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词汇 thick
释义 thick 英θɪk美θɪkAHDthĭk ★★★☆☆初中高四六研IT牛4COCA²⁰²⁰BNC²²⁹⁸iWeb²¹³⁹Economist⁵¹⁷²

of relatively great distance or of a specified distance between opposite surfaces or sides


have a large number of units close together


of a liquid or paste relatively stiff in consistency; not flowing easily


of a vapour or the atmosphere not clear; dense

很明显的,重的; 不清楚的

very noticeable; not clear in sound


full of; covered with


beyond what is reasonable or satisfactory


very friendly


so as to be thick; thickly

S最活跃的部分; 活动最频繁的地点或时间

the part, place, time, etc., of greatest activity

the location of something surrounded by other things;

in the midst of the crowd

not thin; of a specific thickness or of relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite usually in the smallest of the three solid dimensions;

an inch thick

a thick board

a thick sandwich

spread a thick layer of butter

thick coating of dust

thick warm blankets

having component parts closely crowded together;

a compact shopping center

a dense population

thick crowds

a thick forest

thick hair

relatively dense in consistency;

thick cream

thick soup

thick smoke

thick fog

spoken as if with a thick tongue;

the thick speech of a drunkard

his words were slurred

having a short and solid form or stature;

a wrestler of compact build

he was tall and heavyset

stocky legs

a thickset young man

hard to pass through because of dense growth;

dense vegetation

thick woods

of darkness very intense;

thick night

thick darkness

a face in deep shadow

deep night

used informally associated on close terms;

a close friend

the bartender was chummy with the regular customers

the two were thick as thieves for months

used informally stupidabounding; having a lot of;

the top was thick with dust

with a thick consistency;

the blood was flowing thick

in quick succession;

misfortunes come fast and thick


❌ How fat is the wall?

✔️ How thick is the wall?

表达物体厚度只能用thick,不能用fat, fat的意思是“肥胖”。

thick, dense

这两个词意思基本相同,但有细微差别:thick是日常用语,用得略微广泛些,可形容牛奶、粥、油漆、雾、森林、树叶、毛发等表示其黑暗、浓、稠、密、深等; 但在特指空气的变化或状态时多用dense, dense也常用于比喻,指“头脑顽固”的本性或“根深蒂固”的特点。例如:

The peaks were veiled in thick mist.浓雾笼罩着群峰。
He is a dense fellow, just like a donkey.他是一个头脑顽固的家伙,就像一头驴。来自古英语 thicce,厚的,浓密的,来自 Proto-Germanic*thiku,厚的,来自 PIE*tegu,厚的,可 能来自 PIE*teue,膨胀,鼓起,词源同 thigh,thumb.引申诸相关词义。
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词thick accent很浓的口音thick beard浓胡须thick board厚木板thick book厚书thick brows浓眉thick cloth厚布thick clouds浓厚的云层thick dust厚厚的尘土thick finger粗壮的手指thick fog浓雾thick forest稠密的森林thick lips厚嘴唇thick mists浓雾thick plank厚木板thick skin感受迟钝,不敏感thick slice厚片thick smoke浓烟thick sole厚鞋底thick soup浓汤thick stick粗棍子thick strokes粗笔画名词+~bullets thick密弹~+介词thick with dust布满灰尘thick with the family与那一家人关系密切用作名词 n.介词+~in the thick of sth在…最激烈的时刻,在…的最激烈处,处在…的中心in the thick of the forest在森林最密处through thick and thin共患难,同甘苦,不顾艰难险阻~+介词the thick of one's thumb拇指最厚的部分the thick of winter隆冬
用作形容词adj.a bit thick

太过分了,不合情理 beyond what is reasonable or satisfactory

as thick as thieves

亲密无间,亲密得不得了 very friendly

as thick as two short planks

愚蠢的 stupid

the thick end of

〈英·非正〉几乎和…一样多 almost as much as…

thick on the ground

〈非正〉遍地都是,有的是 plentiful

用作副词adv.thick and fast

〈非正〉密集地,接二连三,又快又多 quickly and in large numbers

用作名词 the thick of sth

在…最激烈的时刻,在…的最激烈处,处在…的中心 in the most active〔dense〕 part of sth

through thick and thin

共患难,同甘苦; 不顾艰难险阻,在任何情况下 through both good or bad time; in spite of all the difficulties

