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词汇 behaviour
释义 be·hav·iour 英bɪˈheɪvjə美bɪˈhevjɚAHDbĭ-hāvʹyər ★★★★☆中高IT牛四八COCA¹⁸⁰³⁶BNC⁶⁵⁵Economist¹⁴⁸³


way of treating others; manners

the action or reaction of something as a machine or substance under specified circumstances;

the behavior of small particles can be studied in experiments

behavioral attributes the way a person behaves toward other peoplepsychology the aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situationmanner of acting or controlling yourself
behaviour, conduct


1.behaviour偏重于指外在举止、态度、礼节等方面; 而conduct则多指道德、品行方面,偏重于内在的精神面貌,但实际活动的范围比behaviour窄。

2.behaviour的概念较为广泛,常用于科技文体中,强调的是一种自发的或固有的表现; conduct是正式用语,语体庄重。

用作名词 n.
动词+~amend one's behaviour改善行为exhibit behaviour表现出某种行为explain one's behaviour为自己的行为作辩解observe sb's behaviour观察某人的行为report sb's behaviour报告某人的行为tolerate sb's behaviour容忍某人的行为understand sb's behaviour理解某人的行为形容词+~abnormal behaviour反常的行为,变态的举止admirable behaviour令人钦佩的行为aggressive behaviour侵略行为antisocial behaviour反社会的行为asocial behaviour自私的行为;不合群的态度audacious behaviour大胆放肆的行为bad behaviour不好的行为barbaric behaviour野蛮的行为capricious behaviour反复无常的态度criminal behaviour犯罪行为cruel behaviour残酷的行为decorous behaviour彬彬有礼的举止delinquent behaviour违法行为despicable behaviour卑鄙的行为disciplined behaviour守纪律的行为disgraceful behaviour丢人的表现disgusting behaviour可憎的行为disruptive behaviour捣乱行为;破坏性的行为double-faced behaviour两面派行为eccentric behaviour古怪的行为gallant behaviour侠义行为gentlemanly behaviour绅士般的举止good behaviour行为检点,举动规矩guilty behaviour犯罪行为heroic behaviour勇敢行为hypocritical behaviour虚伪的行为improper behaviour不适当的行为inconsiderate behaviour轻率的态度;不替别人着想的行为inexcusable behaviour不可宽恕的行为infantile behaviour幼稚的行为instinctive behaviour本能行为internal behaviour内部状态irrational behaviour荒谬的行为irresponsible behaviour不负责任的行为model behaviour模范行为modest behaviour谦逊的态度;尤指妇女端庄的行为mutinous behaviour背叛行为neurotic behaviour正常的行为obsequious behaviour谄媚的行为odd behaviour古怪的行为patriotic behaviour爱国行为promiscuous behaviour男女胡搞一气的轻浮行为provocative behaviour挑衅的行为;挑逗的态度prudent behaviour谨慎的行为rough behaviour粗暴的行为rude behaviour粗鲁的行为ruthless behaviour残忍的行为;冷酷的态度scandalous behaviour诽谤的行为;丑恶可耻的举止scurrilous behaviour庸俗下流的行为sexual behaviour性行为shameful behaviour可耻的行为social behaviour社会行为strange behaviour古怪的行为sullen behaviour愠怒的态度treacherous behaviour背信弃义的行为undiplomatic behaviour不圆滑的态度undisciplined behaviour缺乏纪律的行为;任性的态度unorthodox behaviour不按正常规矩做的行为unruly behaviour不守规矩的行为unsportsmanlike behaviour不光明正大的行为violent behaviour暴力行为wild behaviour放荡的行为名词+~human and animal behaviour人类和动物的行为~+名词behaviour pattern行为模式介词+~modest in one's speech and behaviour在言行上谨慎be disgusted with sb's behaviour对某人的所作所为感到讨厌~+介词behaviour of chromosome's染色体的习性behaviour of dolphins海豚的习性behaviour of insects昆虫的习性behaviour of particles微粒所引起的作用behaviour towards sb对待某人的态度
用作名词 on one's best behaviour

举止有礼;行为检点be very polite; show your best manners; behave very well, usually because you want to please sb

