

单词 thuggery
释义 thug·gery 英'θʌɡəri美'θʌɡəri ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷⁷⁷⁸⁴BNC⁵³⁰⁶⁶iWeb⁴⁵⁶¹⁷Economist¹⁷⁷⁷⁴

violent or brutal acts as of thugsthug,罪犯,-ery,表行为。thugg,-ery地方⇒n.凶杀³⁶;谋财害命⁶⁴ And it is surely only a matter of time before India’s spreading Maoist insurgency turns its activities from rural thuggery to urban terrorism.
印度游击队叛乱活动日益蔓延,显然,从只是乡村谋财害命到发展为城市恐怖主义,只是个时间问题。 ecocn

Low-level thuggery has often marred red-shirt protests in Bangkok and elsewhere.
红杉军时常在曼谷及其他地方执行低级别的暗杀。 ecocn

The current Holland team played in a style that was the antithesis of that last night and a disappointed Cruyff admits it saddened him to witness their thuggery.
现在这支荷兰队的风格站在了克鲁伊夫的对立面,足球教父承认目睹了他们昨晚的凶狠表现后感到十分悲哀。 yeeyan

The new cabinet also issued its first decree, setting severe penalties for the hazily defined crime of“ thuggery”.
新内阁还发布了第一个法令,对于那些界定模糊的“谋财害命”处以严厉的惩处。 ecocn

The Pilkington tragedy has given ammunition to those who argue that“ anti- social behaviour”, as everyday thuggery has become known, is more than a mere nuisance.
皮尔金顿的惨案为那些主张严惩者提供了有力证据,他们认为日常残暴行径,即“反社会行为”不只是“令人讨厌”那么简单。 ecocn

The riots were not“ protests” in any way, but a mixture of incoherent rage, gang thuggery and teenage mayhem.
骚乱并不是任何形式的“抗议”,而是不连贯的愤怒、流氓谋财害命和青少年寻衅滋事的大杂烩。 kekenet

The teenage thuggery of the Ahmadiyah case and the relative sophistication of the terrorism that Mr Basyir is accused of orchestrating have a direct link.
这起与艾曼迪亚教派相关的青少年凶杀案件和牵涉巴希尔在内的恐怖主义活动不无关联。 ecocn

Economic meltdown bred state thuggery and crime.
经济上的彻底垮台也滋生了国家的政治谋杀以及犯罪。 ecocn

Elections have become long spells of organised thuggery.
各类选举已经成为组织性暗杀活动的特定行动期。 ecocn

Police have even been accused of colluding with radicals in local extortion and thuggery rackets.
警方甚至还因勾结激进分子在当地进行敲诈和暗杀的勾当而遭到控诉。 ecocn

The authorities have a worrying record of tolerating thuggery by groups using Islamic orthodoxy as a pretext.
并且有关部门有许多关于一些团体以伊斯兰正统教义作为容忍暴行的借口的令人担忧的记录。 ecocn

The danger that consent is replaced by thuggery
赞同被谋财害命取代的危险 ecocn

Then we were shown a report on TV in which we were accused of thuggery, prostitution and general trouble-making.
然后我们就在一则电视报道中出现了。在这则报道中我们被指控犯有凶杀,卖淫,以及一般的捣乱行为。 hjenglish

There has also been a worrying tolerance for thuggery by Islamist vigilantes.
对于伊斯兰主义治安维持会分子的容忍也达到了令人担忧的地步。 ecocn




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