

单词 thumbing through
释义 thumbing through短语⁶⁷⁷⁹⁶
It's like quickly thumbing through a magazine as opposed to staring at a table of contents.
就像是快速浏览一本杂志而非紧盯着目录。 yeeyan

But after thumbing through its dirty and heavily redacted pages, it’s clear that the Dream- Share: Tactical Employment Procedures manual is a puzzling mind- wipe.
但浏览过那污秽、字迹厚重的书页之后,《梦的分享:战术运用方法》 Dream- Share: Tactical Employment Procedures显然是本让人费解的洗脑工具。 yeeyan

Even just thumbing through my sewing and knitting books, or browsing Amazon for new releases, can be relaxing enough for me.
甚至只要翻阅下自己订过的书刊或浏览下卓越网新上市的书籍,足以让自己得到放松。 yeeyan

Get out those old picture albums and start thumbing through them.
找出老照片并且开始翻阅。 ebigear

In moments where our concentration is broken it can be tempting to reach up into a bookshelf and start thumbing through a book.
有时候,当我们的注意力被打断时,我们就会情不自禁地走向书架,拿起一本书开始浏览。 yeeyan

She was thumbing through the magazine.

TREM is so easy to use to find urgently needed supplies, compared with thumbing through catalogues!
在寻找急需的供应商时,与手翻样本比起来托马斯是如此好用。 eanidc.net

Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies. I'm above you, smiling as you, drown, drown, drown.
翻看我的幻想书页。我在你之上,和你一样微笑,倒下,倒下,倒下。 zhaidou




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