

单词 through and through
释义 through and through 英θruː ənd θruː美θruː ənd θruː 研I短语²⁰⁴²⁴
完全地; 彻底地

throughout the entire extent;

got soaked through in the rain

I'm frozen through

a letter shot through with the writer's personality

knew him through and through

boards rotten through and through

through good and evil repute不管舆论如何…drive a coach and four through找出漏洞know through and through非常熟悉through thick and thin不顾艰难险阻…through foul and fair不管顺利或困难在任…through fair and foul在任何情况下…through good and evil report不管名声好坏(不管舆…go through hell and high water赴汤蹈火through and through完全地
近义词 through通过
Here there was absolute silence and you were totally alone.这里有绝对的寂静,你是完全地孤独一人。
Lather bar in water, wash skin and rinse completely.用水起泡沫,洗涤皮肤中并且完全地漂洗。
No one should be able to see through you.没有人有权可以彻底地看穿你。
The full and final solution can only be found by themselves.完全彻底地解决办法只能靠他们自己去找。as in.(backwards and forwards
同义词 assiduously,completely,comprehensively,from A to Z,from top to bottom,fully,in and out,inside out,thoroughly,up and down,whole hogas in.fully
同义词 absolutely,entirely,perfectly,positively,quite,thoroughly,totally,whollyall out,all the way,altogether,every inch,from A to Z,from soup to nuts,with heart and soul,intimately,outright,royal,utterly,without exaggerationas in.inside out
同义词 backwards and forwards,completely,entirely,from A to Z,from top to bottom,thoroughlyas in.thoroughly
同义词 assiduously,carefully,completely,comprehensively,conscientiously,earnestly,efficiently,extremely,fully,highly,intensely,intensively,meticulously,painstakingly,scrupulously,very,whollyall,exceedingly,exceptionally,flat out,from A to Z,from top to bottom,hard,hugely,in and out,in detail,inside out,notably,remarkably,strikingly,sweepingly,throughout,unremittingly,up and down,whole hogas in.dyed-in-the-wool
同义词 absolute,complete,confirmed,congenital,deep-down,deep-dyed,deeply ingrained,deep-rooted,deep-seated,die-hard,entrenched,fixed,full-fledged,genuine,hardenedinfixedingrained,instilled,long-standing,out and out,thorough,thoroughgoing,through-and-through,to the core,true,unchangeable,uncompromising,utter,well-establishedas in.out-and-out
同义词 absolute,arrant,consummate,downright,full,outright,perfect,thorough,thoroughgoing,through-and-through,total,uncompromising,undiminished,unmitigated,unqualified,utter,whole
backwards and forwardsadverb in detail
assiduously,completely,comprehensively,from A to Z,from top to bottom,fully,in and out,inside out,thoroughly,up and down,whole hog
fullyadverb completely, in all respects
absolutely,all out,all the way,altogether,entirely,every inch,from A to Z,from soup to nuts,intimately,outright,perfectly,positively,quite,royal,thoroughly,through and through,totally,utterly,wholly,with heart and soul,without exaggeration
inside outadverb very thoroughly
backwards and forwards,completely,entirely,from A to Z,from top to bottom,thoroughly,through and through
thoroughlyadverb exhaustively
all,assiduously,carefully,completely,comprehensively,conscientiously,earnestly,efficiently,exceedingly,exceptionally,extremely,flat out,from A to Z,from top to bottom,fully,hard,highly,hugely,in and out,in detail,inside out,intensely,intensively,meticulously,notably,painstakingly,remarkably,scrupulously,strikingly,sweepingly,through and through,throughout,unremittingly,up and down,very,whole hog,wholly As it is with minimalism, it is hard to be totally“ good” through and through, and I'm not making apologies about it.
由于极简主义原则,彻底的“无害”很难,而我不会因此道歉。 yeeyan

He is a liar through and through.
他是个彻头彻尾的骗子。 http://dj.iciba.com

He was a man of the system through and through.
他完全是这个体制中的一员。 ecocn

He was black, and an Arkansan through and through— he always wanted to take the first day of deer season off from work.
他是黑人,地地道道的阿肯色州人——他总是在猎鹿季的第一天请假。 yeeyan

He's just got Napoleon's personality through and through.
他只是拥有货真价实的拿破仑人格。 v.163.com

I am a dog person through and through, but I think caring for an animal of any kind helps people develop compassion for other living things.
我完全是名爱狗人士,但我认为照顾任何一种动物都会帮助人们对其他事物同情心的发展。 yeeyan

If your heart is clean you can see other persons clearly through and through. Innocence is such a powerful thing.
假如你的心轮是清净的,你能清澈通透地看穿其他人。纯真具有如此大的力量。 blog.sina.com.cn

I've only known her for a few days but I feel I know her through and through.
我认识她才几天,但我觉得我已彻底了解她了。 hotdic

My dad’s Brazilian through and through but he’s resigned to the fact I’m playing for Spain.
我爸爸是个彻头彻尾的巴西人,但是他已经屈从于这个事实,即我选择为西班牙效力。 blog.sina.com.cn

Once you have seen it through and through, that very seeing becomes a transformation.
一旦你看透它,这个看见本身就变成一个转化。 blog.sina.com.cn

Our class lost the game through and through.
我们班彻底输了这场比赛。 sowerclub

So I preferred spending lots of time on repeatedly reading a lovely story through and through.
所以我喜欢花大量的时间去反复地阅读一个可爱的故事。 ebigear

The man is roguish through and through.
这人是个彻底的无赖。 engwind.yangtzeu.edu.cn

They are dogs through and through.
它们是彻头彻尾的狗。 yeeyan

This was in sharp contrast to Mr Schröder who, during his tenure, called Russia's president“a democrat through and through”.
这与施罗德形成了强烈的对比,在施罗德主政期间,他称俄罗斯总统是“完完全全的民主主义者”。 ecocn

Those boards are rotten through and through.
那些木板已完全腐朽。 ruiwen

We have been friends so long. I know you through and through.
我们已是老朋友了,我完全了解你。 iciba

You can trust him, for he‘s honest through and through.
你可以信任他,他是真正诚实的。 edu.sina.com.cn




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