

单词 throws
释义 throws 英θrəʊz美θroʊz COCA⁶⁶⁴²BNC⁹⁹⁶⁵Economist¹⁵¹⁸⁴
名词 throw:
the act of throwing propelling something with a rapid movement of the arm and wrista single chance or instancethe maximum movement available to a pivoted or reciprocating piece by a cambedclothes consisting of a lightweight cloth covering an afghan or bedspread that is casually thrown over somethingcasting an object in order to determine an outcome randomly
动词 throw:
propel through the airmove violently, energetically, or carelesslyget rid ofplace or put with great energyconvey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesturecause to go on or to be engaged or set in operationput or send forthto put into a state or activity hastily, suddenly, or carelesslycause to be confused emotionallyutter with force; utter vehementlyorganize or be responsible formake on a potter's wheelcause to fall offthrow a die out onto a flat surfacebe confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearlysector for throws投掷器械落地区…free throws罚中次数
The average conductor, faced with such a score,throwsup his cards.这个普普通通的指挥见到这样的乐谱便认输了。
She regularlythrowstantrums.她经常大发脾气。
The factory sells some of its better rejects cheaply, but itthrowsmost of the rejects away.这家公司廉价出售略好一些的次品,但将大多数次品丢弃。 A strange new study throws that model out the window— or at least adds on a new twist.
然而这项奇怪的新研究把这些观念都扔到的窗外,或者至少使它扭曲了。 yeeyan

More often than not, the method that throws the exception is not the method that should catch it.
而抛出异常的方法通常并不是应该负责捕捉异常的方法。 ibm

The runtime throws an exception if a caller attempts to invoke an invalid operation.
如果调用者试图调用无效的操作,那么运行时将抛出异常。 ibm

After all, if we do not feel worthy of love, how on earth will we have faith in ourselves to handle anything that life throws our way?
毕竟,如果我们觉得不值得爱,我们怎么能相信自己能够处理生活抛给我们的难题呢? yeeyan

Because the application immediately throws an error response, the user can more readily fix the problem before his focus moves to another field.
由于应用程序会立即抛出错误响应,用户可以更轻松地在焦点转移到其他字段之前改正问题。 ibm

But if we learn to accommodate those changes that life throws at us, and still head towards our goal, we’ll be happier and we’ll get to where we want to be.
但是如果我们去适应生活抛掷给我们的改变并且直面目标,我门一定会更快乐,我们也会到达我们的理想之地。 yeeyan

But the internet never throws anything away.
然而互联网从来不会抛弃任何事物。 ecocn

First, in this example, you need to add a fault handler on the selected BPEL activity to catch the exceptions it throws.
首先,在本实例中,用户需要在选择的 BPEL活动中添加故障处理程序,来捕捉其抛出的异常。 ibm

For debug builds it throws an exception, but for release builds it may silently leak memory.
在调试编译时它会抛出一个异常,但是在发布编译时它可能无警告地泄漏内存。 ibm

I mentioned that your foundation determines how balanced you stay when life throws you curve balls.
我指的是你的基础决定你如何保持平衡当生活向你扔来曲线的球。 yeeyan

If it does, and one of the functions throws an exception, the entire process rolls back.
如果发生错误,函数之一抛出异常,那么整个过程回退。 ibm

If there's no permission, the security manager throws an exception.
如果未许可,安全性管理器抛出一个例外。 ibm

If it cannot acquire the service, it re- throws the exception it received during its attempt to acquire the service.
如果它不能获得服务,就会重新抛出它在试图获取服务时收到的异常。 ibm

If the next token isn't an integer, the parser throws an exception.
如果下一个记号不是整数,则解析器抛出异常。 ibm

It throws an exception if it finds any nested elements.
如果遇到嵌套的元素就会抛出异常。 ibm

Later this summer he will show up as Kirk Lazarus in“ Tropic Thunder,” a comedy that throws multiple grenades at war movie clichés.
今年夏天晚些时候,他将在在《热带惊雷》中出演柯克•拉撒路,这部喜剧片向战争片的俗套扔了不少手榴弹。 ecocn

Many people think that they have to accept whatever life throws at them.
许多人认为人应该认命接受生活抛给自己的一切。 hjenglish

Recent gems include “ Detroit Mayor Throws First Brick in Glass-Breaking Ceremony for New Slum” and“ Hero Woman Changes in Front of Open Window”.
最新的精品标题包括:《底特律市长在新贫民窟动工典礼上丢下第一块砖》以及《英雄妻子在窗前更衣》。 yeeyan

Remember that the method never throws an exception.
记住一点,该方法从不抛出异常。 ibm

The Oktoberfest is also a time when Munich, one of the wealthiest and trendiest cities in Germany, suddenly throws fashion to the wind.
慕尼黑是德国最富庶最时髦的城市之一,而啤酒节也是慕尼黑突然之间将时尚抛之脑后的时刻。 edu.sina.com.cn

Therefore, if a scope or an invoke throws a fault, compensation for that activity cannot run since it never completed its work.
因此,如果调用或范围抛出错误,则对该活动的补偿操作就无法运行,原因是它根本就没有完成其工作。 ibm

This article first discusses the expected behaviour on the client when the server throws various exceptions, and then emphasizes the use of checked exceptions.
本文首先讨论了当服务器抛出不同的异常时客户端的预期行为,然后强调了已检查的异常的使用。 ibm

This operation throws an exception.
该操作将抛出一个异常。 ibm

Trying to use slicing or trying to access data from nonexistent keys throws exceptions, indicating the relevant error.
试图使用片段或者试图从不存在的键访问数据就会抛出异常,指出相关的错误。 ibm

What kind of mother throws her3-year-old out in the cold?
什么样的母亲能把自己3岁的孩子扔在寒冷的室外? yeeyan

Whenever the actual code encounters any type of error, it throws an exception, which then goes to the call stack.
每当实际代码碰到任何类型的错误,它就抛出一个异常,然后该异常就进入调用栈。 ibm




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