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thr. 基本例句 abbr.their;there;through The actual cost of an infected primary THR cannot be fully estimated due to its far reaching impact. 由于发生感染后,对患者造成很多远期的影响,故一例感染的初次 THR手术的实际花费难以预计。 hyu9 The air index tester is an off line testing device simulating air jet weft insertion and measuring velocity of thr weft yarn average and variation in an air jct. 纱线气流指数仪是一种类似喷气织机引纬系统脱机操作的测试装置,用于测试喷气织造纬纱的速度平均值和变异系数。 cnki With the speeding up of agin in our country, it is of great realistic significance to pay great attention to thr elderly and to establish ethical principle on care for the elderly. 在我国人口老龄化进程加快的今天,重视对老年人关怀和建构对老年人关怀的伦理原则具有尤为重要的现实意义。 dictall Thr relationship is discussed between the style, material, spinning, weaving, and finishing of the worsted flannel products. 文章讨论了生产啥味呢时所用原料、纺、织及整理工艺与产品风格的关系; cnki Thr-ough tests of quadratic orthogonal regression, a system of regression equations between threshing parameters and threshing performances is established. 通过二次回归正交试验建立了脱粒参数与脱粒性能之间的回归方程。 cnki According to THR, production was halted Friday while filming its seventh episode. 据悉制作公司已经在周五之时停拍该剧正在制作的第7集剧集。 hjenglish Amino acid composition analysis showed that the sucrase has about477 amino acids and there are plentiful of Gly, Glu, Leu, Asp, Thr, Val and Pro in it. 氨基酸组成分析表明:猪小肠蔗糖酶由约477个氨基酸残基组成,富含甘氨酸、谷氨酸、亮氨酸、门冬氨酸、苏氨酸、缬氨酸、脯氨酸。 cnki Choose“ quick battle” and choose“ custom battle”, then you can play thr custom battle. 点“快速战斗”,再选第一项“自定义战斗”,然后就可以开始进行自定义战斗了。 bbs.mountblade.com.cn Computer Aided Process Planing system CAPP was used by more and more thr- cone bit manufactures to improve production effectiveness along with the popularization of manufacturing informatization. 随着制造业信息化的普及,越来越多的三牙轮钻头生产企业使用计算机辅助工艺设计系统 CAPP来提高生产效益。 chinafanyi Even at that exciting moment, I remembered the old Admiral Benbow, and I seemed to hear the voice of old Bill, thr sea-man, singing with them. 即使在这么激动的时刻,我还能记起本葆将军酒店,我好像听见老船长比尔也在和他们一起唱。 iamlk He is too closely identified with thr previous a diminish ration to be given a position in the new one. 他与前政府的关系过于密切,难以在新政府中得到一官半职。 blog.sina.com.cn In thr word, I love myself! 总而言之,我爱我自己。 blog.sina.com.cn Objective To discuss prognosis of deep frozen cortical strut allograft in the femoral fractures of the distal end of femoral component after total hip replacement THR. 目的探讨深低温冷冻同种异体皮质骨板移植治疗全髋关节置换 THR术后股骨假体远端股骨骨折的预后。 cnki Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of low- molecular- weight heparinLMWH in preventing for deep- vein thrombosis DVT after total hip replace THR. 目的探讨人工髋关节置换术 THR后用低分子肝素预防下肢深静脉血栓 DVT形成的疗效和安全性。 cnki On the basis of loop results, the two phase flow stability of5MW THR at low quality operations estimated. 在此基础上预测了5MW THR微沸运行工况的两相流稳定性。 cnki Porcine insulin with ThrButOBut catalyzed by immobilized trypsin has been converted into human insulin via a twostep transpeptidation. 应用固相胰蛋白酶催化猪胰岛素和苏氨酸叔丁酯,通过两步转肽法半合成人胰岛素。 cnki The male connectors can be obtained as a press fit, wave soldering or THR connection system. 公连接器则有压接、波峰焊接或通孔回流连接系列。 yihegz The result indicated that correct preoperative evaluation and control of the complication helps ensure more favorable clinical outcome of the aged patients with THR. 结果表明,对高龄患者进行准确的术前评估,积极控制其并发疾病,使人工髋关节置换术取得良好疗效。 chemyq The results of production practice show that thr improved process can treat with complex ore and increase concentrate quality and productivity. 经生产实践证明,采用改进后的流程,可处理复杂矿石,并能提高精矿品位和产率。 chemyq The same is true with thr activity of seeing off a foreign guest. 这同你要送别一个国外客户的情况是一样的。 english-ask They looked at colony counts on the wound edges and in theatre air during THR surgery. 在 THR手术中,他们观察了术口周围和空气中的菌落计数。 hyu9 To verify the theoretical results of dynamic walking and satisfy the economy requirements, this paper designs and implements a planar footless biped robot THR- I based on bus servo motor. 为了既能验证动态步行的理论结果,又能满足经济性的要求,本文设计并实现了一种基于总线型伺服电机的平面无脚双足机器人 THR- I。 dictall Who are the four entering thr final four? 哪四人进入了前四名? iciba With thr third cup of tea, you are family. 第三杯茶,你是我的家人,我将用生命来保护你。 blog.sina.com.cn |