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词汇 thoroughgoing
释义 thor·ough·go·ing 英ˌθɜːrəʊˈgəʊɪŋ, ˌθɜːrə-, ˈθʌr-美ˌθɝroˈgoɪŋ, ˌθɝrə-, ˈθʌr-AHDthûr'ō-gōʹĭng, thûr'ə-, thŭrʹ- ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA⁴⁸⁵²²BNC³⁹⁴⁷⁸iWeb⁴⁰⁶¹⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

performed comprehensively and completely;

an exhaustive study

made a thorough search

thoroughgoing research

without qualification; used informally as often pejorative intensifiers;

an arrant fool

a complete coward

a consummate fool

a double-dyed villain

gross negligence

a perfect idiot

pure folly

what a sodding mess

stark staring mad

a thoroughgoing villain

utter nonsense

the unadulterated truth

蒋争熟词记忆thorough彻底⇒彻底的;十足的thorough彻底⇒彻底的;十足的近义词 full满的pure纯的total总的gross总的utter完全的stark严酷的entire全部的perfect完美的staring凝视的thorough彻底的complete完整的detailed详细的in-depth深入的absolute绝对的exhaustive彻底的consummate圆满的arrant彻头彻尾的careful小心谨慎的out-and-out完全的everlasting永恒的systematic有系统的comprehensive全面的double-dyed染二次的methodical有条不紊的unadulterated无搀杂的sodding动词sod的现在进行式…

用作形容词It is a verythoroughgoingprocedure.它是一个非常精细的过程。
It was all athoroughgoingwaste of time.这完全浪费时间。adj.complete
同义词 absolute,arrant,out-and-out,unqualified
反义词 incomplete
completeadjective utter, absolute
consummateadjective ultimate, best
downrightadjective thorough, absolute
dyed-in-the-wooladjective deep-rooted
absolute,complete,confirmed,congenital,deep-down,deep-dyed,deep-rooted,deep-seated,deeply ingrained,die-hard,entrenched,fixed,full-fledged,genuine,hardenedinfixedingrained,instilled,long-standing,out and out,thorough,thoroughgoing,through-and-through,to the core,true,unchangeable,uncompromising,utter,well-established
exhaustiveadjective all-inclusive, complete
all-embracing,all-encompassing,all-out,catholic,comprehensive,embracive,encyclopedic,extensive,far-reaching,from A to Z,full,full dress,full-blown,full-scale,in-depth,intensive,no stone unturned,out-and-out,profound,radical,sweeping,the word,thorough,thoroughgoing,total,whole-hog
full dressadjective thorough
all-out,careful,complete,exhaustive,important,thoroughgoing In the troubled countries of the euro zone this requires a programme of thoroughgoing structural reforms, along with a plan to reduce government budget deficits over the medium term.
欧元区陷入麻烦的国家,要进行这个计划就必须进行彻底的结构性改革计划,以及一个在中期减少政府财政赤字的计划。 topsage

Wage an unremitting, thoroughgoing struggle against drugs nationwide.

A thoroughgoing social site, it is nothing without its users.
一个彻头彻尾的社交网站,没有用户就什么都不是了。 yeeyan

Based on the analysis of the Reform in Ningyang County, we can say that the Reform is not thoroughgoing, to a certain extent, because of the lack of some essential supporting reforms.
从对宁阳县税费改革情况的分析中不难发现,此次农村税费改革是一次不太彻底的改革,因为它缺乏必要的配套改革为其提供支持,因此才造成了诸如乡村财力缺口扩大等问题。 cnki

But a thoroughgoing effort to tame finance would be futile and could come at a high cost.
但不遗余力地去一味管制金融市场绝不是好政策,无效且代价高昂。 ecocn

But the modest privatisation plans and tax reforms outlined in the budget fall well short of the thoroughgoing reforms local businesses and foreign investors were hoping for.
然而,预算中提及的适度私营计划和税制改革并不彻底,没有达到本国企业和外国投资者的期望值。 ecocn

But a less thoroughgoing approach to modular design underlies the next stage of Dr Venter’s plans, too.
但一个不彻底的模块化设计也是文德尔下一步计划的基础。 ecocn

In theory, Zola is a thoroughgoing naturalist, but his creation can not be summarized totally in terms of naturalism.
左拉在理论上是坚决而彻底的自然主义者,但他的创作绝不是自然主义这四个字所概括得了的。 cnki

Indeed, Ms Duflo and Mr Banerjee, perhaps more than some of their disciples, are able theorists as well as thoroughgoing empiricists.
的确,和他们的弟子相比,迪弗洛女士和班吉纳先生更是彻头彻尾的经验主义者和才能卓越的理论家。 ecocn

It has also brought economic collapse, political repression and thoroughgoing corruption.
也带来了经济崩溃,政治镇压和彻底腐败。 ecocn

It may be that Americans are unusually willing to break rank with scientific authority—as seen in the occasional flare-ups of vaccine scepticism— but it's not a thoroughgoing animus.
所以,美国可能还是偶尔会和科学的权威性对着干—比如有时对疫苗倍加质疑—但也不是彻头彻尾的反科学者。 yeeyan

Mexican President Felipe Calderon, in a4 a.m. speech, declared the conference“a thoroughgoing success, ” after two separate agreements were passed.
会议通过了两个独立的决议,墨西哥总统卡尔德龙在凌晨4点发表讲话,宣布本次大会取得巨大成功。 yeeyan

Now it is leading the debates on deregulation, smaller government, and thoroughgoing public service reform.
现在他在正在引导缩小国家干预经济范围,小政府和全面的公共事务改革的讨论。 yeeyan

Science is the century- old endeavor to bring together by means of systematic thought the perceptible phenomena of this world into as thoroughgoing an association as possible.

The May 4th Movement is not only a thoroughgoing anti- imperialist, anti- feudal revolutionary movement but also a great Marxism- learning and ideological liberation movement.
五四运动不仅是一次彻底的反帝反封建的革命运动,而且还是一次伟大的马克思主义的学习运动和思想解放运动。 cnki

Those views have now been given a particularly thoroughgoing expression in a paper in Icarus by Kevin Zahnle, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Centre, in California, and two colleagues.
加利福利亚 NASA的 Ames研究中心的一位行星学家 Kevin Zahnle和他的两位同事,在论文《Icarus》中特别详细的阐述了这些。

Turkey’s experience is hard to replicate, in part because the country has had the kind of thoroughgoing revolution against tradition that Arab intellectuals of the20th century only talked about.
土耳其的经验难于复制,部分原因在于这个国家已经经历了与传统隔绝的完全革命,而20世纪的阿拉伯学者还在对此议论纷纷。 yeeyan




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