心兴奋得咚咚直跳。
I feel pain in my head for it'sthumpingall the time.我感到头疼,脑袋一直在不断的敲击。
The two boys began tothumpone another那两个男孩开始动起拳头相互对打。用作名词He sat down with athump.他砰的一声坐下。
She gave him athumpon the back.她在他背上重重打了一拳。noun, verb.dull crash;dull sound
同义词 bang,beat,blow,clonk,clout,clump,clunk,fall,flutter,hammer,hit,knock,plop,poke,pound,pounding,pulse,rap,slap,smack,strike,throb,thunk,thwack,wallop,whack At once Little Bear jumped upon a stump and thumped Blueberry hard on the shoulder.
小熊立刻跳到一个树桩上,重重地捶了蓝莓的肩膀一下。 dreamkidland

Daniel Webster twisted and turned and thumped his fist on the table.
丹尼尔·韦伯斯特辗转腾挪,使出了浑身解数,还用拳头使劲儿捶桌子。 jukuu

Like the Democrats last November, the president’s party was thumped in the mid-terms of1982.
与去年11月民主党的形势相同,里根所在的执政党在1982的中期选举失去了主导地位。 ecocn

The huge man thumped his chest with a fist as big as a ham.
巨人像锤头一样猛击着自己的胸膛。 che147

The giant thumped around for a while, but could not find Jack.
巨人在附近叮叮咚咚找了一会,没有发现杰克。 kekenet

The shutters thumped the wall in the wind.

A repeat of one of the best performances of last season, when the Reds thumped Villa3-1, would be the perfect way to bring their sequence of league draws to an end.
让我们再来看看上赛季红军最佳表现中的一场,当时他们3-1痛击维拉,这也许将是他们结束联赛连战连平的完美方式。 blog.sina.com.cn

A small child can be held upside down and thumped. If this does not work, tickle the back of the throat with the finger-tips in an attempt to make the patient cough or vomit.
一个小孩子窒息的话,可以将他反过来然后重拍几下,如果这样没有用,用手指尖搔喉咙,尝试着让小孩咳嗽或者呕吐。 blog.sina.com.cn

Before we could explore further, Ma thumped his horn and called us back.
在我们更进一步探索之前,马重重的按喇叭叫我们回去。 yeeyan

Dad took the fiddle to the telephone and thumped the strings.
爸爸把小提琴拿到话机旁,重重地拨弄了几下琴弦。 hjenglish

Democracy barely counts, as even parties thumped at the ballot box return to office.
即使各国将投票箱归还给办公室,民主也很难奏效。 ecocn

He thumped on the table.
他砰砰地拍桌子。 hotdic

He thumped out a tune on the piano.

His heart thumped as he walked past the cemetery at night.

I thumped on the panels, and rattled the latch angrily;
我捶着门板,愤怒地摇着门闩; hlj7.com

In recent years, Defense Department officials have thumped their chest, hard, about how good the Pentagon is at hacking enemy networks.
近年美国防部拍胸大大的炫耀五角大厦对骇入敌方网络是多在行。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

It was still one-way traffic and after Iniesta was pulled down, the excellent Xavi's free-kick thumped the post with United reeling.
但比赛还是一边倒。伊涅斯塔被推倒,优秀队员哈维的任意球击中了立柱,这真是让曼联心惊胆战。 blog.sina.com.cn

Jingjing listened to the steady tapping as Arnel thumped a piece of pipe against the thick beam above their heads.
阿恩尔用力敲打头顶上方靠在粗梁上的一根管子,京京听着不断的敲击声。 zftrans

On hearing the news, my heart thumped with excitement.

Songs were sung and glasses thumped on the bar.
酒吧里到处是歌声和酒杯碰击酒吧的声音。 cri

The boy thumped down the stairs.

The branches thumped the shutters in the wind.
树枝在风中砰砰地打着百叶窗。 tdict

The hammer thumped against the wood.

They thumped the box broken.
他们把那只箱子砸碎了。 hotdic

They thumped the thief.




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