释义 |
the Yi language 基本例句 彝语 Up to now, it is the most integral “scripture of making fire seeds” among the Yi people in Yunnan. The scripture is easy to read out inthe Yi language.目前在云南彝族中如此完整的“取火经”绝无仅有,用彝文念诵,朗朗上口。 The Yi nationality has a strong emotion towards their language and writing system, which makethe Yi languageand writing system passes on from one generation to another.彝族人民对自己的语言文字有一种原生的天然感情,是这种特殊的天然感情使彝语言文字得到传承和延续。 On the Compound Lifestyle of Crop Cultivation and Animal Husbandry Embodied in the Geographical Names of the Yi Language混成耕牧制在彝语地名中的反映 Ganshimido in Yi language means “happy, auspicious, and beautiful place”.甘思咪哚,彝语,意为“快乐、吉祥、美丽的地方”。 |