故事记忆有一个 Chick小鸡羽毛很 Thick厚厚的一肚子 Trick诡计跳桌上 Lick舔把米饭 Pick啄被主人 Kick踢用筷子 Prick戳又拍了 Brick砖块结果就 Sick病了末日很 Quick快了非常记忆th土豪〖拼音〗icIC(卡)〖编码〗+k国王编码king⇒土豪把一沓很厚的IC卡送给国王小学英语速记联想记忆:King国王think想了想自己衣服穿得太thick厚的近义词 fatdeepfullrichwidedenseheavysolidadj. close反义词 slimthinslightshallowslenderadj. clever
~+ n.She was still wearing her thick coat.她还穿着那件厚外套。
That little restaurant makes good thick sandwiches.那家小餐馆做的三明治又厚又好。
On the end of his nose was a pair of thick spectacles.他的鼻尖上架着一副厚厚的眼镜。
Who's that young man with a thick head of hair?那个长着浓密头发的青年是谁?
Thick smoke came out of the burning building.浓烟是从那幢燃烧的大楼里冒出来的。
A field of burning grass billowed thick black clouds of smoke into the sky.一块燃烧着的草地冒起黑色浓烟,滚滚上升天际。
Thick liquid pours much more slowly than thin liquid.稠的液体倒出来比稀的慢。
Grandfather spoke with a thick Scottish brogue.祖父说话带有很重的苏格兰土腔。
We have been thick friends since we were young.我们从青年时代起就是贴心的朋友。
S+be+~The brass plate is one inch thick.这块黄铜板厚一英寸。
The castle walls are two metres thick.城堡的墙厚两米。
The skins are very thick and glossy towards winter.快到冬季时这种毛皮既厚实又有光泽。
Daffodil stems are straight and thick.黄水仙的茎挺直粗壮。
The wire is very thick.这电线很粗。
The fog seemed to be getting thicker.雾似乎越来越浓。
The weather was thick.天气阴霾。
The flowers grew thick in the garden.园子里的花长得很茂盛。
His English is thick, but I always find it understandable.他说英语时口齿不清,可是我总能听得懂。
He is pretty thick, isn't he?他很笨,不是吗?
My head's rather thick this morning after all that beer I drank last night.昨天晚上喝了那么多啤酒,我今天早晨头脑都不很清醒。
They're very thick together.他们在一起很亲密。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHe is thick of hearing.他听觉不灵。
It was so thick to its length.以其长度相衡量,它显得很厚。
She is thick with him.她与他很要好。
Your mother wouldn't like it if you become too thick with each other.如果你们来往太亲密,你的母亲会不高兴的。
The floor was thick with dust.地板上厚厚地盖满一层尘土。
The small room is thick with audience.小房间坐满听众。S+be+~+that-clauseThe fog was so thick that we couldn't see anything.雾很浓,我们什么也看不见。
Their hatred was so thick that it could be cut with a knife.他们的仇恨简直深到不能再深了。
S+V+O+~The illness made his speechthick.那场病弄得他口齿不清楚。用作副词adv.
The snow is fallingthick.雪下得正大。
The flowers grew thickest near the wall.墙边的花长得最密。
The trees grew thicker and lower here and many of them were out of the vertical.这里的树长得越来越密,越来越矮,其中有许多已经长得不直了。
Don't spread the butter toothick.别把黄油涂得太多。
My heart beatsthick.我的心跳得厉害。Pthick-film厚膜Pthicknet粗缆网Pthick-leg巨腿症Pthicketn.丛林草丛Pthick-walled厚壁的Pthickheadn.笨人呆子Pthick-skulleda.迟钝的Pthickheadeda.笨的愚蠢的Pthickenern.增稠器增稠剂Pthick-voiceda.声音沙哑的Pthick-witteda.头脑迟钝的Pthickeningn.增厚变厚增稠剂Phalf-thickness半值层半值厚度Pthicknessn.厚度密度愚钝含混不清Pthicklyn.厚厚地茂密稠密声音沙哑的Pthick-skinneda.厚皮的脸皮厚的感觉迟钝的Pthickseta.粗壮的繁茂的n.丛林密篱厚斜纹布Pthick-and-thina.不辞水火的始终不变的忠实的Pthickisha.相当厚的相当浓的相当粗的相当密的Pthickenvi.变浓变厚变得模糊变为复杂vt.使变厚加强使模糊


thick的基本意思是“厚的,粗的”,也可表示“稠密的,密集的,茂密的”,液体或糊状物“浓的,黏稠的”,汽、烟、雾或空气等“不清澈的,混浊的,浓的”,口音“很明显的,重的; 不清楚的”。









