

单词 threshed
释义 thresh·ed 英θreʃ美θreʃ COCA¹⁵⁰¹²⁶BNC⁷⁰⁴³⁰
move or stir about violently;

The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed

move like a flail; thresh about;

Her arms were flailing

beat the seeds out of a graingive a thrashing to; beat hardthreshing machine脱粒机percentage of thresh脱粒率thresh out研讨解决通过讨论获…thresh over反复研究
近义词 rub擦lam打beat打toss投掷flail挥动slash猛砍thrash打(谷winnow吹开糠皮separate分开的thrash about搜索jactitate剧烈震动convulse使震动

用作动词The farmers used tothreshthe grain by hand, but now machinesthreshit.农民过去用手工打谷,但现在用机器脱粒。
In some villages farmers use a machine tothreshwheat.在一些村子里,农民用机器来打麦。
They are separating the grains from wheat with athreshingmachine.他们正在用打谷机给小麦脱粒。
Farmersthreshgrain withthreshingmachines.农民用脱粒机脱粒。
If we put our heads together we can probablythreshout a workable scheme.如果我们集思广益,也许能琢磨出一个切实可行的方案。 The threshed materials grain motion math model is established in the paper.
建立了割前脱联合收割机摘脱割台脱出物籽粒运动方程数学模型。 cnki

Whence it would be taken to be threshed or hulled, as the necessities of the family required.
稻谷要从这里运去脱粒或去壳,成为全家人必需的主粮。 blog.sina.com.cn

While the wheat sleeps comfortably in the husk it is useless to man, it must be threshed out of its resting place before its value can be known.
麦子若安睡在壳内,对人是无用的,必须经过碾压才能显出其价值。 glorypress

He threshed his son with a stick.

They threshed the matter over before reaching a conclusion.

To suit the need of Threshing Prior to Cutting Combine in handling threshed material, a new vane-type vertical axial Integrated Separating Rethresiiing and Cleaning Apparatus was developed.
为适应割前脱粒水稻收获机上处理脱出物的需要,本文提出了一种新型叶片式立置轴流分离复脱清选三合一装置; cnki

We threshed out problems relating to production.
我们讨论了有关生产的问题。 iask.sina.com.cn

We threshed out the matter at the meeting.

When adding noise to a threshed image, the quality of image will be damaged, but the PSNR of such image is increases at first and decreases afterwards.
本文采用 PSNR值作为特性参数,当向阈值化图像中参入噪声时,会损害图像的质量,但是随着噪声强度的增强,图像的特性参数会先增加后降低。 boshuo




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