

单词 Beidaihe
释义 Beidaihe
Blessed with a temperate climate and surrounded By Beautiful landscapes, Beidaihe seaside is known far and wide for its gently sloping sandy Beaches, which provide natural Bathing places.
北戴河海滨风光秀丽,气候宜人,远近闻名的平坦的沙质海滩是天然的海水浴。 jukuu

If you ascend see-sighting hall of main building, you can watch verve of big sea and beautiful Beidaihe scene.
登上主楼圆形观景厅,大海的神韵,秀美的北戴河风光,尽收眼底。 kuenglish

The hot weather antedated my departure for Beidaihe.

The railroad runs extra trains to Beidaihe Beach during summer vacations.

Will you be taking your leave in Beidaihe?
你要到北戴河休假吗? hotdic

Father unsold me on the idea of going to Beidaihe beach this summer.

For example, you may visit Beidaihe on the way to Harbin.
例如您在去哈尔滨途中,可以到北戴河。 hotdic

Help wanted for our Beidaihe School Trip.
我们的北戴河学校之旅需要帮助。 wdjyzx

In 1985, at the Beidaihe Jinshanzui discover the Qin palace ruins, in order to Beidaihe long history of providing conclusive evidence.
1985年,在北戴河金山嘴发掘出秦行宫遗址,为北戴河源远流长的历史提供了确凿的证据。 elycn

In 2010 I lived in the seaside town of Beidaihe under a blanket of diesel smoke.
2010年我住在北戴河,住在一片柴油燃烧的烟云之下。 is.gd

Many teachers and students resort to Beidaihe beach in the summer vacation.

Recently, the national mapping agency Beidaihe resort homes meeting old comrades and retired cadres of all cadres and workers working60 anniversary celebration of the forum.
日前,国家测绘局北戴河休养院召开退休老干部老同志和在职全体干部职工庆祝中华人民共和国60华诞座谈会。 cd-xr

The Seaside Corridor affords a panoramic view of Beidaihe.
在望海长廊里你可以观赏到北戴河的全景。 www.sirt.edu.cn

Thirdly it explores the constructing necessity from the aspects of fully unearthing to tourism resources, perfecting structure and ecological protection of Beidaihe park;
第三,从充分挖掘北戴河旅游资源,完善北戴河公园的结构、生态保护等角度论述了建设的必要性; iciba

This is the best time to visit Beidaihe.
现在是到北戴河旅游的最好季节。 www.hebeitour.gov.cn

We choose Beidaihe, the fabulous fairyland.
我们选在了北戴河,传说中的仙境。 iciba

We had a good time at Beidaihe beach in the summer vacation.
暑假里我们在北戴河海滨过得很愉快。 teacher.yqedu.com.cn

We'll drive to Beidaihe.
我们要开车到北戴河。 hotdic

You are right. Beidaihe is an area which combines unusual geological features with popular tourist sights.
很对。北戴河是集受欢迎的旅游景点和不寻常的地理特征于一体的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn

Beidaihe in Dai River and New River two rivers in the west and east into the sea.
北戴河境内的戴河和新河两条河流分别在西部和东部入海。 elycn

Beidaihe clean air, rich in negative oxygen ions, abundant sunshine throughout the year, pressure stability, and climate is very pleasant.
北戴河的空气清新,富含负氧离子,全年日照充足,气压稳定,气候十分宜人。 elycn

Beidaihe is a beautiful place.
北戴河是处美丽的地方。 www.1stenglish.com

Beidaihe is one of the most attractive summer seaside resorts in Northern China.
北戴河是中国北方的一个很迷人的海滨避暑胜地。 hotdic




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