

单词 thrashing
释义 thrash·ing 英ˈθræʃɪŋ美ˈθræʃɪŋAHDthrăshʹĭng ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁸³⁴⁰BNC²²⁹⁵¹iWeb³⁰⁵⁰⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
a sound defeatthe act of inflicting corporal punishment with repeated blowsthrash打谷thrashing floor打谷场thrashing speed临界速度thrashing machine捶击机,打谷场…give someone a thrashing把某人狠揍一顿,痛打…
thrashn.灰-ing动名词⇒n.轻易击败;痛打动词thrash的现在分词n.鞭打;痛击;殴打;痛打⁶⁴;棒打;笞打;打;打谷;脱谷;脱粒;惨败;大败;轻易击败 _null.动词thrash的现在分词adj.沉重的近义词 beating打pasting涂hiding隐藏defeat挫败lashing绳索flaying剥皮licking殴打debacle惨败whipping鞭打spanking拍击flogging鞭打downfall垮台conquest征服drubbing殴打whacking非常battering重创rout 彻底溃败walloping痛打slaughter残杀lacing束紧导线hammering锤击的声音trouncing动词trounce的现在…

用作名词Leeds celebrated their 6-1thrashingof Chelsea.利兹队欢庆以6比1大胜切尔西队。
He richly deserved athrashing.他挨揍活该。noun.beating
同义词 annihilation,drubbing,lashing,rout,trouncing,whippingbashing,defeat,flogging,hiding,shellacking,slaughternoun.defeat
同义词 annihilation,beating,conquest,debacle,drubbing,rout,trouncing,whippingambush,blow,break,breakdown,check,collapse,count,destruction,discomfiture,embarrassment,extermination,failure,fall,killing,KO,lacing,licking,loss,massacre,mastery,overthrow,paddling,rebuff,repulse,reverse,ruin,scalping,setback,shellacking,slaughter,subjugation,trap,trashing,trimming,triumph,waxing,whaling,whitewashingdefeasance,downthrow,insuccess,nonsuccess,vanquishment
defeatnoun overthrow, beating
defeatsnoun overthrow, beating
drubbingnoun defeat
dustingnoun defeat
floggingnoun lashing
lickingnoun defeat
KO,ambush,annihilation,beating,blow,break,breakdown,check,collapse,conquest,count,debacle,defeasance,destruction,discomfiture,downthrow,drubbing,embarrassment,extermination,failure,fall,insuccess,killing,lacing,loss,massacre,mastery,nonsuccess,overthrow,paddling,rebuff,repulse,reverse,rout,ruin,scalping,setback,shellacking,slaughter,subjugation,thrashing,trap,trashing,trimming,triumph,trouncing,vanquishment,waxing,whaling,whipping,whitewashing A classic sign of thrashing is when the operating system attempts to release resources by first warning processes to release paging space and then killing entire processes.
颠簸现象的典型标志是,当操作系统试图释放资源时,首先警告进程以释放分页空间,然后终止整个进程。 ibm

A thread pool offers a solution to both the problem of thread life- cycle overhead and the problem of resource thrashing.
线程池为线程生命周期开销问题和资源不足问题提供了解决方案。 ibm

It was seen approaching him twice before he disappeared in a flurry of thrashing.
据说鲨鱼两次靠近他,随后他消失在疾风暴雨般的噬咬中。 yeeyan

Unabashed thrashing can literally cause a system to come to a standstill, as the kernel becomes too concerned with making room for pages than to actually do anything productive.
如果不加以处理,系统颠簸可能会导致系统停滞,因为内核此刻过分地关注于为页面腾出空间,而不是完成任何有实际意义的工作。 ibm

He particularly encouraged internal argument among his advisers, thrashing out both sides of an argument.
他尤其鼓励他的顾问之间进行内部辩论,并且会反复研究辩论双方的观点。 yeeyan

If there is a lot of paging and thrashing going on, you will find it here.
可以通过它发现是否存在许多分页活动以及是否发生了抖动。 ibm

If these wavering Republicans either switch sides or stay at home on polling day, the party they once backed will get a thrashing.
如果这些犹豫不决的共和党支持者在投票日倒戈或待在家,他们一度支持的党派将受重挫。 ecocn

It was a manatee, and by the looks of the reddish-colored water and the way it was thrashing, it was in trouble.
原来是一只海牛,从略带红色的海水和它摆动尾巴的方式来看,它陷入了麻烦。 yeeyan

It's breakfast time, and thousands of tilapia are thrashing their tails and sticking their mouths into the air to get some of the soy- and- corn mixture.
现在是早饭时间,几千条罗非鱼拍打着鱼尾,鱼嘴伸出水面,想得到这些由黄豆和玉米混合而成的食物。 yeeyan

It also helps detect thrashing, which can occur when memory is extremely low and pages are constantly being paged in and out to support processing.
它还帮助检测系统颠簸,当内存量非常低并且不断地换入和换出页面以支持处理时,可能会出现系统颠簸。 ibm

Listing5 shows an example of a system that is probably thrashing.
清单5给出一个可能出现了抖动的系统示例。 ibm

That means that the creatures thrashing in Chen's ponds are the future of fish.
如此说来,在陈的池塘里拍打着尾巴的那一群就意味着渔业的未来。 yeeyan

Then she would go and live with her children, happily ever after thrashing rice to separate it from the husk.
于是,她就会去和她的儿女们生活在一起,然后幸福地打稻谷,把稻米和谷壳分开。 yeeyan

They are going to weather the corn in the thrashing field.

This is not good and you should do everything you can to prevent swapping from occurring, which can cause another condition called thrashingwe'll get into this more later.
出现这样的情况并不好,应该尽量防止交换发生,交换可能会导致另一种称为抖动的情况稍后将详细讨论这个主题。 ibm

To prevent resource thrashing, server applications need some means of limiting how many requests are being processed at any given time.
为了防止资源不足,服务器应用程序需要一些办法来限制任何给定时刻处理的请求数目。 ibm

VMM actually has a memory load control algorithm, which can detect if the system is thrashing and actually tries to remedy the situation.
VMM实际上采用一种内存负载控制算法,它可以检测系统是否出现颠簸并尝试解决这种情况。 ibm

When this occurs, it usually signifies that thrashing is going on in your system.
当出现这种情况时,通常表示系统中发生了颠簸现象。 ibm

Witnesses reported seeing a dorsal fin and thrashing in the water before the sea turned red and the man vanished at the scene on Australia's west coast.
目击者称看到有鲨鱼背鳍在水面上时隐时现,后来发现海水变成红色,而那名男子也从澳大利来西海岸上消失了。 yeeyan




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