

单词 thrifty
释义 thrift·y 英ˈθrɪftiː美ˈθrɪftiAHDthrĭfʹtē ☆☆☆☆☆高四六研GIST宝八COCA³⁵⁸⁰⁸BNC³¹⁴⁴²iWeb²⁰⁶⁵⁵Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

careful and diligent in the use of resourcesmindful of the future in spending money;

careful with money

thrifty condition健壮体况
thrive 兴旺, 繁荣 f=v;theft 偷窃,偷窃可耻,不如勤俭持家
非常记忆thrift节约〖熟词〗+y衣叉〖编码〗⇒这个节约的人连衣叉都舍不得买thrift节约,节俭+y形容词后缀⇒节约的,节俭的。来自thriftn. 节约,节俭来自thriftn.节约近义词 saving 节约frugal节俭的sparing节约的prudent谨慎的cautious谨慎的economical节俭的careful小心谨慎的efficient效率高的parsimonious极度节省的provident有先见之明的…economizing动词economize的…反义词 wasteful浪费的

用作形容词Her mother is athriftyhousewife.她妈妈是一个节俭的主妇。
Only verythriftychildren manage to fill up a money-box.只有非常节俭的儿童才会设法填满一个储蓄罐。
Mr. Thompson is sothriftythat he is able to save more than half of his weekly salary.汤普森先生是如此节俭,以致他能省下超过一半的周薪。adj.economical
同义词 frugal,prudent,stingycanny,careful,chary,cheap,chintzy,close,close-fisted,conserving,mean,parsimonious,penny-pinching,preserving,provident,saving,scrimpy,sparing,steal,tight,unwasteful
反义词 generous,wastefulextravagant,spendthrift,uneconomical
affordableadjective inexpensive
charyadjective careful, cautious
cheapadjective concerned with saving money
cheaperadjective concerned with saving money
cheapestadjective concerned with saving money
economicaladjective conservative with resources;careful
avaricious,canny,chary,circumspect,close,closefisted,cost-effective,curmudgeonly,efficient,frugal,meager,mean,methodical,miserly,money-saving,on the rims,parsimonious,penny-pinching,penny-wise,penurious,practical,provident,prudent,prudential,saving,scrimping,skimping,spare,sparing,stingy,thrifty,tight,time-saving,unwasteful,watchful,work-saving And the basic state pension should be high enough to give those unlucky elderly with insufficient savings a decent income, without penalising those who have been thrifty.
基本的国家养老金应该足以为那些没有足够存款的不幸老年人提供可观的收入,也不对一直节俭生活的人加以惩罚。 ecocn

Living a thrifty lifestyle does not have to mean doing without.
节俭的生活方式并不一定意味着什么都不做。 hxen

Noting the thick snow outside his window, he says northern peoples are thrifty by necessity; they must save food in the summer to survive the winter.
看着窗外的厚厚积雪,他说道,北方人节俭地使用生活必需品;为了熬过冬天,他们必须在夏天储存食物。 ecocn

The thrifty man sets aside some money each month for a rainy day.
节俭的人每个月为了下雨天预留一些钱。 hjenglish

Their confidence in the short term is down, and they are being thrifty.
“短期内,他们的信心在下降,正在变得节俭”。 yeeyan

This theory of a thrifty fat- storing system that kicks in under high levels of early stress was originally proposed by British physician David Barker.
英国内科医师戴维·贝克最早提出节约消耗体系理论,认为人体在高度压力初期形成脂肪存储。 yeeyan

Although this was a high-end furniture store, uncle Ed was also unusually thrifty.
虽然这是一个高档家具店,但埃德叔叔却异常节俭。 fortunechina

Are they rich because they're so thrifty?
他们富有,是因为他们非常节俭? yeeyan

Emerging- market banks tend to have vast branch networks that suck in deposits from thrifty families and companies.
新兴市场的银行通常拥有巨大的分支网络。 这些网络从节俭的家庭和公司那吸收存款。 ecocn

He is imagined counselling, like the thrifty Yorkshireman of caricature, against too many policy sops to the government’s junior partners.
就像描绘约克郡人节俭的漫画那样,黑格被想象成反对给政府高级别合作伙伴提供太多政策抚慰。 ecocn

If government was too thrifty before, it looks downright stingy in the light of new information.
如果说政府在之前只是过于节约,那从新的消息来看,现在它完全是吝啬。 ecocn

She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman.
她又是一位节俭勤勉的妇女。 ebigear

So the high- living, carbon- guzzling rich minority in India and China would not be able to hide behind their poor and carbon- thrifty compatriots.
这样,印度和中国生活优裕、用碳奢侈的少数富人就不会藏身于他们贫穷的用碳节俭的同胞身后。 ecocn

These ancient humans developed a“ thrifty” genotype that helped them adapt to these cycles of want and plenty.
这些古老的人类发展出了一种“节俭”型基因,帮助他们适应不断交替的饥渴与死撑。 yeeyan

This week, we feature four money and relationship questions, from how to divide expenses with your significant other to whether it’s fair for a thrifty husband to pay off his spend- happy wife’s debts.
这个周,我们将重点放在关于金钱和夫妻的关系上,从怎样和你的另一半划分花费到一个节俭的丈夫是不是应该为自己以花钱为乐的妻子支付账单,我们这四个问题都会有所涉及。 yeeyan

To woo thrifty consumers, companies are relying on lessons learned during the last round of deflation, and in recent months have cut prices on items such as bread, blue jeans and sofas.
为了吸引节俭的消费者,企业正在依靠从上一轮通货紧缩中吸取的经验教训,并在最近几个月下调了面包、牛仔裤和沙发等商品的价格。 ebigear

When savings are melting away being thrifty can be the road to ruin.
当积蓄化为乌有的时候,“被节俭”就使人走向毁灭。 yeeyan

Whereas many Americans are reasonably thrifty, the wealthiest group spends more than it earns.
大多数美国人都相当节俭,而最富有的那群人花得却比他们挣得还多。 ecocn

Thrifty Chinese save about a third of household earnings and will continue to do so as long as they are required to fund their own social welfare.
节俭的中国人将家庭收入的三分之一左右存入银行,而且,只要他们还需要为自己的社会福利掏钱,这种状况就将持续下去。 yuloo

Thrifty Germans are IKEA's best customers, accounting for15% of sales.
节俭的德国人是宜家最好的顾客,占了15%的销售额。 yeeyan




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