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By throwing in every military thing at its disposal, Israel might slow by a few years Iran’s progress towards acquiring the bomb.
以色列竭尽所能采取军事手段可能会将伊朗获得核弹的时间延缓几年。 ecocn

He is interested in the spirit of the play, and he is not averse to throwing in an anachronism or two if he thinks it will help underscore a point.
他对戏剧所体现的精神很感兴趣,如果有助于强调一个观点的话,他并不反对有一两个时代错误。 iciba

It’s the perfect size for taking to the pool, errands or just throwing in a book and bottle of water for the park.
包的大小正适合去休闲外出,或是塞进一本书和一杯水去公园溜达。 yeeyan

Moving to a new site gives you a clean slate to work with, a place with no associations, and is often enough to break whatever mental block your mind is throwing in your way.
更换地点会给你崭新的感觉,一个没有任何心理关联的地方常常会打破内心的障碍。 yeeyan

One evening, we had sacks of potatoes and containers of ground beef, so we improvised and made a delicious stew by throwing in some herbs and spices.
有一个晚上,我们有几麻袋的土豆和几箱子的绞好的细牛肉,所以我们就当场决定而且添加了香料、作料做出了一顿美味的炖肉。 edu.sina.com.cn

Sharapova pegged her back to4-3 and then5-4 but she could not hold on to her serve, throwing in five double- faults in the set and missing a simple forehand on set point.
莎拉波娃追成4-3,此后又打到5-4,还是没能保住自己的发球局。她在第一盘出现5次双误,在盘点错失了一个简单的高球,丢掉首盘。 yeeyan

So further fighting against al- Qaeda could provoke a wider civil conflict, which in turn could undermine a regime that has rattled many of its own people by throwing in its lot with the West.
因而,针对基地组织的进一步打击会引发更广泛的内战,进而削弱这个同西方国家保持战线一致、却激怒了本国民众的政权。 ecocn

They fouled the water by throwing in garbage.

They started adding little accoutrements to the advertising contracts and eventually they started throwing in bike- sharing systems.
后来,他们开始在广告合同中增加一些小型装备。最终,他们开始进军自行车分享系统。 fortunechina

Though some people swear that throwing in such extras as aspirin, soda water, bleach, salt, sugar, or Karo syrup keeps trees fresher longer, the experts say plain water, and plenty of it, is best.
虽然有人信誓旦旦的说,加一些阿司匹林、苏打水、漂白粉、盐、糖或者果汁等乱七八糟的东西绝对能让树保持长时间的新鲜;但专家说了,足量的纯净的水,才是最好的。 yeeyan




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