

单词 those present
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If he was unusually ill or upset, those present at the Staples Centre say they saw no sign of it.
在斯台普斯中心体育馆在场的人都称,看不出迈克尔那晚身体有什么特别的病态或不适。 yeeyan

All those present today are outstanding leaders in higher education and the business world.
今天在座的各位都是高等教育界和企业界的优秀领导者。 putclub

And most of those present planned to follow them.
在场的大多数也计划移民离去。 ecocn

But the account pieced together from interviews with five of those present tells a different story.
但综合五名现场目击者的描述,我们可以看到一个不同的故事。 yeeyan

No accurate listing of those present could be obtained.
无法获悉出席人员的确切名单。 jukuu

They do not use the language best known, on average, by those present which in some meetings will still be French.
一般来说,他们不会选择与会者最熟悉的语言有些会议中依然是法语。 ecocn

Warden Pope flips through a stack of papers and tells Lincoln, “ those present were your brother and attorney, Dr. Tancredi and three reporters. Two women and one man.”
狱长翻阅了一堆文件后告诉 Lincoln,“出席的有你弟弟,你的律师, Tancredi医生,还有三个记者:两女一男。” yeeyan

Those present at the ceremony also include major leaders of the Turkmenistan government and army.
出席签字仪式的还有土政府和军队的主要领导人。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Those present were all college students.
出席者全为大学生。 enschools




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