

单词 thin line
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That's the thin line between success and failure.
成功与失败,只有一线之悬。 yeeyan

But in a country with a razor- thin line between normality and emergency it is worth asking: what happens next?
但是对这样一个紧急和常态就一线之差的国家而言,我们值得一问:接下来会怎样? yeeyan

In paraphrase of a member of Spinal Tap, a fictional rock band of stupendous awfulness, there is a thin line between clever and stupid.
用 Spinal Tap乐队一个虚构的、差的吓人的摇滚乐队的一位成员的话来说,聪明和愚蠢之间只有一步之遥。 yeeyan

In countries like Britain, there is a thin line between a job guarantee— providing work to anyone who needs it— and workfare—denying benefits to anyone who refuses it.
在英国这样的国家,就业保障即为需要工作的人提供职位,这与员工福利如果有人不愿意可以不接受之间没有太明显地界限。 ecocn

It often seems a thin line between love and hate, and now scientists think they know why.
人们常说:“爱恨只在一线间”,现在科学家找到了其中的原因。 ebigear

Sometimes there’s a thin line between stuff that is Stuff and stuff that is useful.
有时候杂物和有用的杂物之间的差别几乎是一线之隔。 yeeyan

We got near the edge of town, and there were some tanks and trucks in a thin line of palms near a bunch of buildings.
我们来到一个城区边缘,那里有一些坦克和卡车在一片建筑前面排成扇形队列。 cjdby




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