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词汇 thighs
释义 thighs
Do the same with your calves, thighs, buttocks, hands, arms, and on up.
同样的方法,放松你的小腿、大腿、臀部、手、臂和其他上面的部位。 yeeyan

It doesn't really matter whether it appears as cellulite on our thighs or cholesterol in our veins— we just don't want it.
不管它出现在哪里——大腿上的脂肪团还是静脉里的胆固醇——真的没什么关系,总之,我们很讨厌它。 yeeyan

The excess fat is normally stored in the trunk or thighs, so they usually get burned most severely.
多余的脂肪通常储存于躯干和大腿,因此这些部分的烧毁程度最严重。 ebigear

They can be found on the genitals, buttocks, thighs, anus, mouth, tongue, gums, cheeks, nose and other body parts.
水疱和疡会出现在生殖器,臀部,大腿,肛门,嘴,舌头,牙龈,脸颊,鼻子和身体的其他部位。 yeeyan

“ If you want to.” I slid my hands under my thighs and watched as he read it, tracing each line with his finger.
“如果你愿意的话。”我把手塞在大腿下面,观察着正在看请柬的父亲,他用指头一行行边指着边看。 topddhw

But when Father whipped me, Hattie said that she could feel it too, that the pain ran through the backs of my thighs and across her shoulders.
但是,父亲鞭打我的时候,海蒂说她也能够感觉到,疼痛穿过我的大腿后部直达她的肩膀。 yeeyan

But women now look better for longer, so we can show off our thighs into the cusp of middle age if our knees have stood the test of time.
但就现在女人的状态来看,这个时间要更长一些。只要膝盖争气,刚步入中年的女性完全可以露出白皙的大腿。 yeeyan

For best results, focus on tightening only your pelvic floor muscles. Be careful not to flex the muscles in your abdomen, thighs or buttocks.
在运动时最好把注意力都集中在收缩的盆底肌上,不要随意活动腹部、大腿或者臀部的肌肉,避免屏气。 yeeyan

Freed of the need to bear a load, which would have subtly affected the shape of the shoulders and thighs, Modigliani's painted caryatids instead become highly stylised attenuated female forms.
由于摆脱了负载它微妙地影响了肩部和大腿的形状,莫迪里阿尼画的女像柱反而变成了高度时尚化了的苗条的女性形体形象。 yeeyan

I slid my hands under my thighs and watched as he read it, tracing each line with his finger.
我把手塞在大腿下面,观察着正在看请柬的父亲,他用指头一行行边指着边看。 yeeyan

In June I dig out my shorts to discover my thighs resemble cottage cheese.
在六月份我就翻出了短裤,结果却发现我的大腿就像白软干酪似的。 putclub

Keep legs straight and move thighs back.
保持双腿伸直,大腿向后方移动。 yeeyan

Lift kneecaps by tightening the thighs.
膝盖骨上提收紧大腿。 yeeyan

People with fat in their thighs and backsides may live longer because the fat traps harmful fatty particles and actively secretes helpful compounds, according to a report published on Tuesday.
本周二发布的一项报告称,大腿和臀部脂肪较多的人可能更长寿,因为脂肪能锁住有害的脂肪颗粒,并可有效分泌出有益化合物。 cri

Right now, my Almond Chicken in its warm, creamy sauce tastes like something sucked out of Marla's mother's thighs.
现在,我的杏仁鸡块还是温的,奶油酱尝起来就像是马拉老妈大腿上抽出来的脂肪. yeeyan

The oversized body model could be particularly exaggerated in women who are anxious that parts of their bodies, such as their thighs or stomach, are too big, Dr Longo said.
偏大的身体模型在焦虑的女人中尤其会被夸大,她们会认为诸如大腿或者胃部这些身体部位都太胖了,隆戈博士说。 yeeyan

The thinner your thighs, the greater your of heart disease, says a new study.
一项新的研究表明,大腿越细的人,患上心脏病的风险就越大。 yeeyan

Then we carried on in the worst conditions yet: low, tangled rainforest that blocked out the light, and mud up to our thighs.
那时我们还在最糟糕的环境里行进着:低矮、纷乱的雨林遮住了阳光,泥浆没至我们的大腿。 yeeyan

Use economy cuts of meat like chicken thighs and chuck roast. They taste just as good and cost less.
使用经济肉块,如鸡大腿和肩部厚肉块,他们的口味一样好并且成本较低。 yeeyan

With your calves on either side of his back, support his weight on the backs of your thighs.
小腿放在他背部的两侧,用你大腿的背面支撑住他的体重。 yeeyan




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