

单词 throwback
释义 throw·back 英ˈθrəʊˌbæk美ˈθroˌbækAHDthrōʹbăk' ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA²⁵²⁵⁴BNC⁴¹¹⁵⁷iWeb¹⁵¹⁸⁰Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

an organism that has the characteristics of a more primitive type of that organisma reappearance of an earlier characteristic
characteristic of an atavistthrow back扔回来
throwbackn.背|后⇒n.返回¹⁶;返祖现象⁸⁴GRE红宝书throw扔, back回
参考:atavismn.返祖现象近义词 return返回reversion返回recession后退regression复原resemblance相像relic神圣的遗物atavism隔代遗传retrogression倒退atavistic隔代遗传的atavist显隔代遗传物…

用作名词The car's design is athrowbackto the 1960s.这种汽车的设计回到了20世纪60年代。
His sentiment is athrowbackto the old colonial day.他的观点还是从前殖民时代的那种观点。
Being a sort ofthrowbackto the Victorian age, she won't go against her old dad's wishes.她有点像维多利亚时代的女性,不肯违背自己老父的意愿。as in.legacy
同义词 estate,gift,traditionbequest,birthright,devise,endowment,heirloomas in.regression
同义词 backsliding,relapseatavism,lapse,retrogression,revertingretrogradationas in.retrogradation
同义词 atavism,backsliding,lapse,regression,relapse,retrogression,revertingas in.retrogression
同义词 recession,regression,retreat,reverseretroactionas in.reversion
同义词 atavism,backsliding,lapse,regression,relapse,reverting
legacynoun inheritance, heritage
regressionnoun reversion
retrogradationnoun reversion
retrogressionnoun regression
reversionnoun return to a former state
atavism,backsliding,lapse,regression,relapse,reverting,throwback The use of illegals, of the type rounded up in the United States, is an old KGB throwback that traces to the Stalin era.
在美国植入“非法移民”,这是克格勃的老把戏了,可以追溯到斯大林时代。 yeeyan

Yeah, so, first of all, it was interesting, you throwback to HP.
你回首了惠普的往事,让我深有感触。 cri

And yet, game elements aside, the film is almost a throwback, resembling the Indiana Jones movies.
撇开游戏因素不说,该片几乎和印第安纳-琼斯电影如出一辙,算是穿越题材影片。 iciba

Critics are alarmed by what they see as a blatant throwback to Soviet methods of intellectual control.
批评家们对此惊恐不已,他们将其视作苏维埃控制知识分子方法的复辟。 yeeyan

FARC's kidnap and murder of a provincial governor in late December was a grisly throwback to the bad old days of a decade ago.
去年十二月的哥伦比亚革命武装力量的绑架案和一个省州长的谋杀案让人惊恐地想到十年前的那些黑暗日子。 ecocn

Given these two examples, we can speculate as to the issue with US tennis talent development— the current training system is a throwback to developing talent in a bygone era.
通过这两个例子,我们可以对美国网球人才发展进行推测了——当前的训练体系简直就是旧时代人才发展的倒退。 yeeyan

He's not a populist at all. He's sort of a typical throwback to the Japanese prime minister of yore, the faceless grey suits.
他一点也不受欢迎,他有点像是退回到传统典型的日本首相,面无表情地身着灰色西装。 hxen

I began wondering whether cancer might be an evolutionary throwback to the dawn of multicellular life, when single cells began cooperating and forming rudimentary aggregations.
我开始怀疑,癌会不会是多细胞生物黎明期的进化返祖现象,那时单细胞开始聚积形成基本的细胞聚合体。 yeeyan

In a way, all this is a throwback to the era of“ time- sharing” on mainframe computers.
从某种程度上来说,所有这一切都回到了大型主机的“时间共享”时代。 ecocn

Italy's Battle of Oranges is a throwback to the Middle Ages.
意大利的桔子大战可以追溯到中世纪时期。 yeeyan

Like all emotions, it's an evolutionary throwback, helping humans form and maintain relationships by eliminating rivals.
和许多情感相似,嫉妒是个遗传自古人的情感,帮助人们形成与保持和敌对势力的关系。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, inflation is reviving throwback elements of state economic planning.
同时,通货膨胀也正在“抵消”中央的经济政策。 ecocn

Nor is it just the film; these throwback readers were out there in droves long before the movie campaign opened.
这也不仅是因为电影。在《哈里·波特》电影开始宣传之前很久就已经有了成群结队的返老还童的读者。 edu.sina.com.cn

There’s something wonderful about turning a symbol of the electric era into a throwback lamp with the same purpose, but in such a different fashion.
把一个电气时代的标志性物件返祖回去变成一个目的相同、但风格如此不同的灯,这里面有些妙不可言的东西。 yeeyan

This is a throwback to pre- crisis2007, with American deficit-financed consumption set against Chinese surplus-creating exports.
这又是2007年前危机时代的再现,美国依旧借贷消费,中国依旧出口顺差。 ecocn.org

Walsh's manner was remote, calm and professional, his walrus mustache a throwback to ghosts of law enforcers past.
沃尔什的举止平淡、镇静而专业,唇上的老派海象胡让人想起过去那些执法者。 yeeyan

Yet another contender, “The Princess and the Frog, ” from Walt Disney Pictures, is a hand- drawn throwback to the heyday of the genre.
而另一个竞争者,《公主与青蛙》,来自于迪士尼动画,则是复古的回到了最初繁荣的手绘类型。 yeeyan




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