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词汇 thresholds
释义 thresholds 英θ'reʃhəʊldz美θ'reʃhəʊldz COCA²⁰⁵³⁷BNC²¹⁴⁷²Economist¹¹¹⁵⁴
名词 threshold:
the starting point for a new state or experiencethe smallest detectable sensationthe entrance the space in a wall through which you enter or leave a room or building; the space that a door can closethe sill of a door; a horizontal piece of wood or stone that forms the bottom of a doorway and offers support when passing through a doorwaya region marking a boundaryThis project does not meet duration or amountthresholds.此项目未达到期限或金额阈值。
The similaritythresholdscan be set at the component and join levels.相似性阈值可以在组件级和联接级设置。 A waterfall workload management ability also enables DBAs to automatically lower the importance of some workloads when certain thresholds, such as CPU used or rows read, are hit.
另外,瀑布工作负载管理功能让 DBA能够在达到某些阈值比如 CPU利用率或读取的行数时自动地降低某些工作负载的重要性。 ibm

Are my asynchronous read ratio and buffer pool hit ratio always above warning and problem thresholds in peak or normal hours?
异步读取比率和缓冲池命中率在高峰或正常时间是否总是超过警告和问题阈值? ibm

In addition to downward trends in approximated memory after a garbage collection cycle, we look at situations where the average free memory after garbage collection is below certain thresholds.
除了评估垃圾收集周期之后大致的内存下降趋势之外,我们还可以查看垃圾收集之后平均可用内存小于某些阈值的情况。 ibm

It is important to include the thresholds as a performance indicator when the uptime availability will be less than the guaranteed time.
当正常运行时间可用性将要低于承诺的时间,那么必须要将中断阈值作为性能指标包含进来。 ibm

The ability to expose performance statistics as JMX attributes, and to send notifications when statistics exceed specified thresholds.
能够以 JMX属性的形式发布性能数据,在数据超过指定阈值时发送通知。 infoq

The data collected is aggregated to generate useful information and correlated with other transactions, and thresholds are measured, based upon your requirements.
数据集中起来以产生有用的信息和与其它事务的关系,另外也可以根据您的需求检测阈值。 ibm

The task parameters are referring to these thresholds.
任务参数就是指这些阈值。 ibm

A single ROT consists of a formula for calculating a ratio or percentage, warning and problem thresholds, and a recommendation for what to do when the warning or problem threshold is breached.
一条 ROT由一个比例或百分比、警告和问题阈值的计算公式以及一条在超过警告或问题阈值时应采取的措施建议组成。 ibm

After defining thresholds for the transactions we playback, we can receive alert events when the performance problem happens and take actions to fix it before it is experienced by real end users.
当为我们回放的事务定义好阈值后,我们就可以在出现性能问题时收到警告事件,并在问题影响到真实的最终用户之前采取修复措施。 ibm

Existing leak- detection systems therefore have thresholds built into them, to avoid false alarms.
现有的渗漏探测系统为了避免假警报,都设定了阈值。 ecocn

For example, you can define thresholds for request and response message throughput, triggering alerts and possibly start throttling once the threshold has been reached.
例如,您可以定义请求和响应消息流量的阈值,触发警报,并且可以在阈值达到时启动限流功能。 ibm

Highlighting quickly draws your attention to system alerts or thresholds that have been exceeded and need attention.
高亮显示将您的注意力迅速吸引到系统警报以及已经超过且需要注意的阈值。 ibm

I also discuss thresholds to change and parameters that can influence your overall scanning overhead.
我还介绍了一些需要更改的阈值和参数,它们会影响您的整体扫描开销。 ibm

I cover the impact of interruptions thresholds and latency problems on DRM usage criteria and suggest some solutions.
我还介绍了中断阈值和延迟问题对 DRM使用标准的影响并提出了一些解决方案。 ibm

If the time gap is large, interruption thresholds could reach the level that could be exploited by a hacker, causing an adverse impact on the uptime availability.
如果时间间隔较大,则中断阈值可能达到可被黑客利用的程度,于是对正常运行时间有效性造成不利影响。 ibm

In temperate zones of the Southern Hemisphere, countries are not reporting increases in influenza activity above epidemic thresholds, or unusually early influenza activity.
在南半球温带地区,各国未发现流感活动增至超出流行阈值的程度或出现过早流感活动。 who

Instance resources include memory, cache, process, sessions, thresholds, and storage resources.
实例资源包括内存、缓存、进程、会话、阈值和存储资源。 ibm

Most critically for ease of problem diagnosis, you can configure thresholds for each of the profile statistics.
对于轻松诊断问题最为关键的是,您可以为每个配置统计数据配置阈值。 ibm

One worry is that a lot of harm may be done if temperatures breach certain thresholds even briefly.
一个担忧是,如果温度即使在短时期内突破一定的门槛,对农业就会造成很多危害。 ecocn

Problem queries: These queries return only rows that exceed thresholds for important performance counters, for example, rows with buffer pool hit ratio lower than90%.
问题查询:这些查询只返回超过重要性能计数器阈值的行,例如缓冲池命中率不到90% 的行。 ibm

So poor performing service endpoints must be discovered and made unavailable based on configured thresholds.
因此,必须发现表现较差的服务端点并根据配置的阈值使其不可用。 ibm

The preferences allow configuration of the colours used to highlight the different levels, as well as the thresholds for warnings and errors for each metric.
这个参数允许使用色彩配置来突出不同的水平,同时还能标明每个矩阵中警告或者错误的阈值。 ibm

These classes encapsulate information, values, and thresholds associated with a threshold alert.
这些类用于封装与阈值警报关联的信息、值和阈值。 ibm

This provides a means to exploit the various thresholds to favor certain types of data access within a buffer pool.
这为利用各种阈值处理缓冲池中某些类型的数据访问提供了一种方法。 ibm

We also discuss thresholds to change and parameters that can influence your overall scanning overhead.
我们还要介绍一些需要更改的阈值和参数,它们会影响整体扫描开销。 ibm

What thresholds can you change here to influence this activity?
更改哪些阈值可以影响这项活动呢? ibm

While there are strategies to soften the impact of this such as by lowering the voting thresholds, the fact remains that a VC will want to call the shots on these matters.
尽管有策略可以减弱对此的影响比如降低投票门槛,事实上风投还是希望能在此类事情上拍板定案。 yeeyan




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