用作形容词He put on athicksweater since it was cold in the morning.早晨很冷,他穿上了一件厚毛衣。
The mountain was covered with athicklayer of snow.山上覆盖了一层厚厚的白雪。
There is athickforest behind the village.村子后面有一片密密的森林。
Herthickand dark hair hangs all the way to her shoulder.她那又粗又黑的头发一直披到肩。adj.deep, bulky
同义词 broad,chunky,fat,hard,heavy,massive,widecompact,concrete,firm,high,husky,solid,squatblubbery,burly,consolidated,obese,pudgy,stocky,stubby,stumpy,substantial,thickset
反义词 easy,little,narrow,restricted,skinny,slight,slim,small,thin,flexible,loose,low,slack,soft,weakattenuated,clear,diluted,intelligent,reasonable,sensible,smart,uncrowded,unfriendly,unsociable,watery,wiseadj.concentrated, dense
同义词 deep,gooey,heavy,impenetrable,opaque,stiff,syrupyclose,compact,concrete,firm,set,solidcaked,clabbered,clottedcoagulatedcompressed,condensed,congealed,consolidated,crowded,curdled,fixed,gelatinous,gloppy,gummous,gummy,gunky,impervious,jelled,jellied,ossified,ropy,sloppy,solidified,thickened,turbid,viscid,viscous,vitrified
反义词 clear,easy,light,soft,trivial,understandable,flexible,indefinite,loose,slackattenuated,diluted,intelligent,reasonable,sensible,slight,smart,thin,uncrowded,unfriendly,unsociable,watery,wiseadj.crowded, packed
同义词 abundant,dense,full,impenetrable,tightclose,compact,great,rank,solidbrimming,bristling,bursting,chock-full,compressed,concentrated,condensed,considerable,covered,crammed,crawling with,frequent,heaped,imperviousinspissatedlike sardines,localized,multitudinous,numerous,populated,populous,profuse,replete,several,swarming,teeming
反义词 open,sparse,thin,looseattenuated,clear,diluted,intelligent,reasonable,sensible,slight,smart,uncrowded,unfriendly,unsociable,watery,wiseadj.stupid
同义词 dense,dullblockheaded,boneheaded,brainless,dim-witted,doltish,dopey,dumb,ignorant,insensitive,moronic,numbskulled,obtuse,slow,slow-witted,thickheaded
反义词 intelligent,smartattenuated,clear,diluted,loose,reasonable,sensible,slight,thin,uncrowded,unfriendly,unsociable,watery,wiseadj.dense(referring to weather)
同义词 dull,heavy,impenetrable,muddy,soupycloudy,foggy,indistinct,obscure,turbid
反义词 bright,clear,lightattenuated,diluted,intelligent,loose,reasonable,sensible,slight,smart,thin,uncrowded,unfriendly,unsociable,watery,wiseadj.friendly
同义词 close,cordial,familiar,intimatechummy,confidential,devoted,hand in glove,inseparable,on good terms
反义词 aloof,cool,unfriendlyattenuated,clear,diluted,intelligent,loose,reasonable,sensible,slight,smart,thin,uncrowded,unsociable,watery,wiseadj.unreasonable
同义词 thinflimsyexcessive,implausible,improbable,inconceivable,incredible,too much,unbelievable,unconvincing,unfair,unjust,unsubstantial
反义词 attenuated,clear,diluted,intelligent,loose,reasonable,sensible,slight,smart,uncrowded,unfriendly,unsociable,watery,wise
blockyadjective stocky
blubberverb cry
broadadjective wide physically
broaderadjective wide physically
broadestadjective wide physically
bushyadjective shaggy, unkempt
bristling,bristly,disordered,feathery,fluffy,fringed,full,furry,fuzzy,hairy,heavy,hirsute,leafy,luxuriant,nappy,prickly,rough,rumpled,spreading,stiff,thick,tufted,unruly,wiry,woolly It awaits me every morning on my windowsill: a layer of dust so thick you can write a newspaper article with your finger.
偶每天早晨都守在窗台边上:厚厚一层灰呀,你都能用手在上面写上一张报纸的文章了。 yeeyan

Rather, they are a thick, murky fog of thoughts and feelings that slowly but steadily eclipse my optimism.
它们却如一团厚厚的阴郁的思想与情感的迷雾,缓慢而坚定地侵蚀你的乐观情绪。 yeeyan

So yes, it should be zero at zero, but I made the line too thick.

