

单词 this evening
释义 this evening小高短语²⁵¹⁴

during the night of the present day;

drop by tonight

近义词 tonight今晚this night今天晚上
Your brother is not going to studythis evening.你弟弟今晚不读书。
Provided/Providing you clear your desk bythis evening, you can have tomorrow off.如果你到今晚把手头上的工作做完,你明天就可以休息。
So long as you clear your desk bythis evening, you can have tomorrow leave.如果你到今晚把手头上的工作做完,你明天就可以休息。
Will she cook dinnerthis evening?她今晚要做晚饭吗?
Have we got anything on forthis evening?今天晚上我们有什麽安排吗?
Our new serial thriller begins at 7.30this evening.我们的新系列惊险故事于今晚7时30分开始播出。
If you like, we could go outthis evening.你要是愿意的话,咱们今天晚上出去。
Could you come back home earlythis evening?今天晚上你能早回家吗? Have you walked from Gimmerton this evening?
今天晚上你从吉默吞走来的吗? putclub

I've been invited to dinner this evening; I have invited somebody to dinner this evening.

But this evening as I washed and dried my clothes suddenly there was this feeling of satisfaction.
但是今天晚上我洗衣服,晾衣服的时候,我突然产生了一种满足感。 yeeyan

But this evening here at the State Department is an opportunity for us to relax, to get to know one another, and to extend to you and your party some of Washington's hospitality.
但今天晚上,我们有机会在国务院这里稍事休息,相互认识,并表示华盛顿对您和您的随行人员的热情款待。 ebigear

I found out this evening from a mutual friend that he was in a fatal car accident on his lunch break two blocks away from the diner.
今天晚上我从我们共同的一个相识那里知道,在距离餐厅两个街区的地方他遭遇了致命的车祸。 yeeyan

I want to see you this evening if you are not too busy.
如果你不忙的话我想今天晚上和你见面。 ebigear

I will never forget this evening, will you?
我永远不会忘记今天晚上,你愿意吗? ebigear

My special thanks go to them for the opportunity of addressing you this evening.
特别的,我想感谢你们为我提供了今天晚上讲话的机会。 yeeyan

Shall we meet at six this evening?
我们今天晚上六点见面好吗? eol

So, which bar are we going to this evening?
那么,我们将今天晚上去哪个酒吧? ebigear

Thank you all for joining us this evening.
谢谢大家参加我们今天晚上的活动。 putclub

We are gathered here again this evening, in your wonderful country, after16 unforgettable days. The Olympic Games are a celebration of humanity, and together we have experienced many strong emotions.
在这个神奇的国度,经过了16天之后今天晚上我们再度相聚,奥林匹克是人类欢聚的盛会,我们度过了许多动情的时刻。 putclub

We can work out the offer this evening and give it to you tomorrow morning.
我们在今天晚上可以算出来,明天上午交给你方。 ebigear

When she told me you were coming again this evening, I assumed her dementia was getting the best of her.
她说你今天晚上还会来探望她的时候,我觉得这可能是她的痴呆症最严重的时候。 yeeyan

This evening marks your entry into the Olympic world.
今晚标志着你们进入了奥林匹克的世界。 putclub

This evening I went for a walk out of the stadium, found near my home, they have many people running, some people are playing basketball, others are playing football.
今天晚上我出门去散步,发现我家旁边的体育场人很多,他们有的人在跑步,有的人在打篮球,还有人在踢足球。 tingvoa

This evening when I was at his house, my grandpa caught me staring at the photo.
今天晚上在家里的时候,爷爷发现我在看那张照片。 yeeyan




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