

单词 they'd
释义 they'd 英ðeɪd美ðedAHDYād ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁸⁷¹⁰²
contr.= they had: If only they'd been there. 要是他们当时在那儿就好了。;= they would: They'd never believe you. 他们绝不会相信你的。
Of those who said they'd been harassed online in2008, 20 percent reported being “very or extremely upset” by the most serious incident.
在那些表示他们在2008年于互联网上被骚扰的孩子中,20%的人表示对这些最严重的事故“极度不安”。 yeeyan

For many of them, it was the first time they'd ever voted.
对于其中的许多人来说,这是他们一生中第一次投票。 voanews

Officials said they'd found radiation levels above safety limits in milk and vegetables originating from the Fukushima area.
官员们表示,他们发现,来自福岛地区的牛奶和蔬菜中的辐射水平超出安全限制。 voanews

Once at the second step, they'd have to return to the home page, log in again, then re- enter their arrival and departure data.
一旦进入了第二个步骤,他们必须返回首页,重新登 录,然后再次输入到达航班和离开航班的数据。 yeeyan

Our children are always learning from us, including the lessons we wish they'd ignore.
我们的孩子总是模仿我们,包括那些我们不希望他们学会的东西。 hjenglish

We absolutely would not recommend this as a design paradigm, but it was a question of working with what they'd done or not at all.
我们绝对不推荐这样进行设计,但当时的问题是要么在他们已完成部分上继续工作,要么就不做。 infoq




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