The slow pulling down of thick green stalks so that the cup of the flower, as it turns over, deluges one with purple and red light.
粗大的绿色茎条慢慢地被拉得弯曲下来,杯盏形的花倾覆了,它那紫色和红色的光芒笼罩着人们。 putclub

The thick walls of the great hall baffled the square noises.

What the researchers found deep in the lunar interior: a solid iron ball300 miles across, wrapped in molten iron another56 miles thick, topped with a93- mile layer of partially molten material.
研究人员发现在月球内部深处:有一个跨度约为300英里的固体铁球,包裹在另外56英里厚的铁水里,顶上部分地还有93英里层的熔融材料。 yeeyan

“ After a long winter, people have gathered too much fire inside the body, because they tend to eat hot food and wear thick clothes to keep them warm, ” he said.
“在一个漫长的冬季之后,人们的体内积蓄了许多火力,因为他们在此期间为了保持温暖,会食用热的食物,并穿戴厚厚的衣物”,他说。 yeeyan

An easy recipe you can have every day is one apple, one carrot peeled, stick of celery, cube of ginger and thick slice of lemon remove rind.
每天都适用的一个简单食谱:一个苹果,一个胡萝卜去皮 ,一捆芹菜,一块生姜和一片厚柠檬删除果皮。 yeeyan

Both made of pine; both one inch thick.

But there were still thick clusters of cloud and some mist.
不过天上仍然有一簇簇厚云和一些薄雾。 yeeyan

FOUR years ago Brazil struck oil—up to350km220 miles offshore and buried under deep water and thick layers of rock, sand and corrosive salt.
四年前,巴西发现了石油—埋藏在深海,厚厚的岩石层,沙子,腐蚀性盐之下,离岸350千米220英里的地方。 ecocn

I can write a thick book on what is wrong by next week.
我可以在一个星期内写一本厚厚的批评中国的书。 cri

I love the thick texture of jeans.
我爱这个粗纹理的牛仔裤。 yeeyan

If it were, inevitably everyone who shaves on a regular basis would eventually be covered in pencil- thick or bigger hair sprouting out of their bodies from every place they shave.
假如它是真的话,那些定期剃须的人最终不可避免的会被从他们剃过的身体部位长出的像铅笔一样粗或者更粗的毛发所覆盖。 yeeyan

Not long after setting off, Eliyah spots a grey seal resting on some thick ice. He stops the boat and Tommy jumps out.
出发后不久,艾里亚就看见一头灰色的海豹在一块厚冰上休憩,他停下船来,汤米跃身跳出船去。 yeeyan

Panels are seven or eight bales high and one bale thick.
墙板有七、八包稻草那么高和一个包那么厚。 yeeyan

Pull apart the soft, grey graphite and you have a flimsy sheet of carbon atoms just one atom thick, called graphene, whose electrons ping around the surface like balls in a pinball machine.
把那柔软的、灰色的石墨拉开,你将会得到一个薄到只有一层原子厚的叫做石墨单原子层的东西。它表面周围的电子就像弹子机里的弹球一样。 yeeyan

Rock disco hair should be preferred if you have thick hair.
如果你的头发比较厚,摇滚迪斯科头会更好。 yeeyan

She wore thick powder.
她抹着厚厚的粉。 kekenet

That's the first hurdle you have to overcome, because when you do, you will realize that the pain was only half an inch thick.
这是你需要克服的第一个困难,因为当你克服了后,你会发现这种痛苦也只有半英寸厚而已。 yeeyan

The book is about this thick.
那本书大约有这么厚。 ebigear

The mountains are covered with thick snow.

The thick book whomped to the floor.

Thus, the issue is not how old globalism is, but rather how“ thin” or“ thick” it is at any given time.
因此,问题不在于全球主义是如何的古老,而在于全球主义在任何特定时间下有多么“稀疏”或“密集”。 yeeyan

We can use this special oil to reduce the thick paint to a liquid thin enough to spread easily.




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