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thug 英θʌg美θʌgAHDthŭg ★☆☆☆☆高八GCOCA¹¹⁷⁴⁵BNC²⁸²⁶⁶iWeb¹¹⁵⁸⁷Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺⁸ 基本英英词源近义反义派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.暴徒⁷⁴;凶残的罪犯⁵;刺客²¹复数thugs形容词thuggish名词thuggery Noun: an aggressive and violent young criminal这个词的来源至少可以追溯到公元13世纪印度一个以谋财害命为职业的宗教组织,其成员都是印度教破坏女神卡莉Kali的狂热信徒。他们四处杀人抢劫。和结成团伙的当今匪徒一样,他们派有眼线,专门探寻目标。他们尾随有钱的单身旅客,或设计骗取他的信任,与他结伴同行,然后在人迹罕至的地方将他勒杀,劫其财物,断其手足后将之掩埋,其手段之凶狠残忍和行凶拦劫的路贼没有什么区别。不同的仅在于他们宗教狂热为幌子进行活支,按规定的秘密方式杀人,用掠来财物的一部分供奉他们所崇拜的破坏女神;他们组织严密,还使用暗语,并向政府官员行贿以求得庇护。英国人根据意为“贼”和“骗子”的兴都斯坦语thag,梵文 sthaga 杜撰了 thug 一词,作为这伙宗教暴徒的婉称。据有关资料所载,thug 在印度进行恐怖活动为害旅客长达六百年之久。 据粗略统计,19世纪初期暴徒人数约有五六千之多。19世纪30年代英国人采取了有力的镇压措施,412人被绞死,2844人被判无期徒刑,但一直到19世纪中叶以后thug 在印度才完全绝迹。然而,或许是因为thug一词中的音组 -ug 常常使人联想到某种象征性贬抑含义,如 ugly 丑陋的,bug臭虫,窃听器,drug 成瘾性致幻毒品,mug愚人,容易受骗的人,plug射击,pug哈巴狗等,thug 一词却保留了下来,成为英语词汇的一分子,泛指“流氓”、“恶棍”、“暴徒”、“心狠手辣的职业杀手”等,它完全丧失了原先带有的宗教含义。此后,从thug 还派生出了thuggee 杀人越货的行为,thuggery 谋财害命等词。这些词在美国用得很少,但在英国却相当普遍。近义词 hood头巾goon打手brute畜生robber盗贼pirate海盗hoodlum流氓ruffian恶棍toughie难题tough强硬的criminal罪犯gangster匪徒heavy大量的hooligan小流氓assassin暗杀者mugger动泽鳄YOB 粗俗的年轻人…punk阿飞strong-armer暴徒 Pthuggeryn.谋财害命Pthuggism暗杀杀人暴行Pthuggish暗杀的杀人的暴行的Pthuggeen.杀人越货行为谋财害命
名词100% 用作名词The poor man received a savage beating from thethug.那可怜的人被暴徒们毒打了一顿。 Many a highly placedthug, it is hoped, is beginning to sleep less easily at night.我们期望那些威胁度过高的嫌疑暴徒在晚上休息时不再过于安心。noun.hoodlum 同义词 assassin,bandit,bully,criminal,gangster,goon,gunman,hooligan,mobster,murderer,rioter,rowdy,troublemakerdelinquent,gorilla,hood,killer,punk,ruffiangang member,hired killer,professional killer 反义词 law,police abusernoun one who mistreats culprit,evildoer,offender,perpetrator,victimizervilipendervillain,violator,wrongdoer criminalnoun person who breaks the law bad actor,bad guy,bad person,baddie,baddy,black marketeer,blackmailer,con,convict,crook,culprit,delinquent,desperado,deuce,evildoer,ex-con,felon,fugitive,gangster,guerilla,heavy,hood,hoodlum,hooligan,hustler,inside person,jailbird,lawbreaker,malefactor,mobster,mug,muscle,offender,outlaw,racketeer,repeater,scofflaw,sinner,slippery eel,thug,transgressor,trespasser,wrongdoer,yardbird desperadonoun criminal bandit,convict,cutthroat,gangster,hoodlum,lawbreaker,mugger,outlaw,ruffian,thug gangsternoun person involved in illegal activities bandit,bruiser,criminal,crook,dealer,desperado,goon,hit person,hood,hoodlum,hooligan,mafioso,member of the family,mobster,pusher,racketeer,robber,ruffian,soldier,thug,tough goonnoun ruffian bozo,bruiser,dope,gorilla,hood,hooligan,jerk,lummox,moron,nincompoop,ninny,sap,strong-arm,thug,tough guy hood/hoodlumnoun gangster criminal,delinquent,gangster,goon,hooligan,mobster,punk,rioter,rowdy,ruffian,thug,troublemaker A couple of years ago I went fishing with a very senior official who the Western press liked to attack for being evil and a thug. 几年前,我和一个西方媒体动辄攻击为魔鬼和暴徒的高级官员去钓鱼。 yeeyan But it is fairer to think of him as just a moderately violent thug with a touch of megalomania, whose goons club rivals, who closes newspapers, harasses judges and bans public meetings. 公平来讲,它不过是一个有些狂妄自大的温和派激进分子,他的爪牙都是纠集在一起的,与传媒联系紧密、能够枉法裁判以及禁止公共集会的部纵。 ecocn He was a thug when he was young, but he has turned over a new leaf now. 他年轻时是一名恶棍,不过他现在已经洗心革面做人。 wenweipo The only Serb he would deal with was Slobodan Milosevic, a“ thug” he tolerated because he could be a thug himself. 他唯一愿意打交道的塞尔维亚人是斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇,他能够容忍这个“暴徒”是因为他自己本人也可能是一个暴徒。 