

单词 this
释义 this. ðɪs


being the person, idea, etc. which is understood or about to be mentioned


being the one of two or more people or things that is nearer in time, place, thought, etc.


a certain


the thing, idea, action, etc., which is understood or mentioned

the thing or person that is near or nearer in place, time, thought, etc.

这时; 这里

this time or place; now or here

来自古英语this,这个。来自North Sea Germanic *tha-si,这个。来自原始印欧语to,指示代词,词源同that, they。-s,在North Sea Germanic表限定性后缀。 this来自古英语this,这个。来自North Sea Germanic *tha-si,这个。来自原始印欧语to,指示代词,词源同that, they。-s,在North Sea Germanic表限定性后缀。 to来自古英语to,朝向,在某方向。来自西日耳曼语支*to,朝向。来自原始印欧语do,指示代词词干,朝,向,衍生前缀de-。 that来自古英语thaet,那,那个。来自原始日耳曼语that,那,那个。来自原始印欧语tod,指示代词,扩展自原始印欧语to,指示代词,词源同the, they。词义演变比较同源词here, he。 they来自中古英语they, thei。来自古诺斯语their。来自原始日耳曼语*thai,复数指示代词,那些的。来自原始印欧语to,指示代词,词源同this, that。in this day and age当今this and that 又是这个 … …to this day至今at this rate照这样下去this day week上星期的今天…with this这样说了就in this regard在这点上this here这, 这个this day month一个月前的今天,一个…at this moment in time现在all this while这一阵子This is just between you and me.这只是我们两个之间的…selfsame完全一样的by this这时this instant即刻by this time到这时like this象这样this much是这样这么多…from this day forth从今天起a better man never trod this earth没有比他更好的人…
用作代词(pron.this and that〔this, that and the other〕

形形色色的东西various things

非常记忆th土豪〖拼音〗+is是〖熟词〗⇒土豪就是这个人近义词adj. & pron. that反义词 that那
~+ n.Mosquitoes are extremely abundant in this dark wet place.这个阴暗潮湿的地方蚊子非常多。
They have built three nuclear power stations this year.他们今年建造了三座核电站。
Come here and look at this picture.过来看这幅画。
There was this peculiar man sitting opposite me on the bus.在公共汽车上有个奇怪的男人坐在我对面。
This his journal is worth reading.他写的这本日志值得一读。
He was on night shift this six days.这六天来他都上夜班。
This little daughter of his is very clever.他的这个小女孩真聪明。
This book of Joe's is very amusing.乔的这本书非常有趣。用作代词pron.Would you give her these?你要把这些给她吗?
What I have to say to you is this; if you don't break off drinking for good, you'll be sorry pretty soon.我必须向你说明的是:如果你不彻底戒酒的话,你很快就会后悔的。
I am one with you on this.在这一点上,我和你的意见是一致的。
This is my wife.这是我妻子。
Hello.This is John.嗨,我是约翰。
This is the man you are going to see, isn't it?这就是你要见的那个人,对吗?
I thought he'd have got back before this.我以为他会在这之前回来的。
I shall leave this on the 21st.我21日离开这里。Pthisnessn.现实性'这一个''此'性



“this+one's+ n. ”是一种简洁的文体,有强调意味; “this+基数词+时间名词”表示一段时间。this可与of短语连用,后接名词性物主代词或名词所有格。


this用作代词可用以指叙述中的人或事物,即指前面提到过的人或事物或下文提及的事物; this一般作主语时才指人; 在电话用语中, this用来指代自己。


用作代词This is, in part, my own mistake.在某种程度上来说,这是我自己的错。
Now don't laugh when you hearthis.听了这个你不要笑。用作副词It's aboutthishigh.大约有这样高。
I didn't think we'd getthisfar.我未曾想到我们会走得这么远。adj.the
同义词 aforementioned,already stated,here,previously mentioned,that,the indicated,the presentpron.the one
同义词 thatthe aforementioned one,the one in question,the thing indicated,this one,this person
suchadverb aforementioned, specific
aforesaid,akin,alike,analogous,comparable,corresponding,equivalent,like,parallel,said,similar,such a one,such a person,such a thing,suchlike,that,the like
suchpronoun aforementioned, specific
aforesaid,akin,alike,analogous,comparable,corresponding,equivalent,like,parallel,said,similar,such a one,such a person,such a thing,suchlike,that,the like,this
thatadjective the
a certain,a particular,a well known,one,such,this




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