behavi-our⇒n.行为⁸⁹;举止¹⁰;品行¹=behaviorn.表现;品行¹;态度;作用;反应;举动;行动;习性;特性;性能;状态;功效;动作;动态;情况;表现方式;活动方式 _null.=behavior非常记忆behave表现〖熟词〗+i爱〖编码〗+our我们的〖熟词〗⇒我们表现太好,他很爱我们近义词 actionconduct
用作名词n.Her behaviour is often appalling.她的行为总是令人吃惊。
His behaviour at the dance was rude.他在舞会上的行为粗鲁无礼。
His behaviour shows his lack of consideration for others.他的行为表明他不关心别人。
His behaviour towards her was becoming more and more aggressive.他对待她的态度越来越蛮横。
His behaviour is always admirable.他的行为很令人钦佩。
The boy's behaviour was disgraceful.这孩子举止不文明。
His behaviour under stress is admirable.他受到压力时的表现令人赞赏。
His behaviour at school was disgraceful.他在学校的表现简直丢人。
I am glad your behaviour at school has improved.我很高兴你在学校的表现有了进步。
No animal's behaviour is controlled by moral principles.Generally speaking,they do not rise from instinctive behaviour to rational behaviour.没有一种动物的行为是依据道德原则进行的。一般来说,动物的行为不能从本能的行为升华为合理的行为。
The children's behaviour at the meeting was very good.孩子们在会议上的举止很好。
Your behaviour in class will affect your final grade.你们的课堂表现会影响你的期末成绩。
He always shows haughty behaviour toward his colleagues.他对同事总是表现出傲慢的态度。
This principle can be set up as a standard in evaluating behaviours in cross-cultural communication.这个原则可以在跨文化交流中作为评估行为的一项标准。
The compass is showing strange behaviour.罗盘上出现异常情况。
Scientists are studying the behaviour of the new gas.科学在研究这种新气体的特性。
They are studying the behaviour of rats under attack.他们正在研究老鼠受到攻击时的行为表现。
I was shocked by his behaviour towards his family.他对待家人的态度令我震惊。
He was well-known for his violent and threatening behaviour.他因暴力和威胁行为而有恶名声。
His sentence was reduced for good behaviour in prison.他因狱中表现良好而获得减刑。
Anna was sick of her brother'sbehaviour.安娜讨厌她哥哥的举止。
She is pleased with her child's goodbehaviour.她对孩子的良好行为感到欣慰。Pbehaviourala.行为的Pbehaviouristn.行为主义者Pbehaviouristica.行动主义的Pmisbehaviourn.行为无礼貌行为不端


behaviour作“行为,举止,表现”解时,指人的外在举止、态度、礼节等方面一时性的动作,尤其是在社交时是否符合标准的细小行为如吃饭、走路的姿势、对朋友的态度等; 另外,它常用于儿童的举止方面。


用作名词Suchbehaviouris beneath contempt.这种行为令人不齿。
What comments have you about my son'sbehaviour?你对我儿子的行为有什么意见?
I could not endure the insolence of hisbehaviour.我不能再忍受他那傲慢无礼的行为了。
His friendlybehaviourwas a cloak for his evil intentions.他的友好行为不过是他险恶用心的伪装。
We are surprised by his scandalousbehaviour.我们很震惊他那令人反感的举止。
All of us like her for her beneficentbehaviour.因为她友善的品行,我们每个人都喜欢她。 In other words, it is not what happens to us that determines our behaviour but how we interpret what happens to us.
换言之,决定我们行为的并非那些发生在我们身上的事情,而是我们对这些事情的看法。 yeeyan

In birth, parentage, and education, you are superior to me; but in life, character, and behaviour, I am superior to you.
不论是出身、血统还是教育,你都比我高贵。但是从生活、人品和行为上来讲,我强你百倍。 yeeyan

Her behaviour and her principles do not accord well together.

His behaviour does not accord with his principles.

How do they access it, what behaviour can they expect, and so on.
它们如何访问它,它们期望的行为是什么,等等。 ibm

I have made some programmes about child behaviour.
我制作了一些关于儿童行为的节目。 yeeyan

I can think of three explanations for this behaviour.
我可以为这样的行为作出三种解释。 yeeyan

I cannot admit that there was on the whole anything in our behaviour or demeanour to have put us beyond the pale of human kindness.
我不承认那主要是因为我们的行为举止方面有什么不对的地方,才招致他们把我们放在了人类仁慈的界限以外。 yeeyan

In particular, they do so in those regions of the brain that control behaviour.
尤其值得注意的是,这个过程在大脑中控制人体行为的区域进行。 ecocn

In some situations this behaviour may not be what you want.
在某些情况下,这种行为可能不是您想要的。 ibm

In this new world the justification for aid and the behaviour of donors must change.
在这个新世界里,援助的理由和捐助者的行为必须改变。 ecocn

Not only that but our behaviour automatically changes depending on what type of smile we detect.
不仅如此,我们的行为也会根据我们识别出的微笑种类而变化。 yeeyan

They assimilated their customs and behaviour to the new environment.

Thus, we have a single point of contact for modifying the core behaviour of the Objects we create.
这样,我们就有一个单一的联系点用来修改我们所创建对象的核心行为。 infoq

Who you associate with influences your thoughts, actions and behaviour.
你和谁往来会影响你的思想、活动和行为。 yeeyan

You ought to be ashamed of your foolish behaviour.




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