ecocn The perverse picture of a prone thug firing his AK-47 through the legs of his adolescent son is the product of the very rules of engagement that strive to protect the youngster. 一个暴徒卧倒在年少儿子的两腿之间拿着 AK-47射击这样一个有悖常理的场景就是由交战法则造成的,它力争保护少年儿童。 chicheng ‘ Centaur’ I thought reflected our inability to escape the eternal animal thug in all of us. “半人马”我认为反映出了我们所有人自己内心深处无法逃避的狂暴的兽性。 yeeyan “ But, ” said the Officer, still smiling, “it was a stuffed Thug.” “但是”,警察仍旧笑着说,“这个恶棍是个填充人偶。” yeeyan “ If you had chrome wheels or large rims five to10 years ago, people thought you were a thug or a drug dealer,” says Myles Kovacs. 迈尔斯表示,“换在五到十年前,如果你使用闪亮的镀铬车轮或大型轮圈,人们会认为你是黑社会或毒贩子。” yeeyan A study from Austria published in the journal Media Psychology found students performed less well on a general- knowledge test if they had just read a short screenplay about an idiotic thug. 刊登在《媒体心理学》杂志 Media Psychology上的一项来自奥地利的研究发现,如果学生刚读过一个有关白痴暴徒的短电影剧本的话,那么他们在一般知识测试上的表现较差。 yeeyan And the young firebrand Muqtada al-Sadr was written off as a street thug rather than the leader of a loose-knit but significant grassroots movement among the Shia poor. 并且年轻的煽动叛乱者撒达尔被一笔勾销为一名街头暴徒而不是在什叶派穷人之间松散但巨大的草根运动的领袖。 ecocn And the one real Argentine thug, the new police chief, was swiftly sacked. 且真正的阿根廷暴徒--新任警察局长很快就被解职。 ecocn Another mocks the ineffective lifting of Syria's emergency law and shows Mr Assad scrubbing out the shadow of a security thug on the wall while the real culprit stands by, unharmed. 还有一幅则是在嘲笑叙利亚紧急状态法的无效撤销,以及阿萨德使劲地擦洗墙上的安全部队暴徒的影子而真正的罪魁祸首就站在他身边,却安然无恙。 ecocn Extremely violent, former street thug who made his name with attacks on Shia Iraqis and videoed executions, al Zarqawi eventually alienated the Sunni tribes he depended on for security. 极端暴力,因攻击伊拉克什叶派和拍摄公开处决视频而臭名昭著,扎卡维最终因安全问题与他所依靠的逊尼派部落分道扬镳。 yeeyan Get out, or I’ll call the police, you thug. 出去,不然我报警。 ecocn Hakimullah Mehsud, thought to be28, and very much alive, say people who spoke to him this week is known as a trigger-happy thug. 约摸28岁的哈基穆拉•马苏德是个好战的暴徒据本周曾与他交谈的人称,他很可能还活着。 ecocn He edged away from the thug. 他悄悄地躲开了那个暴徒。 iciba He says he was assaulted by a thug while collecting samples and his wife was punched and shoved to the ground by an assailant who visited their home. 他说自己在采集样本时被暴徒袭击,而妻子曾被闯入家中的攻击者冲挤推倒在地。 ecocn In another sequence linked to the falling van, Joseph Gordon- Levitt has a tumbling, weightless fight with a thug in a spinning hotel corridor. 而在另外一组和卡车坠落结合的镜头中, Joseph Gordon- Levitt在宾馆走道有一场和暴徒的无重力状态翻转打斗场景。 yeeyan Later, they discover that he has been threatened by a violent thug and so pay the thug a visit and spray him with red paint. 后来他们了解到,这名邮差受到了一名恶棍的恐吓,于是他们造访了那名恶棍,朝他身上喷红漆。 oktranslation Like most foreign- policy insides, Rumsfeld was aware that Saddam was a murderous thug who supported terrorists and was trying to build a nuclear weapon. 像大多数了解外交政策内情的人一样,拉姆斯菲尔德当时就意识到萨达姆是一个支持恐怖分子并企图制造核武器的凶手。 iciba Once launched on his trajectory of violence, today’s thug can readily be converted into tomorrow’s terrorist. 一旦走上暴力之旅,今天的暴徒很容易就成为明天的恐怖主义者。 yeeyan Our attitude seems to be, “ Sure, that dictator is a murderous thug, but he’s our murderous thug” 我们的态度似乎总是,“确实,那个独裁者是个侩子手,但他却是我们的侩子手。” yeeyan Until recently, central bankers thought that this thug had been locked up for life. 直到最近,中央银行都以为这个恶棍已经被终身囚禁起来。 ecocn When the thug demanded money from the bank teller, she pressed the alarm button without turning a hair. 当暴徒威胁银行出纳员交出钞票时,她毫不惊慌地按下了报警按钮。1stenglish |